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Chapter 19

carcin/o cancerous; cancer
aden/o gland
-oma tumor
ana- backward
-plasia development; formation; growth
apo- off; away
-ptosis falling; drooping; prolapse
Benign of a disease not harmful in effect
cac/o bad
-hexia state of
chem/o chemical drug
-therapy treatment
cry/o cold
plas/o formation
-tic pertaining to
-genesis formation
carcin/o cancerous; cancer
-gen substance that produces
Carcinoma in situ Referring to localized tumor cells that have not invaded adjacent structures. (Latin in situ means in place.) Cancer of the cervix may begin as carcinoma in situ
Epidermoid Resembling squamous epithelial cells (thin, plate-like); often occurring in the respiratory tract.
-oid derived from, related to, resembling or originating from
derm/o skin
epi- above; upon; on
Exenteration Wide resection involving removal of the tumor, its organ of origin, and all surrounding tissue in the body space.
Fractionation A method of dividing radiation into small, repeated doses rather than fewer large doses. Fractionation allows larger total doses to be given while causing less damage to normal tissue
-plasia development; formation; growth
Infiltrative Extending beyond normal tissue boundaries into adjacent tissues
Invasive Having the ability to enter and destroy surrounding tissue
Malignant Tumor having the characteristics of continuous growth, invasiveness, and metastasi
meta- beyond
-stasis control
-suppression to stop
myel/o spinal cord; bone marrow
oste/o bone
sarc/o flesh (connective tissue)
Morbidity Condition of being unwell or deficient in normal function.
Mutation Change in the genetic material (DNA) of a cell; may be caused by chemicals, radiation, or viruses or may occur spontaneously.
Neoplasm New growth; benign or malignant tumor.
Neo new
onc/o tumor
-logy study (process of)
papill/o nipple like
Papillary A microscopic description of tumor cell growth
ple/o many, more
morph/o shape; form
prot/o first
Virus A virus is an infectious microbe consisting of a segment of nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat.
sarc/o flesh (connective tissue)
radi/o radioactivity
radioresistant tumor Tumor that requires large doses of radiation to produce death of the cells. Melanoma and renal carcinoma are among the most radioresistant tumors
Radiosensitive tumor Tumor in which irradiation can cause the death of cells without serious damage to surrounding tissue (morbidity). Tumors of hematopoietic (blood-forming) and lymphatic origins are radiosensitive.
Created by: ihan
Popular Medical sets




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