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Patient Care

med term - patient Care, healthcare access, govt regulations of health care

provider a professional person, group, or organization that delivers healthcare services to a patient population
patient an individual who requires medical attention
intake the process by which patients enter the care of a medical facility
inpatient a medical designation that indicates that a patient is receiving care after having been formally admitted to a healthcare provider
outpatient a medical designation that indicates a patient is receiving care without having been formally admitted to a healthcare provider
discharge when patients are cleared to leave the care of a medical facility and receive instructions for ongoing care and treatment
healthcare delivery the process of getting health services to patients who need medical attention
healthcare system an organized network that delivers medical care services
access to care an individual’s ability to receive medical care based on factors like availability, location, cost, and ability to pay
insurance a service that contracts with individuals and groups to provide medical services in exchange for regular payments from the individual through a provider
coverage the specific group of healthcare services that an insurance provider is willing to reimburse healthcare providers for on behalf of their clients
premium the required regular payment that an individual agrees to pay to an insurance company in exchange for insurance coverage
health savings account (HSA) a tax-free savings account offered to individuals who are covered by insurance plans with high deductibles
health management organization (HMO) a type of health insurance in which a group of healthcare providers accept insurance payments to provide specific health services to members of the plan at a renegotiated rate
preferred provider organization (PPO) a type of health insurance in which a group of healthcare providers accept reduced rates for services from the insurance providers on behalf of the plan members
deductible an amount of money that must be paid out by a member of an insurance plan before the insurance company will offer reimbursement
private insurance plan an insurance plan in which patients pay monthly premiums for healthcare coverage, and submit claims for reimbursement
personal insurance plan a health insurance plan in which a person sets aside money to use in the future to cover predicted medical expenses
international agencies regulatory agencies that create regulations and recommendations and coordinate health services for a variety of communities worldwide
regulatory agencies an agency that writes the regulations intended to enforce a law
domestic agencies agencies that write rules and coordinate services within the United States
food and drug administration (FDA) a domestic agency responsible for enforcing regulations of accurate labeling and safe handling of food and drugs
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) a domestic agency responsible for collecting data on workplace accidents and using that data to create regulations and recommendations
joint commission a nonprofit organization that offers accreditation and certification to hospitals and healthcare centers in the United States
US Department of Health and Human Services a federal regulatory agency that administers and manages many health organizations, systems, and programs
national institutes of health (NIH) a domestic agency under the US Department of Health and Human Services that leads a number of medical research programs
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) a group of government agencies under the US Department of Health and Human Services that work to prevent the transmission of diseases and ensure the general protection of public health
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) a domestic agency under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention whose roles include researching the causes of workplace-related injuries and helping to prevent them
medicare a federal health insurance plan offered to those who are 65 years of age or older and some people with disabilities
medicaid a federal and state program that provides healthcare coverage for people with disabilities or lower incomes
World Health Organization (WHO) an international agency that works to ensure that health care is available to people worldwide
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) a federal agency responsible for administering benefits in Medicare, Medicaid, and several other health insurance programs
Created by: Vaishnavi.
Popular Medical sets




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