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Career Abbreviations

med term - physician, nursing, emergency, dental, informatics, transcription

MD Doctor of Medicine: a title that is granted upon completion of a rigorous course of study in an accredited medical school, enabling the titleholder to examine patients, recommend a course of treatment, and prescribe medication
DO Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine: title that is equivalent to an MD, but focuses more on holistic and alternative solutions to medical issues
OB/ GYN obstetrician: physician who specializes in monitoring the health of mothers and babies during pregnancy, labor, and childbirth
PT Physical Therapist: a medical professional who attempts to reduce dysfunction in the musculoskeletal system by improving joint mobility, muscle strength, balance, and coordination; also called a physiotherapist
nurse a medical professional who provides therapeutic care for patients in order to improve or maintain their health
CNA certified nurse's aide: a medical professional who provides patients with basic healthcare treatments and procedures
LPN licensed practical nurse: medical professional who provides hands-on care for patients under the supervision of registered nurses and doctors
RN registered nurse: a medical professional who can work independently to provide direct care by observing, evaluating, and treating patients
APRN advanced practice registered nurse: medical professional who has an advanced post-graduate degree in a nursing discipline, such as anesthesia or midwifery
NP nurse practitioner: advanced practice registered nurse who has a master’s degree or PhD in nursing
DNP Doctor of Nursing Practice: degree awarded to nurses based on clinical practice that allows them to practice medicine independently as nurse practitioners
EMT emergency medical technician: medical professional who responds to emergency calls in ambulances, performs medical services, and takes patients to hospitals and medical facilities
EMT certification a state certification for the ability to provide basic emergency care and transportation for critical patients, as well as the ability to use life support equipment and skills
AEMT (Advanced Emergency Medical Technician) certification a state certification for the ability to conduct interventions on critical patients and to use life support equipment and skills
paramedic certification the highest level of state certification for an emergency medical technician certifying the ability to perform advanced life support skills in addition to interventions and life support equipment and skills
DH dental hygienist: medical professional who examines and cleans the teeth and mouth, performs preventive treatments, and educates patients about oral health under the supervision of a licensed dentist
LDH/ RDH A DH can also be called a licensed dental hygienist (LDH) or a registered dental hygienist (RDH)
DA/ CDA dental assistant/ certified dental assistant: a medical professional who prepares dental tools and materials, assists hygienists and dentists, and sometimes works as a receptionist
BMET biomedical equipment technician: medical professional who maintains and operates medical equipment, such as ultrasound, CAT scan, and dialysis machines
health informatics a branch of health information management that uses computer systems to gather, organize, maintain, and store patients' healthcare data
CIS clinical information system: electronic database that stores important healthcare information, such as health records and prescriptions
CIS specialist a health informatics professional who manages clinical information systems by entering data, managing data, generating data reports, and maintaining the applications and systems needed to keep data safe and secure
health information administrator a professional who oversees health informatics issues that come up in the workplace, such as computer system crashes or the installation of new healthcare software
RHIT Registered Health Information Technician: given to an individual to demonstrate knowledge of techniques for managing electronic patient data and medical records
CHPS Certified in Healthcare Privacy and Security: given to an individual to demonstrate knowledge of techniques for securing the privacy and security of sensitive patient and healthcare information
CHDA Certified Health Data Analyst: given to an individual to demonstrate knowledge of techniques for analyzing information, specifically with electronic health records
medical transcriptionist a health informatics specialist who records physicians’ oral notes for patient records
RMT Registered Medical Transcriptionist: a certification that indicates that an individual has the essential skills and knowledge to work as a medical transcriptionist
CMT Certified Medical Transcriptionist: a certification that indicates that an individual has expert knowledge in medical transcription
CCS - P Certified Coding Specialist – Physician Based: given to an individual to demonstrate knowledge of medical coding, specializing in physician-based settings
CCS Certified Coding Specialist: given to an individual to demonstrate knowledge of techniques for medical coding, specializing in hospital practice settings
Created by: Vaishnavi.
Popular Medical sets




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