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EMT Medical terms

prefixes, root words, suffixes

a- or an without; lack of
angio- or arterio vessels
brady- slow
anti- against; opposed to
ante- before or forward
apena without breath
anemia without blood
-algia pertaining to pain
-centesis puncture
-genic causing
-osis condition
-pathy disease
myo- or musculo or sarco- muscle
nephro-/renal kidney
pneumo- air
cardio- heart
glyco- sugar
hepat/o- liver
arter- artery
arthro- joint
cephalo- head
cyto- or -cyte cells
gastro- stomach
Hemo- blood
neuro- nerve
-itis inflammation
-osis abnormal condition
-ectomy to cut out; remove
-ostomy make a hole; an opening
-scopy or -scopic to look at
-graph or -graphy recording of an an image
-gram image; pictiure
-ology (-ologist) the study of; specialist
eu - normal
dys- abnormal
omni- or pan- all
mono- single
di- 2; double
tri 3; triple
Quad- 4; quadruple
poly- many
oligo- few; several; very little
tachy- rapid; fast
epi-/Peri-/Circum- around
endo-/Intra- inside; inner; interior
exo-/ extra- outside; outer; exterior
Inter- between
trans- across
dia-/per- (think of perforated) through; complete
medi(o/a) middle
para- nearby
juxta- next to; beside
ab- ( ex: abduction) away
ad- (ex: adduction) toward
dis- separate
homeo- body
cerv- neck
thoraco- chest
abdomino- abdominal
pelvo/i pelvic
periton- peritoneum
derm- skin
vasculo- vascular
osteo- bone
-cyte cells
entero- intestines
-tension pressure
-xia oxygen
-capnea carbon dioxide
-pnea air
-phobia fear of
-oma tumor
-plasia growing
mal- bad
-emia relating to a blood condition
-penia decreased; below normal
-stasis/-static maintenance of normal conditions
-plasty surgical repair
-otomy incision; cutting
-therapy treatment
chemo- chemical
echo-/sono- sound
electro- electrical charge
-trophy growth
-emesis vomitting
-emesis vomiting
supra- above
-edema swelling
asthen weakness
alges root word for pain
para live (think birth)
gravida pregnancy or pregnancies
-rrhea flow or discharge
Created by: Filefive
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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