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Matching Game

contra- against
brady- slow
tachy- fast
pre- before
post- after
ecto- outside
epi- upon
hyper- over
mono- one
oligo- few
-iatrics medical science
-algia pain
-itis inflammation
-malacia abnormal softening
-emia blood condition
-oma tumor
-centesis puncture
-ectomy removal
-rrhaphy suture
-pathy disease
fasciectomy removal of fascia
bradykinesia abnormally slow movement
hematoma mass of blood within an organ, cavity or tissue
atrophy underdevelopment, decrease, or loss of muscle tissue
costalgia rib pain
brachycardia slow heartbeat
aortectasia dilation of the aorta
arthritis joint inflammation
lymphoma tumor originating in lymphocytes
splenitis inflammation of the spleen
adenectomy surgical removal of a gland
keratalgia pain in the cornea
uremia presence of urinary waste in the blood
keratitis inflammation of the cornea
meningioma tumor of the meninges
euphoria positive emotional state
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
ataxia lack of coordination
lymphadenectomy surgical removal of a lymph gland
myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle
hypercholesterolemia excessive cholesterol in the blood
tarsoclasia surgical fracture of the ankle
bursolith a stone in the bursa
angiorrhaphy suture of a vessel
cardiomegaly enlarged heart
osteoporosis loss of bone density
blepharoplasty surgical reconstruction of the eyelid
chondromalacia abnormal softening of the cartilage
adenopathy gland disease
audiologist hearing specialist
retinotomy incision into the retina
pericardiocentesis puncture of the tissue around the heart
thrombophlebitis inflammation of a vein caused by a clot
myomectomy removal of a muscle tumor
phacoscope instrument for looking at the lens
otoneurologist specialist in the nerve connections between the ear and brain
glycolysis breakdown of sugar
gonadogenesis creation/development of gonads
adenomegaly abnormal enlargement of a gland
gonadotropin hormone that stimulates the gonads
nephrosplenopexy surgical fixation of the spleen and a kidney
Created by: danpow0589
Popular Medical sets




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