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Med Term Ch4

Chapter 4 - Medical Terminology for Health Professions 9th E Schroeder

What percentage of heat that keeps the body warm is generated by muscle? 85%
5 Functions of the Muscular System Movement, Heat generation, Moving food in the digestive system, aiding the flow of blood, and moving fluid through various ducts within the body.
Musculoskeletal The term for the joined skeletal and muscular system.
How many muscles does one human have? More than 600
Muscle Fibers Long, slender cells that comprise muscles. Groups of fibers are bound together by connective tissue.
Fascia The flexible connective tissue that envelops, separates, and binds together muscles or groups of muscles
Tendon A narrow band of non-elastic, dense, fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscles to bones.
Difference Between Tendon and Ligaments Tendon: Muscle to bone Ligaments: Bone to bone
Achilles Tendon Attaches the gastrocnemius muscle to the heel bone, located posterior of the ankle joint.
Aponeurosis A sheet-like fibrous connective tissue that resembles a tendon connecting muscle to bone.
Skeletal Muscles The muscles that attach to bones, and are responsible for voluntary muscle movements. AKA Striated muscles, because under a microscope, they have fibrous bands that make the muscle look striped.
Smooth Muscles The muscles located on the walls of internal organs that allow fluids to move through various structures, glands, and ducts to facilitate the function of that organ. AKA involuntary muscles, unstriated muscles, visceral muscles.
Myocardial Muscle The muscular walls of the heart. This is unique because it is striated, like skeletal muscle, but is involuntary, like smooth muscles. AKA myocardium, or cardiac muscle.
Muscle Innervation The stimulation of a muscle by an impulse from the motor nerve. Motor nerves control voluntary movements.
Neuromuscular Pertaining to the relationship between a nerve and muscle
Antagonistic Working in opposition to each other
Antagonistic Pairs The description of how muscles come in pairs that allow for contrasting movement. When one of the muscles contracts, the opposite muscle relaxes.
Contraction The tightening of a muscle, which makes the muscle become shorter and thicker.
Belly (of a muscle) The center of a muscle, which enlarges when a muscle is contracted.
Relaxation The muscle returning to it's original form after a contraction.
Abduction The movement of a limb away from the midline of the body.
Abductor The name of a muscle that will move a body part away from the midline.
Adduction The movement of a limb towards the midline.
Adductor The name of a muscle that will move a body part towards the midline.
Flexion Decreasing the angle between two bones by bending a joint.
Flex To Bend
Flexor A muscle that bends a limb at a joint, creates flexion.
Extension Increasing the angle between two bones, straightening out a joint.
Tens To stretch out
Extensor A muscle that straightens a muscle at a joint.
Hyperextension The extreme overextension of a limb or body part beyond its normal limit.
Elevation The act of raising or lifting a body part.
Levator Muscles that raise a body part.
Depression The act of lowering a body party.
Rotation A circular movement, around an axis, such as the shoulder joint.
Circumduction The circular movement at the far (distal) end of a limb.
Rotator A muscle that turns a body part on it's axis
Rotator Cuff The group of muscles and their tendons that surround the shoulder joint, allowing for the humerus to rotate.
Supination The act of rotating an arm or leg so that the palm or hand/sole of the foot is turned forward.
Pronation The act of rotating an arm or leg so that the palm or sole is downward or backward.
Dorsiflexion The movement that bends the foot upward at the ankle (Toes towards knees).
Plantar Flexion The movement that bends the foot downward at the ankle (Toes away from the knee, a "point")
Superficial Muscles that are located near the skin, "near the surface".
3 Categories that Influence the Name of a Muscle Origin, Attachment, Action
Origin Where the muscle begins, located nearest the midline of the body, or on a less movable part of the body.
Insertion Where the muscle ends by attaching to a bone or tendon, located on the point farthest from the midline of the body.
Sternocleidomastoid A muscle that has 2 points of origin (sternum/sterno, collar bone/cleid) and attaches on the mastoid process of the temporal bone, which helps bend the neck and rotate the head.
Flexor Carpi vs Extensor Carpi Muscles named for their actions: the flexion (bending) and extension (straightening) of the wrist (carpi)
Carpi vs Tarsi Carpi - Wrist Bones Tarsi - Ankle Bones
Pectoralis Major A thick, fan-shaped muscles on the anterior of the chest wall, named for the location.
Pectoral Relating to the chest
Vastus Latin for "huge", ex. "vast"
Medialis Toward the midline
Lateralis Toward the side
Vastus lateralis vs Vastus medialis Large muscles in the leg. Lateralis is on the outside of the leg, medialis is on the inside of the leg.
Oblique A muscle named for the direction the fibers run: slanted or at an angle.
Rectus A muscle named for the direction the fibers run: upright, along the vertical axis of the body.
Sphincter A ring-like muscle, there are several in the body.
Transverse A muscle named for the direction the fibers run: in a crosswise direction, like the transverse plane.
Biceps When a muscle has 2 divisions
Triceps When a muscle has 3 divisions
Gluteus Maximus Largest muscle of the buttock.
Deltoid Muscle Named for the greek symbol delta.
Hamstring Muscles Named from butchers--these are the muscles used to hang a slaughtered pig.
Occipitofrontalis Muscles AKA Frontalis, muscles of the forehead which raise and lower eyebrows.
Temporalis Moves lower jaw up and down to close the mouth.
Massiter One of the strongest muscles in the body, moves the jaw up and down, and does the work of chewing.
Pectoralis Major Muscle over the upper ribs, located under (deep) of the breast tissue.
External and Internal Obliques Muscles of the trunk that connect around the abdomen to the spine, which helps us rotate and flex our back.
Rectus Abdominus Muscle that helps flex the trunk and assist in breathing.
Transverse Abdominus
Created by: SBezek
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