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MRT-110; Chapter 1

"the essentials of medical language"; anatomy of medical terms

root element that provides the core meaning of the word
combining form roots are joined to other elements in a medical term by adding a combining vowel (a,e,i,o,u)
suffix element added to the END of a root or combining form to give it a new meaning
prefix element added to the BEGINNING of a root or combining form to further expand the meaning; usually indicate time, number, size, or location
S/ -itis inflammation
R/ bronch- bronchus
S/ -ia condition
R/ -pneumon lung, air
S/ -ary pertaining to
R/ pulmon- lung
S/ -logy study of
S/ -logist one who studies, specialist
S/ -ation process
R/ respir- to breathe
S/ -atory pertaining to
R/CF pneumon/o- lung, air
S/ -ic pertaining to
R/ gastr- stomach
P/ epi- above
P/ hypo- below
S/ -al pertaining to
R/ later- side
P/ bi- two
P/ uni- one
P/ macro- large
R/ -cyte cell
mature Latin; ready
P/ post- after
P/ pre- before
R/ -mature fully developed
P/ micro- small
R/ nat- birth, born
P/ peri- around
S/ -thorax chest
R/CF cardi/o- heart
S/ -pathy disease
R/CF -my/o- muscle
P/ dia- complete
R/ -gnosis knowledge of an abnormal condition
S/ -tic pertaining to
R/ -gnose recognize an abnormal condition
S/ -gram record
R/CF electr/o- electricity
S/ -ive pertaining to
R/ -tens- pressure
P/ in- in
R/ -farct area of dead tissue
S/ -ion action, condition
S/ -emia a blood condition
R/ -isch to block
S/ -emic pertaining to a condition of the blood
R/ cardi- heart
S/ -um structure
P/ pro- before, project forward
Singular -a (axilla) Plural -ae (axillae)
Singular -ax (thorax) Plural -aces (thoraces)
Singular -en (lumen) Plural -ina (lumina)
Singular -ex (cortex) Plural -ices (cortices)
Singular -is (diagnosis) Plural -es (diagnoses)
Singular -is (epididymis) Plural -ides (epididymides)
Singular -ix (appendix) Plural -ices (appendices)
Singular -ma (carcinoma) Plural -mata (carcinomata)
Singular -on (ganglion) Plural -a (ganglia)
Singular -um (septum) Plural -a (septa)
Singular -us (viscus) Plural -era (viscera)
Singular -us (villus) Plural -i (villi)
Singular -us (corpus) Plural -ora (corpora)
Singular -x (phalanx) Plural -ges (phalanges)
Singular -y (ovary) Plural -ies (ovaries)
Singular -yx (calyx) Plural -ices (calices)
axilla Latin; armpit
R/ axill- armpit
P/ de- without
R/ -ment- mind
ganglion Greek; a swelling or knot
ileum Latin; to twist or roll up
ilium Latin; groin
mucous (noun) Greek; slime
S/ -ous pertaining to
R/ muc- mucus
S/ -osa full of; like
prostate Greek; one who stands before
prostrate Latin; to stretch out
reflex Latin; bend back
reflux Latin; backward flow
septum Latin; a partition
R/ cervic- neck
cervix Latin; neck
R/ -fusion to pour
P/ trans- across, through
P/ intra- within, inside
R/ -ven- vein
R/CF neur/o- nerve
S/ -logist one who studies and is a specialist in
protocol Latin; contents of a book
ureter Greek; urinary canal
urethra Greek; passage of urine
R/CF ur/o- urine
uterus Latin; womb
vertebra Latin; bone in the spine
Created by: Aliyamaliya
Popular Medical sets




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