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g6 Segment 1

6th Grade STEMscopes CA Segment 1 All Scopes

Absorption The transfer of energy into a medium
Altitude The distance from sea level
Atmosphere The layer of gas surrounding a planet that is held in place by gravity
Atmospheric Circulation The large-scale movement of air around Earth
Cell The basic structural and functional unit of living organisms
Cell Membrane A lipid barrier that encloses the cytoplasm and controls what enters and exits the cell.
Cell Wall A tough, protective barrier that surrounds the outer membrane of some types of cells
Chloroplast A membrane-bound organelle in plants that is the site of photosynthesis
Climate Average weather patterns for a particular region
Condensation The change from a gas state to a liquid state
Coriolis Effect The apparent deflection of moving air, as seen by an observer on Earth, as a result of Earth's rotation.
Crystallization The formation of highly ordered, solid structures from particles in a solution
Evaporation Change of a liquid to a vapor or gas
Function What something does
Gravity The force that causes objects with mass to attract one another
Groundwater Water that collects in cracks and pores in underground soil and rock layers
Latitude Geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on Earth's surface
Mitochondrion The organelle that functions in energy production; the power factory of the cell
Multicellular A category of organisms made up of more than one cell and of different types of cells
Nucleus A membrane-bound organelle in eukaryotic cells that contains the DNA; the control center of the cell
Ocean Currents Directional movements of ocean water; surface currents result from steady winds over the ocean surface; deep currents result from density variations due to temperature and salinity differences
Organ A collection of tissues joined together into a structure that performs specialized functions
Organelle A structure inside a cell that performs a specialized function
Organism A self-contained living thing
Percolation When water soaks into the ground and moves downward through spaces between soil and rocks
Precipitation Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from clouds in the sky
Radiant Energy Energy from the Sun that reaches Earth as visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and infrared (heat) radiation
Regional Geography The study of specific regions of Earth
Rotation The spinning of Earth on its axis that causes day and night to occur
Runoff Rainfall and surface water that drain or flow from the land into streams, rivers, lakes, or the ocean
Specialized Having chasracteristics that allow specific functions to be performed
Subsystem A self-contained system within a larger system
System A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole
Thermal Energy The total kinetic (motion) energy of the tiny particles that make up matter; the faster the particles move, the warmer the matter becomes
Tissue A mass of similar cells that perform a specialized function
Transpiration The process by which plants lose water (water vapor) through the stomata in their leaves
Unicellular A category of organisms made up of one cell
Water Cycle The constant movement of water through the land, air, oceans, and living things
Weather The day-to-day state of the atmosphere
Created by: ncraft13
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