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Integumentary system

Pathological terms

lesion Wound, damage, or injury to the skin.
vascular lesion Lesion in a blood vessel that shows through the skin.
macule Small, flat, noticeably colored spot on the skin.
patch Small area of skin differing in color from the surrounding area.
papule Solid elevation on the skin.
nodule Small knob of tissue
plaque Small area of skin differing in color from the surrounding area; buildup of solid material, such as a fatty deposit, on the lining of an artery.
polyp Bulging mass of tissue that projects outward from the skin surface.
pediculated polyp Polyp that projects upward from a slender stalk
sessile polyp Polyp that projects upward from a broad base.
tumor Any mass of tissue; swelling
wheal Itchy patch of raised skin
bulla Bubble-like blister on the surface of the skin.
pustule Small elevation on the skin containing pus.
vesicle Small, raised sac on the skin containing fluid
cyst Abnormal sac containing fluid.
pilonidal cyst Cyst containing hair usually found at the lower end of the spinal column.
sebaceous cyst Cyst containing yellow sebum.
erosion Wearing away of the surface of the skin, especially when caused by friction.
excoriation Injury to the surface of the skin caused by a scratch, abrasion, or burn, usually accompanied by some oozing.
fissure Deep slit in the skin; deep furrow or slit (as in bone); one of many indentations of the cerebrum; sulcus.
ulcer Open lesion, usually with superficial loss of tissue.
decubitus, decubitus ulcer chronic ulcer on skin over bony parts that are under constant pressure; pressure sore.
pressure ulcer Chronic ulcer on skin over bony parts that are under constant pressure
scale Small plate of hard skin that falls off.
keloid Thick scarring of the skin that forms after an injury or surgery.
crust Hard layer, especially one formed by dried pus, as in a scab
Created by: SViner
Popular Medical sets




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