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g6 Segment 2

6th Grade STEMscopes CA Segment 2 All Scopes

Atmospheric Movement Global air circulation patterns within the atmosphere held to Earth by gravity and warmed as heat radiates from Earth; influenced by convection of warm, less dense air (rises and spreads out) and cold, dense air (sinks)
Climate Average weather patterns for a particular region
Conduction Transfer of thermal energy that occurs in solids, liquids, and gases when two substances of different temperatures touch.
Conductor A substance that allows the flow of electrical charge or transfers thermal energy through matter.
Convection Heat transfer caused by the rising of hotter, less dense fluids and the falling of cooler, more dense fluids
Convection Current A circular movement of fluids caused by the rising of hotter, less dense fluid and the falling of cooler, more dense fluid
Coriolis Effect The apparent deflection of moving air, as seen by an observer on Earth, is a result of Earth's rotation.
Density The amount of matter in a given space or volume
Energy The ability of a system to do work; required for changes to happen within a system
Global Relating to the whole world
Heat Transfer The thermal energy exchange between two objects of different temperatures; energy moves in a predictable pattern from warmer sites to cooler sites until all sites have reached the same temperature
Insulator A material that does not conduct heat or electric current
Kinetic Energy Energy of Motion
Law of Conservation of Energy Scientific law stating that energy can be neither created nor destroyed but just changes form
Mass A measure of how much matter is present in a substance
Matter Anything that has volume and mass
Motion The change in an object's position with respect to time and in comparison with the position of other objects used as reference points
Ocean Currents Directional movements of ocean water; surface currents result from steady winds over the ocean surface; deep currents result from density variations due to temperature and salinity differences
Radiation The transfer of energy by the movement of electromagnetic waves or subatomic particles.
Rotation The spinning of Earth on its axis that causes day and night to occur
Salinity Saltiness or dissolved salt content of a body of water
Speed The rate of change of position (or distance traveled) with respect to time
States of Matter Distinct forms of matter known in everyday experience: solid, liquid, and gas; also referred to as phases
System A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole
Temperature Average kinetic energy of all the particles in a material; measured by a thermometer in degrees (usually degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit)
Thermal Energy The total kinetic (motion) energy of the tiny particles that make up matter; the faster the particles move, the warmer the matter becomes
Created by: ncraft13
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