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g6 Segment 3

6th grade STEMscopes CA Segment 3 (all scopes)

Adaptation A process by which a population becomes better suited to its environment by increasing the frequencies of alleles that provide benefits to survival and reproduction
Air Mass A body of air extending over a large area (1,000 miles or more) that develops and retains specific characteristics of pressure, temperature, and humidity
Allele A version of a gene
Anther The part of a flower that contains the pollen; located at the end of the stamen
Asexual Reproduction The reproductive process that involves one parent and produces offspring identical to the parent
Atmosphere The layer of gas surrounding a planet that is held in place by gravity
Behavior What a plant or animal does
Brain The organ that serves as the primary control center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals
Chemical Input A chemical that enters the body
Chromosome A single, highly organized and structured piece of DNA
Cold Front The border between an advancing mass of cold air mass and a retreating warm air mass
Electromagnetic Input Signals that enter the body in the form of electromagnetic stimuli
Environmental Factor Any factor, whether abiotic or biotic, that influences living organisms
Forecast A prediction or estimate of future events
Gene The basic physical and functional unit of heredity made up of DNA
Genetic Factors Things that result from the specific alleles carried by an individual
Genetic Variation The variety of gene combinations that exist within a population
Global Winds Winds that act as a heat transfer system due to the unequal heating of Earth’s surface
Growth Process of increasing in size and maturity
Inherited Trait A characteristic that is passed from parent to offspring
Landforms Features on the surface of Earth, such as mountains, hills, dunes, oceans, or rivers
Mechanical Input Signals that enter the body through physical touch or vibration
Nerve Cell A cell specialized for transmitting fast electrochemical signals
Ocean Currents Directional movements of ocean water; surface currents result from steady winds over the ocean surface; deep currents result from density variations due to temperature and salinity differences
Offspring Product of reproduction; a new organism produced by one or more parents
Organism A self-contained living thing
Ovary A female reproductive organ that produces eggs
Petals The colorful, leaflike structures that encircle the center part of the flower
Pistil The female structure of the flower; contains the stigma, style, and ovary
Pollen Fine to coarse particles spread from flowers and seeds of plants
Pollination The process of fertilizing flowers by transferring pollen from the male to female parts
Probabilistically Based on probability
Punnett Square A tool used to analyze the possible allele combinations of the offspring between two individuals
Reproduction The process by which organisms produce more of their own kind
Sensory Receptor A nerve ending that sends signals to the central nervous system when it is stimulated
Sexual Reproduction The reproductive process involving two parents whose genetic material is combined to produce a new organism different from themselves
Specialized Having characteristics that allow specific functions to be performed
Stamen The male structure of the flower; contains the anther and filament
Stimulus An action or condition that provokes a response
Variation The occurrence of an organism, trait, or gene in more than one form
Warm Front The boundary between an advancing warm air mass and a receding cooler air mass
Weather The day-to-day state of the atmosphere
Weather Map A map or chart that shows the weather conditions at a specific point in time over a specific region
Weather Pattern Similar weather for a certain number of days
Created by: ncraft13
Popular Science sets




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