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Chapter 1-3

Medical term

cc chief complaint
ROS review of systems
Hx history
Dx diagnosis
PCP primary care provider
Y/O years old
F/U follow up
I/O input /output
BMI body Mass index
SOB shortness of breath
Bp blood pressure
Resp respiration
RR respiration rate
P pulse
VS vital signs
HPI history of present illness
HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
PERRLA Pupil, equal round, reactive to light accommodation
Prefix beginning of the word, modify the rest of the word
Suffix end of the word, gives meaning to the word
Pathology repot reason for test, result of test, assessment
consult note authorized by provider, reason referred clarified, findings, assessment
discharge summary why admission or discharge, F/U reasons
radiology report reason for test, technique used, findings, impression
operative summary Dx, procedure info, description, indications, findings
Admission summary why admitted, subjective, objective, assessment, plan. Soap notes
po by mouth
Eponyms named after the founder
Acronyms shortening of a word
Ultima the last syllable
Penult the almost last syllable, the middle
Antepenult the beginning
root foundation of the term
Hem/o hemat/o Blood
Angi/o, vas/o, and vascul/o vessel
gen/o JIN-oh creation, cause
hydr/o HAI-droh water
morph/o MOR-foh change
myc/o MAI-koh fungus
necr/o NEH-kroh death
orth/o OR-thoh straight
path/o PAH-thoh suffering, disease
Phago/o FAY-goh eat
Plas/o PLAH-soh formation
Py/o PAI-oh pus
Scler/o SKLEH-roh hard
sten/o STIH-noh narrowing
troph/o TROH-foh nourishment, development
xen/o ZEE-noh foreign
ac ak pertaining to
-al Al pertaining to
ar ar pertaining to
ary ar-ee pertaining to
eal ee-al pertaining to
ic ik pertaining to
tic tik pertaining to
ous us pertaining to
ia ee-ah condition
ism ih-zum condition
um ee-um tissue, structure
y ee condition, procedure
icle ik-el small
ole ohl small
ule yool small
ula yoo-lah small
tom/o cut
algia AL-jah Pain
dynia DIN-ee-ah or DAI-nee-ah Pain
-cele SEEL hernia
emia EEM-ee-ah blood condition
iasis AI-ah-sis presence of
itis AIT-is inflammation
lysis LIH-sis loosen, break down
malacia mah-LAY-shee-ah abnormal softening
megaly MEG-ah-lee enlargement
oid OYD resembling
oma OH-mah tumor
osis OH-sis condition
pathy pah-thee disease
penia PEE-nee-ah deficiency
con- kon with, together
syn- sin with, together
sym- sim with, together
dys- dis bad
eu- yoo good
Adip/o Fat
Lip/o Fat
Steat/o Fat
ac before meals
bid twice per day
pc after meals
prn as needed
Q4H every 4 hours
QH every hour
QID four times per day
stat immediatly
TID three times per day
Created by: Rutmic1654
Popular Medical sets




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