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Med Term Chpt 4

Musculoskeletal System/Orthopedics

epiphyseal plate growth plate
epiphyses ends of bones
diaphysis middle of bone (shaft)
metaphysis neck (connects the diaphysis with the epiphysis
axial (skeleton) center bones (skull, spine (vertebrae), sternum, and ribs)
appendicular (skeleton) arms and legs
cervical neck region-7 cervical verebrae
thoracic chest region
lumbar lower back region
oste/o bone
osteopathy disease of the bone
periosteum tissue that covers the outside of the bone
crani/o head, skull
craniometer measures the size of the skull
craniomalacia softening of the skull
cervic/o neck
cervicitis inflammation of the neck
spondyl/o vertebra
spondylitis inflammation of the vertebra
lumb/o loin, lower back
lumbodynia pain in the lower back
brachi/o arm
brachiocephalic pertaining to the arm and head
brachialgia pain in the arm
dactyl/o finger
adactyly without a finger
dactylagia pain in the finger
carp/o wrist
carpectomy removal of wrist bones
metacarpal beyond the carpals (bones of the hand)
cost/o rib
costectomy removal of a rib
intercostal pertaining to btwn the ribs
femor/o femur
femoral artery large artery found in the thigh, provides arterial blood to thigh region
tibi/o pain in the tibia (shinbone)
tars/o ankle
tarsitis inflammation of the ankle
tarsalgia pain in the ankle
extension/flexion "body part extended outward, body part brought closer/flexed in"
adduction/abduction bringing upper/lower extremity CLOSER to midline , bringing upper/lower extremity AWAY from midline
ligaments join bone to bone
tendons join muscle to bone (thick bands of connective tissue)
cartilage found at ends of bones (within moveable joint), allows for smooth movement
bursae sacs of fluid found under tendons to cushion
chondr/o cartilage
chondritis inflammation of the cartilage
chondrodynia pain in the cartilage
arthr/o joint
arthritis inflammation of the joint
arthroscopic surgery insertion of a small camera and tool to view and correct problems of the joint
burs/o bursa
bursitis inflammation of the bursa
bursectomy removal of the bursa
fascia membrane
skeletal/striated muscles attaches to bones, has striations, encased in fascia (voluntary mvmt)
cardiac muscle has striations, only found in the heart (involuntary mvmt)
smooth muscle lines hollow organs like blood vessels and airways, (involuntary mvmt)
ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o tendon
tenodynia pain in the tendon
tendolysis breakdown of the tendon
tendinitis inflammation of the tendon
muscul/o, my/o, myos/o muscle
musculoskeletal made up of the muscles and bones
myopathy disease of the muscle
myositis inflammation of the muscle
fasci/o fascia (fibrous connective tissue binding muscles together
fasciotomy incision into the fascia
fasciitis inflammation of the fascia
kinesi/o movement
ton/o tone/pressure/tension
tax/o arrangement, order, and/or coordination
-paresis partial paralysis
-plegia complete paralysis
dystonia abnormal tone
tonograph device that measures tension
kinesiology study of movement
hyperkinesia excessive movement
kinetic energy energy of motion
ataxia/dystaxia absence of movement, poor coordination
hypotaxia reduced movement
ankylosis condition of being stiff
ankylodactyly adhesion between two fingers
ostalgia/ostealgia/osteodynia pain in the bone
arthralgia/arthrodynia pain in the joint
tenalgia pain in the tendon
myalgia/myodynia pain in the muscle
atrophy lack of development, wasting away
hypertrophy over development
genu valgum bow legged
genu varum knock-kneed
crepitus joint makes a crackling sound when bent
hypotonia/hypertonia decrease/increase in tone
dyskinesia inability to control movement
bradykinesia/ slow movement
mysospasms twitches
costalgia pain in rib
metatarsalgia pain in metatarsals (hands)
spondylodynia pain i nvertebra
tibialgia pain in tibia (shin bone)
arthralgia, arthrodynia, cervicodynia neck pain
dystonia poor muscle tone
arthrocele hernia of a joint
arthrosclerosis hardening of the joints
subluxation partial dislocation of a joint
craniosynostosis premature fusing of the skull bones
hemarthrosis blood in the joint
hydraarthrosis fluid in the joint
pyarthrosis pus in the joint
analgesic relieves pain
anti-inflammatory reduces swelling
antipyretic lowers fever
antiarthritic reduces joint inflammation
closed reduction returning bones to proper position WITHOUT surgery
open reduction returning bones to proper position WITH surgery
external fixation fixation (keeping still) of a bone from OUTSIDE the body (cast/splint)
internal fixation fixation (keeping still) of a bone from the INSIDE the body (plates/screws)
orthotics/prosthesis straighten or help to straighten/stabilize part of body/ replaces a missing part
-clasia surgical breaking
-plasty reconstruction
-omy/-otomy incision
-desis surgical fixation
Created by: cynmur1110
Popular Medical sets




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