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Terminology - A-B

Stedman's cards 1-50

a-, an- not, without, less
ab-, abs- from, away from, off
abdomin/o abdomen, abdominal
-ac pertaining to, relating to
acous/o hearing
ad- increase, adherence, 2, toward
albin-, albin/o white
-ad toward
aden-, aden/o gland, glandular
adip-, adip/o fat, fatty
adren-, adren/o adrenal gland
-agra sudden onslaught of acute pain
-al pertaining to, relating to
alge-, alges/i, algio-, algo- pain
-algia, -algesia pain
allo- other, differing from normal
alveol/o 1. The alveolar process 2. Concave vessel or bowl
ambi- around, both, both sides
ambly/o dullness, dimness, blunt
amni/o amnion (amniotic sac)
amyl/o starch
ana- up, toward, apart
andr/o masculine, male
angi-, angi/o blood or lymph vessels
anis/o unequal, dissimilar, unlike
ankyl/o bent, crooked, stiff, fused, fixed, closed
ante- before, in front of, forward
anter/o interior, front
anti- against, opposing
anxi/o uneasy, distressed, anxious
aort/o aorta
-apheresis taking away, withdrawal, removal
apo- separated from, derived from
append/o, appendic/o appendix
aque/o water
-ar pertaining to, relating to
arch-, arch/e, arch/i 1. 1st, chief, extreme 2. Primitive, ancestral
-arche beginning
arteri-, arteri/o artery
arthr-, arthr/o a joint, and articulation
articul/o joint
-ary pertaining to, relating to
-asthenia weakness
ather/o soft, pasty
atri/o the atrium, atrial
audi/o, audit/o sense of hearing
aur/i, auricul/o ear
auto- self, same
axill/o armpit
balan/o glans penis
Popular Medical sets




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