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Medical Terminology

Chapter 5 Neurology and Psychiatry

cerebr/o brain
cerebell/o cerebellum; region of the brain that controls voluntary muscle movements
lobes sections of the brain
hemispheres the brain divided into two halves
dura the tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord
meninges the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord
gangli/o nerve bundle
neur/o nerve
myel/o spinal cord or bone marrow; Greek meaning "the innermost part"
phren/o, psych/o mind
esthesi/o feeling/sensation
phas/o speech
-mania excessive desire
-phobia excessive fear or sensitivity
gnosi/o to know
-asthenia weakness
tax/o arrangement, order, corrdination
ton/o muscle tone, tension, pressure
-plegia paralysis
-paresis slight or partial paralysis
somn/o, hypn/o sleep
syncope fainting
aphasia, dysphasia difficulty speaking
catatonia condition characterized by reduced muscle tone
delirium brief loss of mental function
dementia permanent loss or decline in mental function
dyskinesia difficulty moving
dyslexia a learning disability involving difficulties in acquiring and processing language that is typically manifested by a lack of proficiency in reading, spelling, and writing
insomnia inability to sleep
myoclonus muscle twitching
myospasm involuntary muscle contraction
neurasthenia nerve weakness
somnambulism sleep walking
neuroalgia or neurodynia nerve pain
hemiparesis partial paralysis on half the body
hemiplegia complete paraylysis on half the body
paralysis complete loss of sensation or motor function
paresthesia abnormal sensation (usually numbness or tingling in the skin)
acrophobia fear of heights
agoraphobia fear of outdoor spaces
hydrophobia fear of water
kleptomania desire to steal
photophobia excessive sensitivity to light
pyromania desire to set fire
Electroencephalography (EEG) diagnostic procedure to examine the electrical activity of the brain (used to diagnose seizure activity)
lumbar puncture (LP) Diagnostic procedure: inserting a needle into the lumbar region of the spine in order to collect spinal fluid. also called "spinal tap"
cerebral angiography procedure used to examine blood vessels in the brain
Myelogram Image of the spinal cord; usually done using X-ray
hematoma a tumorlike mass made up of blood (can be a bruise)
crania hematoma a hematoma beneath the skull
subdural hematoma a hematoma located beneath the dura
macrocephally abnormally large head
microcephaly abnormally small head
meningocele a hernia of the meninges
myelocele a hernia of the spinal cord
malacia softening
myeleomalacia abnormal softening of the spinal cord.
neuritis nerve inflammation
neurosclerosis hardening of the nerves
agnosia inability to comprehend
apathy lack of emotion
nystagmus involuntary back and forth eye movements
anesthesiologist doctor who specializes in anesthesiology
afferent nerve nerve that carries impulses toward the central nervous system
efferent nerve a nerve that carries impulses away from the central nervous system
neruogenic originating from/ created by nerves
psychiatrist doctor who specializes in the treatment of the mind (can prescribe medications)
psychiatry branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of the mind
psychologist doctor who specializes in the study of the mind (cannot prescribe medications)
psychology branch of medicine that focuses on the study of the mind
psychosomatic pertaining to the relationship between the body and the mind
idiopathic having no known cause or origin
tonic pertaining to muscle tone (normally weak or unresponsive) - can occur during a seizure
clonus muscle spasm or twitching (can occur during a seizure)
tonic-clonic seizure a seizure characterized by both a tonic and a clonic phase
intracranial hypertension pressure in the brain; can present as a headache and vomiting
hemorrhagic stroke a stroke where the blood loss is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel
ischemic stroke a stroke where the blood loss is caused by a blockage
meningitis infections of the tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord
encephalitis inflammation of the brain that is caused especially by infection with a virus (such as herpes simplex or West Nile virus) or less commonly by bacterial or fungal infection or autoimmune reaction
peripheral neuropathy a disease or degenerative state of the peripheral nerves in which motor, sensory, or vasomotor nerve fibers may be affected and which is marked by muscle weakness and atrophy, pain, and numbness
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) Medical Term for "stoke"
stroke a loss of brain function caused by an interruption of blood flow/supply to the brain
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) "mini-stroke" caused by the blockage of a blood vessel, which resolves or goes away within 24 hours
Cerebrovascular disease a disease of the blood vessels of the brain
Cerebral aneurysm the widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain
cerebral arteriosclerosis the hardening of an artery in the brain
cerebral atherosclerosis the hardening of an artery in the brain caused by the buildup of fatty plaque
cerebral embolism the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a foreign object (embolus) such as fat or bacteria
cerebral thrombosis the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a blood clot
hydrocephaly abnormal accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain
glioblastoma a brain tumor arising from glioblast cells
meningioma tumor of the meninges
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
ganglilitis inflammation of the ganglion
intracerebral hemorrhage excessive bleeding inside the brain
myelitis inflammation of the spinal cord
myelopathy disease of the spinal cord
neuropathy disease of the nervous system
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (a.k.a Lou Gehrig's disease) a degenerative disease of the central nervous system causing loss of muscle control. Literally, the hardening of the nerve cells on the sides of the spine leading to the loss of muscle tissue from disuse.
anorexia an eating disorder characterized by the patient's restricting food or refusing to eat
autism a psychiatric disorder characterized by difficulties in social communication and interaction, as well as repetitive and/or restrictive patterns of behavior or interests.
bulimia an eating disorder characterized by overeating and usually followed by forced purging or getting rid of food
Cerebral Palsy (CP) paralysis caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for movement
epilepsy a disease marked by seizures
dysphoria a negative emotional state
euphoria a positive emotional state
Manic depression (Bipolar disorder) a psychiatric disorder characterized by alternating bouts of excitement and depression
narcolepsy a disease characterized by sudden, uncontrolled sleepiness
schizophrenia a mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disorder speech.
neurosis a mental and emotional disorder that affects only part of the personality
psychosis a mind condition; usually involves some sort of break with reality; interferes with rational thought
analgesic a drug that relieves pain
anticonvulsant a drug the opposes or prevents seizures
antidepressant a drug that opposes depression
antipscychotic a drug that opposes psychoses
anxiolytic a drug that lessens anxiety
hypnotic a drug that aids in sleep
neuropharmacology a study of the effects of drugs on the nervous system
pschopharmacology a study of the effects of drugs on mental processes
psychotropic drugs that are able to turn the mind
thrombolytic a drug that dissolves clots
cerebrotomy a surgical incision into the brain
chemotherapy cancer treatment using chemicals
craniectomy removal of a piece of the skull
lobectomy removal of a lobe
lobotomy incision into a lobe
neurolysis destruction of nerve tissue
neuroplasty reconstruction of a nerve
neurorraphy suturing of a nerve (often the severed ends of a nerve)
neurotomy incision into a nerve
ADHD Attention-Deficity Hyperactivity Disorder
CNS Central Nervous System
CSF Cerebrospinal fluid
EMG Electromyogram
ICP Intracranial Pressure
LOC Level of Consciousness
MRA Magnetic Resonance Angiography
MS Multiple Sclerosis
OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
PET Positron Emission Tomography
PNS Peripheral Nervous System
TIA Transient Ischemic Attack
Created by: t_talks
Popular Medical sets




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