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Med Term Chpt 5

Nervous System/Neurology and Psychiatry

meninges protective membranes
dura outermost meningeal layer
cerebrum largest part of the brain-sectioned into lobes-left and right hemispheres
cerebellum underneath the cerebrum-controls things like coordination of movements
cerebr/o, encephal/o brain
cerebell/o cerebellum (section of the brain that is located below the cerebrum
lob/o lobe
cephalo/o head
microcephaly abnormally small head
macrocephaly abnormally large head
crani/o skull
craniomalacia softening of the skull
mening/o, meningi/o meninges
dur/o dura
epidural pertaining to above the dura
subdural hematoma collection of blood in the space below the dura
neur/o nerve
neuralgia nerve pain
gangli/o nerve bundle
ganglion pertaining to a nerve bundle
myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow
myelitis inflammation of the spinal cord
myelodysplasia defective formation of the spinal cord
psyche how we react or behave
esthesi/o feeling or sensatoin
anesthesia lack of sensation
hyperesthesia increased sensitivity to stimuli
phas/o speech
aphasia lack of speech
phren/o, psych/o mind
phrenetic pertaining to the mind
psychology study of the mind
somn/o, somn/i, hypn/o sleep
somnography process of recording sleep
insomnia inability to sleep
hypnosis condition of sleep
gnosi/o knowledge
agnosia lack of knowledge
diagnosis what the health care profession thinks a patient has
prognosis chances of things getting better or worse
-mania desire
pyromania desire to set fire
kleptomania desire to steal
-phobia excessive fear or sensitivity
hydophobia fear of water
-paresis slight or partial paralysis
hemiparesis/monoparesis slight paralysis on one side of the body (left or right)/partial paralysis in one limb
ton/o muscle tone, tension, pressure
dystonia abnormal tone
tonograph machine that records muscle tone
tax/o arrangement, order, coordination
ataxia absence of movement
hypotaxia reduced movement
-plegia paralysis
-asthenia weakness
myasthenia weakness of muscles
phonasthenia weakness of the voice
depression persistent feeling of sadness
anxiety feeling upset, frustrated or nervous
manias exaggerated obssesions
delirium sudden state of confusion
dementia persistent state of confusion
catatonia reduced muscle tone
dystonia involuntary muscle movements
dyslexia difficulty reading
myoclonus muscle twitching
myospasm involuntary muscle contraction
neurasthenia nerve weakness
somnambulism sleep walking
syncope fainting, losing consciousness due to temporary loss of blood flow to the brain
cephalalgia/cephalodynia head pain
encephalalgia brain pain
dysesthesia bad feeling
hyperesthesia increased sensation
paresthesia abnormal sensation (tingling)
pseudesthesia false sensation
causalgia burning pain
acrophobia fear of heights
agoraphobia fear of outdoor spaces
hydrophobia fear of water
photophobia fear of light (excessive sensitivity to light),
lumbar puncture (LP) removal of cerebrospinal fluid from lumbar
echoencephalography examination of the brain using sound waves
cerebral atrophy wasting away of brain tissue
encephalocele hernia of the brain
meningocele herniation of the meninges
myelocele herniation of the spinal cord
myelomeningocele herniation of the spinal cord and meninges
prosopagnosia inability to recognize faces
afferent nerve sensory nerve, goes from periphery to central nervous system,
efferent nerve motor nerve, goes from central nervous system to periphery
preictal time before the seizure
interictal time during the seizure
postictal time after the seizure
idiopathic of unknown origin
anorexia refusal to eat
bulimia behavior characterized by overeating followed by forced vomiting
schizoprenia mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations and disordered speech
autism condition in which there is a withdrawal from communication with others, focused on self
narcolepsy disease (sudden uncontrolled sleepiness)
hypnotic aids in producing sleep
chemotherapy treatment with chemicals
Created by: cynmur1110
Popular Medical sets




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