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Med Term Chpt 6

Sensory System/Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology

ocul/o, ophthalm/o, opt/o eye
oculopthay disease of the eye
ophthalmologist medical specialist (physician) of the eye
optometrist specialist of the eye
lacrim/o, dacry/o tear
lacrimatoin process of producing tears
dacryorrhea excess tear production
-opia, -opsia visoin
hyperopia far-sighted
akinetopsia inability to see moving objects
blephar/o eyelid
blepharedema swelling of the eyelid
blepharoplasty surgical repair of the eyelid
corne/o, kerat/o cornea (clear surface in the middle of the eye that protects the lens-starts the process of focusing light to the back of the eye
keratitis inflammation of the cornea
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva
scler/o sclera (white of the eye)
choroid middle layer of eye
lens bends light rays
iris colored area, controls size of the pupil (controls amount of light that enters the ey)
ciliary muscle attach to the lens and bend it for focusing
retina innermost layer of eye
vitre/o vitreous humor
vitreous liquid fluid that fills the posterior cavity of the eye
cycl/o ciliary body
cycloplegia paralysis of the ciliary body
retin/o retina
retinoscope device that views the retina
ir/o, irid/o iris
iridalgia painful iris
phac/o, phak/o lens
phacoscope device to view the lens
phakitis inflammation of the lens
aur/o, ot/o ear (helps maintain balance)
aural pertaining to the ear
otoscope device to view the ear
acous/o,audi/o hearing
acoustic pertaining to sound
audiogram record of hearing
-acusis hearing condition
hyperacusis exaggerated hearing
osteoacusis condition of sound through bones
incus, malleus, and stapes 3 tiny bones in the middle ear (auditory ossicles) carry vibration of the tympanic membrane to the inner ear
cerumin/o earwax
ceruminolysis breakdown of earwax
salping/o ear canal
rhinosalpingitis inflammation of the nose and ear canal
tympan/o, myring/o ear drum
mastoid/o mastoid process
mastoiditis inflammation of the mastoid process
cochlea (inner ear) boney shell filled with fluid and hair
labyrinth/o maze
vestibul/o entry way
cochle/o cochlea (shaped like a snail shell)
cochleitis inflammation of the cochlea
akinetopsia inability to see objects in motion
ambiopia/diplopia double vision
amblyopia decrease vision (lazy eye)
asthenopia weak vision
hyperopia farsightedness
myopia nearsightedness
presbyopia decreased vision due to old age
scotopia adjustment of the eye to seeing in darkness
blepharoplegia paralysis of the eyelid
blehparospasm involuntary contraction of the eyelid
dacryoadenalgia pain in the tear gland
dacryocystalgia pain in the tear sac
dacryohemorrhea blood in the tears
dacryorrhea excessive tearing
xerophthalmia dry eyes
astigmatism vision problem (light rays not focused on a single point in the back of the eye)
corneal xerosis dryness of the cornea
keratalgia pain in the cornea
miosis abnormal contraction of the pupil
mydriasis abnormal dilation of the pupil
iridalgia pain in the iris
cycloplegia paralysis of the ciliary body
scotoma dark spot in the visual field
otorrhea discharge from ear
tinnitus ringing in the ear
vertigo sensation of moving through space (while stationary)
binocular pertaining to both eyes
iridokinesis movement of the iris
nasolacrimal pertaining to the nose and tear system
optokinetic pertaining to eye movement
ectropion OUTWARD turning of the eyelid AWAY from the eye
entropion INWARD turning of the eyelid TOWARD the eye
daryolith hard formation (stone) in the tear system
dacryopyorrhea discharge of pus in tears
exophthalmus protrusion of the eyes out of the eye sockets
nystagmus involuntary back and forth movement of the eys
strabismus eyes deviate while looking at the same object
esotropia INWARD turning of the eye toward the nose
exotropia OUTWARD turning of the eye away from the nose
scleromalacia/keratomalacia abnormal softening of the cornea
pterygium winglike growth of conjunctival tissue extending to the cornea
papilledema swelling of the optic nerve where it enters the retina
audiologist hearing specialist
otolaryngologist ear and throat specialist
otoneurologist specialist in the nerve connections between the ear and braiin
otorhinolaryngologist ear, nose and throat specialist
otosteal pertaining to the bones of the ear
macrotia abnormally large ears
microtia abnormally small ears
otopyorrhea discharge of pus from the ears
otosclerosis hearing loss caused by the hardening of the bones of the middle ear
tympanic perforation tear or hole in the eardrum (tympanic membrane)
tympanosclerosis hardening of the eardrum (tympanic membrane)
blepharitis inflammation of the eyelid
dacryostenosis narrowing of the tear duct
trichiasis condition in which the eye lashes grow into the eye
oculomycosis, ophthalmomycosis fungal eye condition
corneal abrasion scratch on the cornea
keratopathy disease of the cornea
aniridia absence of the iris
iridemia bleeding from the iris
iridopathy disease of the iris
iritis inflammation of the iris
aphakia absence of a lens
cataract opacity (cloudiness of the lens)
phakitis inflammation of the lens
glaucoma eye disease causes vision loss by damaging the optic nerve
endophthalmitis inflammation of the inside of the eye
retinosi retinal condition
cerumen impaction buildup of earwax blocking ear canal
otitis externa inflammation of the outer ear
otomycosis fungal ear condition
aerotitis inflammation of the ear caused by air
myringomycosis fungal infection of the tympanic membrane,
rhinosalpingitis inflammation of the nose and eustachian tubes
acoustic neuroma tumor on the acoustic nerve
sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) hearing loss due to sound being transmitted from the inner ear to the brain
conductive hearing loss hearing loss caused by sound not getting to the middle/inner ear (due to blockages)
enucleation/ophthalmectomy removal of the eye
oculoplasty surgical reconstruction of the eye
sclerotomy incision into the sclera
cycloplegic drug that paralyzes the ciliary body
intraocular lens implant insertion of a new lens into the eye
phacoemulsification fragmentation of an existing lens in order to remove and replace it
eruminolysis breakdown of ear wax
ear lavage rinsing/washing of the external ear canal
mastoidectomy removal of the mastoid
mastoidocentesis surgical puncture of the mastoid
ototoxic drug that damages the ear, causes deafness
OD/AD right eye/right ear
OS/AS left eye/left ear
OU/AU both eyes /both ears
IOP/IOL intraocular pressure/intraocular lens
VA visual acuity
VF visual field
AOM acute otitis media
OM otitis media
Created by: cynmur1110
Popular Medical sets




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