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Med Term Chpt 8

Blood and Lymphatic Systems/Hematology and Immunology

erythrocytes red blood cells-contain protein, hemoglobin, carry oxygen that is picked up from the lungs and deliver it to the tissues
leukocytes white blood cells-provide protection for body
thrombocytes platelets (prevent blood loss by forming clots)
immunoglobulins proteins that are dissolved in the blood (also known as antibodies)
coagul/o coagulation (blood gels)
anticoagulant prevents coagulation
coagulopathy disease of coagulatoin
thromb/o clot
thrombosis condition of clotting
hem/o, hemat/o blood
hemolysis rupture of red blood cell
hematology study of blood
cyt/o cell
leuk/o white
leukemia increase in number of white blood cells
phleb/o,ven/o vein
venospasm constriction of a vein
phlebotomy incision into a vein
lympho/o lymph
myel/o bone marrow
myelodysplasia disease, poor production of blood cells by the bone marrow
-emia blood
anemia lack of blood, pt has symptoms of weakness and fatigue
tonsill/o tonsil
splen/o spleen
thym/o thymus
splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
immun/o immune system
immunoglobulin protein that participates in immune function
-penia deficiency
cytopenia deficiency of cells
ecchymosis large bruise
hematoma mass of blood within an organ, cavity, or tissue
hemophilia condition where blood does not clot, causing excessive bleeding
hemorrhage excess blood loss
petechia small bruise
reperfusion injury injury to tissue that occurs after blood flow is restored
splenalgia/splenodynia pain in the spleen
macrocytosis condition of large red blood cells
microcytosis condition of small red blood cells
elliptocyte red blood cell shaped as an ellipse (oval)
spherocyte circular shaped red blood cell
splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
lymphedema swelling in arms/legs due to occluded lymphatic vessels
lymphangiogram record of study of lymph vessels
erythrocytosis condition too many erythrocytes
oligocythemia condition of too few erythrocytes (RBC's)
anisocytosis great inequality in the size of RBC's
normocyte normal sized RBC
poikilocytosis condition of many shaped RBC's
spherocyte RBC has a spherical shape
embolism blockage in a blood vessel caused by an embolus
embolus mass of matter in the blood
thromboembolism condition of having a clot that traveled to another location
thrombogenic capable of creating a clot
thrombus blood clot
neutropenia condition of too few neutrophils
phagocytosis process in which phagocytes (type of WBC) destroy foreign microorganisms or cell debris
hematopoiesis formation of blood cells
hemolysis premature destruction of RBC's
myelopoiesis formation of red bone marrow
reticulocyte immature of RBC
chomboycytopenia condition of too few platelets
asplenia no spleen or no spleen function
hepatosplenomegaly enlarged spleen and liver
splenoptosis drooping spleen (spleen has moved down)
splenolysis breakdown of splenic tissue
thymic hyperplasia overdevelopment of the thymus
antibody substance produced by the body in response to an antigen
antigen substance that will cause the production of an antibody
perfusion circulation of blood through tissue
hypoperfusion inadequate flow of blood
lymphangiogram xray of the lymphatic vessels
hemotology study of blood
immunology study of the immune system
phlebology study of veins
phlebotomist specialist in drawing blood
sphygomomanometer device that measures blood pressure
septicemia bacterial infection of the blood vessels
hyperlipidemia too much fat in the blod
osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone and bone marrow
deep vein thrombosis (DVT) formation of a clot within a deep vein, usually the leg
ischemia blockage of blood flow to an organ
autoimmune disease condition, the body's immune system attacks itself
immunocompromised immune system incapable of responding normally and completely
phlebarteriectasia dilation of blood vessels (arteries and veins)
thrombophlebitis inflammation of a vein caused by a clot
hypervolemia/hypovolemia increased blood volume/decreased blood volume
leukemia cancer of blood or bone marrow, abnormal increase in WBC's
septicemia presence of disease-causing microorganisms in the blood
uremia presence of urine (urea) in the blood
hypersplenism increased spleen activity
splenorrhexis rupture of the spleen
lymphangiectasia abnormal dilation of the lymph vessel
lymphoma tumor of lymphocytes
meyloma tumor of the bone marrow
thymoma tumor of the thymus
thymopathy disease of the thymus
hemostatic stops the flow of blood
laparosplenctomy surgical removal of the spleen through the abdomen
nephrosplenopexy fixation of the kidney and spleen
apheresis process that draws out a person's blood, removes something from it and returns the blood back to the person
cytapheresis apheresis to remove cellular material
Hct hematocrit
Hgb hemoglobin
PLT platelet count
Created by: cynmur1110
Popular Medical sets




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