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Med Term Chpt 12

Urinary and Male Reproductive Systems-Urology

glomerlu/o glomerulus
glomerulonephritis inflammation of the glomerulus and the nephron
nephr/o, ren/o kidney
nephrology study of the kidney
pyel/o renal pelvis
pyelitis inflammation of the renal pelvis
Ur/o, urin/o Urine
Hematuria Condition of blood in urine
Lith/o Stone
Lithiasis Condition of stones
Lithotripsy Crushing stones
Cust/o, vesic/o Bladder
Cystotomy Incision into the bladder
Cystitis Inflammation of the bladder
Vesiculitis Inflammation of the seminal vesicles
Vesiculotomy Creation of an opening into the bladder
Urethr/o Urethra
Urethrostenosis Restriction in the urethra
Urethritis Inflammation of the urethra
Ureter/o Ureter
Ureterocele Herniation of a ureter
Ureterectomy Removal of a ureter
Meat/o Opening
Meatoscope Device to view the inside of a meatus (opening)
Meatal stenosis Narrowing of a meatus (opening)
Testicles Male gonads, make and store sperm, produce testosterone
Epididymis Stores the sperm
Vas deferens Carry sperm from the epididymis to the seminiferous tubules
Seminiferous tubules Contribute fluid to the sperm to make semen
Protstate gland Encircles the urethra, secretes fluid into the semen
Penis External male structure, Contains the urethra, carries urine and semen to the outside of the body
Scrotum Sac of skin that contains the testicles
Balan/o Penis
Balanorrhea/urethrorrhea Discharge from the penis, (may indicate presence of a STD)
Balantis Inflammation of the penis
Epididymis/o Epididymis
Epididymotomy Incision into the epididymis
Epididymectomy Removal of the epididymis
Orch/o, orchi//o, orchid/o, test/o, testicular/o Testicle
Orchitis Inflammation of the testicle
Orhiopexy Surgical fixation of the testicle
Anorchidism Lack of a testicle
Testitis Inflammation of a testicle
Prostat/o Prostate
Prostatitis Inflammation of the prostate
Prostatomegaly Enlarged prostate
Sperm/o, spermato/o, sperm/i Sperm
Aspermia Lack of sperm
Spermicide Substance that kills sperm
Spermatocele Cyst near the epididymis
Dysuria Pain with urination
Orchidodynia/orchialgia Pain in the testicle
Anorchism Lack of a testicle in the scrotum
Priapism Prolonged erection
Impotence Inability to maintain an erection
Anuria Lack of urination
Dysuria, urodynia Painful urination
Enuresis Involuntary urination
Incontinence Inability to control urination
Nocturia Nighttime urination
Hematuria Blood in urine
Oliguria Low urine output
Polyuria Excessive urine output
Pyuria Pus in the urine
Urocyanosis Blue colored urine
Cystalgia/cystodynia Bladder pain
Cystoplegia Bladder paralyisis
Polydipsia Excessive thirst
Nephralgia Kidney pain
Ureterlagia Ureter pain
Urethrodynia Urethra pain
Urethrorrhea Discharge from the urethra
Orchidoptosis Downward displacement of the testicle
Albuminuria Protein in the urine
Azotorrhea Excessive discharge of nitrogen in the urine
Azoturia Excess nitrogen in the urine
Glucosuria/glycosuria Glucose in the urine
Ketonuria Ketones in the urine
Cystorrhexis Rupture of the bladder
Dipsogenic Creating thirst
Hyperkalemia Excessive potassium in the blood
Hyponatremia Low sodium in the blood
Uremia Urine in the blood
Urethroscope Device to view the inside of the urethra
Ultrasonography Use of high frequency sound waves to produce and image
Nephrology Study of the kidneys
Urologist Specialist in the study of the urinary tract
Urology Study of the urinary tract
Uropoiesis The formation of urine
Uroxanthin The substance that gives the urine it’s yellow color
Voiding Urination
Cryptorchidism Condition of a hidden testicle
Hydrocele Fluid filled mass in testicle
Seminoma Type of testicular cancer arising from sperm forming tissue
Azoospermia Lack of living sperm
Spermatolysis Destruction of sperm cells
Phimosis Contraction of the foreskin of the penis preventing it from being retracted
Urethrogram Image of the urethra
Ejaculation Emission of semen from the urethra
Glomerulosclerosis Hardening of the glomerulus
Pyelitis Inflammation of the renal pelvis
Hypenephroma Another name for renal cell carcinoma
Uropathy Disease of the urinary tract
Prostatocystitis Inflammation of the prostate and bladder
Created by: cynmur1110
Popular Medical sets




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