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Unit 1: MED TERM104

Deciphering the Code by Y.Harrell

gen/o creation, cause pathogenic
hydr/o water hydrophobia, dehydration
morph/o change morphology
myc/o fungus dermatomycosis
necro/o death necrosis
rect/o straight rectoplasty, rectitis
path/o or pathy suffering, disease pathology
-centesis punture amniocentesis
-gram written record cardiogram
-graph instrument used to produce a record cardiograph
-graphy process of recording cardiography
-meter instrument used to measure cephalometer
-metry process of measuring cephalometry
-scope instrument used to look arthroscope
-scopy process of looking arthroscopy
LV Left Ventricle: One of the heart’s chambers responsible for pumping oxygenated blood to the body. Left ventricular hypertrophy can occur in response to high blood pressure.
RV Right Ventricle: The heart chamber that pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs. Right ventricular failure can lead to swelling in the legs.
ASA Acetylsalicylic Acid: Commonly known as aspirin, used to prevent blood clots. often prescribed to reduce the risk of heart attacks.
HDL High-Density Lipoprotein: Known as "good" cholesterol, it helps remove other forms of cholesterol from the bloodstream. are associated with a lower risk of heart disease.
LDL Low-Density Lipoprotein: Known as "bad" cholesterol, high levels can lead to plaque buildup in arteries. Reducing LDL levels can help prevent coronary artery disease.
ECG Electrocardiogram: A test that records the electrical activity of the heart. can help diagnose arrhythmias and other heart conditions.
BP Blood Pressure: The force of blood against the walls of the arteries. High BP can lead to cardiovascular disease.
CAD Coronary Artery Disease: A condition where the coronary arteries become narrowed or blocked. can lead to chest pain or heart attacks.
CHF Congestive Heart Failure: A condition where the heart is unable to pump blood effectively. can cause fluid buildup in the lungs and legs.
mi Myocardial Infarction: Another term for a heart attack, where blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked. often requires immediate medical attention to restore blood flow.
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome A condition caused by an extra electrical pathway in the heart, leading to rapid heartbeats. Patients may experience episodes of palpitations and dizziness.
Kawasaki Disease An illness that primarily affects children and involves inflammation of the blood vessels, which can lead to heart problems. can cause coronary artery aneurysms.
Eisenmenger Syndrome A condition resulting from a congenital heart defect that leads to pulmonary hypertension. It can cause cyanosis and other serious symptoms.
(MVP) Mitral Valve Prolapse A condition where the mitral valve does not close properly, often leading to regurgitation. can cause heart murmurs and sometimes palpitations.
Beck's Triad A set of three symptoms (hypotension, muffled heart sounds, and jugular venous distension) associated with cardiac tamponade. helps in diagnosing cardiac tamponade.
Cardiomyopathy A disease of the heart muscle that affects its ability to pump blood effectively. Dilated cardiomyopathy is a type that can lead to heart failure.
Hypertension High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Angina Pectoris Chest pain or discomfort caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscles can be a symptom of coronary artery disease
Arrhythmia An irregular heartbeat include atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia.
Atherosclerosis A condition where arteries become narrowed and hardened due to plaque buildup. can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
oste/o disease in your bone or refers to the bone. osteoporosis
-ectomy surgery - the removal of. vasectomy
Cost/o In between the ribs Intercostal
dactyl/o Refers to fingers and toes. Dactylitis
Carpo Relating to the wrist Carpal bones
Tibi/o Refers to the tibia and fibula-in the shin bone. Tibial Fracture
Algia, dynia Pain Myalgia
edema Swelling caused by excess fluid. Lymphedema
-ptosis "Droopy" condition. Blepharoptosis
Spondylo- vertebra or spine Spondylitis
Arthr/o Joints Arthroscopic Surgery
-itis inflammation in the brain arthritis.
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug(NASID) A medicine that reduces inflammation. Ibuprofen
Tax/o absent of movement Ataxia
arth loosening a stiff joint or relating to joints. arthrolysis
craino skull or head. craniosynostosis
ophy Can relate to disease, conditions, or specific body functions. Ophthalmology
brady slow movement Bradycardia
meta Over, after, or change. metatarsalgia
my/o muscles(removal of a muscle tunor(myomectomy) ) Myasthenia
fasc the connective tissue surrounding muscles Fasciitis
cerebell/o Refers to the cerebellum - part of the brain. cerebellar ataxia
neur/o nerves Neurology
psych/o mind Psychology
-mania excessive desire or obsession. Pyromania
myel/o spinal cord: bone marrow Myelopathy
-plegia paralysis Paraplegia
mening/o membrane surrounding the brain and the spinal cord. Meningitis
cerebr/o, encephal/o brain Cerebral Palsy
hypn/o, somn/o sleep Insomnia
-paresis slight or partial paralysis Hemiparesis
lacrim/o tear Lacrimation
aur/o; ot/o Ear Otoscope
Phas/o Speech Aphasia
gnosi/o know Agnosia
phren/o Diaphragm(mind) Schizophrenia
dacryo tear dacryocystalgia
-emia blood condition anemia
ACTH A hormone produced by the pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce cortisol. Adrenocorticotropic hormone
DI A condition characterized by excessive thirst and large volumes of dilute urine due to insufficient production of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or a lack of response to ADH. Diabetes Insipidus
FBS A test that measures blood glucose levels after fasting for a specific period, usually overnight. Fasting Blood Sugar
GTT A test used to diagnose diabetes and other disorders of glucose metabolism, where blood glucose levels are measured after consuming a glucose-rich drink. Glucose Tolerance Test
DM A group of diseases characterized by high blood glucose levels due to defects in insulin production, insulin action, or both. Diabetes Melilitus
cardi/o ; coron/o heart Cardiology
peri around or surrounding (the heart) pericardium
tachy Fast or rapid tachycardia
dys bad, difficult, or abnormal. dysrhythmia
scler hard angiosclerosis
ven/o veins venogram
PCI A non-surgical procedure used to treat narrowing of the coronary arteries of the heart. Percutaneous coronary intervention
CO The volume of blood the heart pumps per minute. cardiac output
SCA A sudden, unexpected loss of heart function, breathing, and consciousness. Sudden Cardiac Arrest
CHF A condition in which the heart is unable to pump effectively, leading to fluid buildup. Congestive Heart Failure
SV The amount of blood pumped by the left ventricle of the heart in one contraction. Stroke Volume
HTN High blood pressure. Hypertension
angi/o, vas/o, vascular/o blood vessel or just a "vessel" angioscopy
CABG A surgical procedure to improve blood flow to the heart by creating a bypass around blocked arteries. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
MRA A type of MRI that specifically looks at blood vessels. Magnetic Resonance Angiography
TEE An imaging test that uses sound waves to create detailed images of the heart from inside the esophagus. Transesophageal Echocardiogram
hypophys/o Pituitary Gland Hypophysitis
aden/o Gland Adenoma, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, or pituitary gland
thym/o Refers to the thymus gland. Thymus
gluc/o, glucos/o, glyc/o Sugar, glucose, and frutose Glucagon, glucocorticoid, glucosuria, hypoglycemia
adrenal/o Refers to the adrenal glands Adrenalectomy
thyr/o Refers to the "thyroid" gland. Thyroid
-tropin stimulating hormone (to turn) corticotropin, thyrotropin, gonadotropin
luek/o White blood cells leukocyte
-cyte cell leukocyte
-penia ; pen Deficiency Leukopenia
Ket/o ketone body diabetic ketoacidosis
-uria calciuria urine condition
thromb/o Clots Thrombosis
phleb/o vein Phlebitis
coagul (middle term) coagulation refers to the blood’s ability to form clots hypercoagulability
aort/o main artery leaving the heart and distributing oxygenated blood throughout the body Aortic
ventricul/o lower chamber of the heart Ventricular tachycardia
sept/o "Partition" or "dividing" structure; can refer to any wall dividing two cavities Septal defect
arteri/o large blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to body tissue. Arteriosclerosis
atri/o upper chamber of the heart. Atrial fibrillation
ather/o fatty plaque. Atherosclerosis
-oma tumor Melanoma
cutane skin Subcutaneous
-plasia enlargement or over development or a condition growth. "formation" adrenocorticohyperplasia
Puitar/o pituitary gland pituitary gland
Gonad/o The term gonad actually refers to the sex organs of both men and women. In males, of course, the gonads are the testicles, and in females, they are the ovaries. gonadopathy, gonadogenesis
Pancreat/o The pancreas pancreatitis, pancreatolith
adren/o, Means on the Kidney. adrenocorticohyperplasia
cortic/o Refers to the "outer surface" of any organ. corticotropic
Crin/o To secrete internally.(secretion) Exocrine, Endocrine
-hypo Low or under or beneath Hypoglycemia
-hyper High Hyperglycemia
hormon/o To rush or push. Hormonopoesis
meno, mena The lack of your menstural flow. Amenorrhea
-rrhea discharge(flow)(runny) Diarrhea, amenorrhea
-ism or -ia or -osis condition Hypergonadism
Thel onset of "breast" development. Thelarche
-dipsia Excessive thirst Polydipsia
poly Excessive Polyuria
Acro Extremities, but also can mean top or high. Acromegaly
Galacto, Milk galactorrhea
-ophthalmos, otone the eye exophthalmos
-cele hernia thyrocele
-megaly enlargement thyromegaly
Eu Means normal. Euglycemia
lipid or "steato" Fat hyperlipidemia
Endar or endo , enter/o Inside endocrine
Exo Outside exocrine
ic retro pertaining to backwards endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
-lysis loosen, "breakdown". glycolysis
TSH A hormone produced by the pituitary gland that controls how much thyroid hormone the thyroid gland makes. thyroid-stimulating hormone (also known as thyrotropin)
T3 A hormone produced by the thyroid gland. triiodothyronine (one of two primary hormones produced by the thyroid)
TFT Tests performed to evaluate the function of the thyroid. Thyroid Function Test
-toxin Poison Thyroidtoxin
Pseudo Change pseudocyst
-ic Inflammation pancreatic
-crine secreation Endocrine
-genesis or -gen creation ketogenesis
ic hyper pertaining to over thymic hyperplasia
-crit Judge(separate) hematocrit
hepato Liver hepatosplenitis
-ectasia Dilation lymphangiectasia
-lytic, -lysis the "breakdown" Thrombolytic
Lapar/o, celi/o, abdomin/o Abdomen Laparosplenectomy
-otomy Incision Lymphadenotomy
Nephr/o or ren/o Kidney nephrosplenopexy
-pexy Fixation nephrosplenopexy
-apheresis Separation plasmapheresis
-oid(suffix) Resembling or like adenoid
ox/o Oxygen Oxygen
isch To hold back or restrain(blockage). Ischemia
-pnea, spri/o Refers to "breathing" or respiration. Also, to breathe through. eupnea
rhin/o, nas/o nose nasogastric tube, nasendoscope, rhinorrhea, rhinoplasty
or/o, stomat/o mouth Oropharynx
phren/o diaphragm phrenospasm, phrenoplegia
pulmon/o lungs pulmonologist, pulmonary
thorac/o, pector/o (also pectus), steth/o chest thoracic, pectoralgia, pectus excavatum, stethoscope
capn/o, carb/o carbon dioxide hypercapnia, hypocarbia
-oma tumor, cyst, or mass Lymphoma, Carcinoma, Glioma
cyst/o or a vesic/o bladder cystocele
-lith stone choledocholithectomy
Semin or Spermat/o sperm aspermia, spermicide, spermatocele
Gingiv/o gums gingivectomy
chol/e, bil/i bile or Gall bladder cholangiopancreatography
meat/o opening or to go through meatoscopic, meatal stenosis
prostat/o prostate prostatitis, prostatomegaly
balan/o Penis balanorrhea, balanitis
glomerul/o glomerulus glomerulopathy, glomerulonephritis
pyel/o renal pelvis. pyelonephritis, pyelitis
ureter/o ureter, urethra urethralgia
epididym/o epididymis epididymectomy, epididymectomy
orchi/o testicle orchitis, orchiopexy, anorchidism, testitis
ur/o, urin/o urine system urine, urology, hematuria
tonsill/o Almond tonsillectomy, tonsillitis
adenoid/o Resembling a gland. adenoidectomy, adenoiditis
laryng/o Larynx(voice box) laryngospasm, laryngitis
pharyng/o The pharynx (THE THROAT) is the pathway used by both food and air. pharyngitis, pharyngostenosis
trache/o ; trach/a windpipe(rough) tracheotomy, tracheostomy
sin/o, sinus/o hollow or cavity sinusitis, sinusotomy
pneum/o, pneumat/o, pneumon/o, pulmon/o Lungs or air. pneumomelanosis, pneumatology, pneumonia
lob/o Lobe: a well-defined portion of any organ. We are checking his spermatogenesis to make sure he can produce healthy sperm. lobectomy, lobotomy
bronch/o, bronchi/o The main branches from the trachea into each lung. bronchoscope, bronchiostenosis
bronchiol/o The little bronchus, which is a smaller subdivision of the bronchial tubes. bronchiolitis, bronchiolectasis
alveol/o hollow or cavity alveolitis, alveolar
-phonia sound dysphonia
hemo blood hemoptysis
cyan blue cyanosis
-ptysis cough hemoptysis
-loquy speak pectoriloquy
-cavatum hollowed pectus excavatum
-ectasis expansion bronchiectasis
caseous necr cheeselike death caseous necrosis
-fusion pour or pouring pleural effusion
-stenosis or sten narrowing tracheostenosis
computed tomo to cut computed tomography
-malacia softening tracheomalacia
coni dust pneumoconiosis
theli nipple mesothelioma
-plasty Repair (reconstruction) palatoplasty
septo septum septoplasty
-stomy opening. tracheostomy
dent/o, odont/o tooth dentist, odontalgia
gloss/o, lingu/o Tongue glossopathy, hypoglossal, sublingual
gastr/o Stomach gastritis, gastropexy
duoden/o Duodenum gastroduodenoscope, duodenectomy
an/o anus anoplasty, anal fistula
-aphoresis Profuse Sweating Diaphoresis
-exis Rupture arteriorrhexis
emsis vomiting hyperemesis
-clasis break or breaking odontoclasis
-phony sound anophony
chondr cartilage hypochondriac
umbilic belly button umbilical
mal bad malabsorption
carcin cancer hepatocarcinoma
-rrhaphy suture enterorrhaphy
doch/o duct Choledocho
amni/o The amnion is the innermost membrane covering the fetus. amniocentesis
-cyesis Labor pains. "pregnancy" pseudocyesis
cervic/o Cervix cervicectomy
hyster/o, metr/o, uter/o; -truim A Uterus. hysterectomy
oophor/o, ovari/o Egg(ovary). oophorocystectomy
salping/o Trumpet > Fallopian Tube salpingectomy, salpingoscope
fet/o Offspring, fetus fetometry
part/o, nat/o Birth postpartum, neonatal
vulv/o Vulva hysterectomy
mamm/o, mast/o Breast mammoplasty
perine/o Perineum perineoplasty
toc/o Labor oxytocin
chorion/o, chori/o Chorion chorioamnionitis
mast/o breast mastectomy
vagin/o, colp/o Vagina. Vaginoplasty
gyn/o, gynec/o Woman Gynecologic
EDD The expected date when a pregnant woman will give birth, typically calculated 40 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period. Expected date of delivery
FAS A condition in a child resulting from alcohol exposure during the mother’s pregnancy, causing brain damage and growth problems. Fetal alcohol syndrome
G Refers to the number of times a woman has been pregnant, regardless of whether the pregnancy resulted in a live birth. Gravida
LGA A term used for newborns who are larger than the typical weight for their gestational age, often above the 90th percentile. Large for gestational age
CPD A condition where the baby’s head is too large to fit through the mother’s pelvis during childbirth, potentially requiring a cesarean delivery. Cephalopelvic disproportion
contra- against or opposite. Contraindication
-taxis bloody nose Chemotaxis
syn together craniosynostosis
mono one monoplegia
-ium biological tissue Endocardium
ile small intestine ileostomy
colon large intestine colonoscope
Created by: Yasheiqua
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