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root: cutaneo/dermo/dermat skin
layers of skin epidermis (outer) dermis (mid) hyperdermis
types of glands sweat glands (hidro) sebaceous glands (sebaceo)
root: onycho/unguo nails
root: adip/o.lip/o,steo/o fat ex: adipocyte, lipoma, steotosis
root: pil/o,trich/o hair
root: hidro sweat
root: squam/o scale
root: onych/o, ungu/o nail
root: seb/o, sebace/o oil
root: crypt/o hidden
root: kerat/o hard, horny
root: xer/o dry
root:xanth/o yellow
root: erythr/o red
root: leuk, alb white
root: melan black
dermatalgia/dermatodynia rash on skin thats painful
pruritus itchy
urticaria hives
xerosis dry rash
macerate wet skin/ to soften skin
alopecia hair loss
hypertrichosis too much hair
abrasion scraping away of skin ab/rasion
albinism lack of pigment albin/ism
dermatolysis loose skin
onychophagia eating or biting the nails
rhytidermia wrinkled skin
trichomegaly abnormally thick hair
urticaria Swollen raised itchy skin
rash location types localized- rash limited or specific area generalized- all over body centrifugal- start in middle and go outwards centripetal- rash outside to inwards
rash bump sizes vesicles- Less than 1 cm, clear liquid pustules- filled with pus bulla- larger vesicles like blister abscesses- larger pustules
spots types macules- small flat spots/ freckles patches- larger macules
cherry angioma too many blood vessels in one area
telangiectasia heavy concentration of blood vessels flat but visible
petechiae small bruises under skin
ecchymosis large bruises
skin functions impared by burn ability to regulate heat, regulate hydration, or fight infections
first degree burn only affects superficial layer of skin ex sunburn
2nd degree burn deeper burn involving the dermis
3rd degree burn injures subcutaneous layer
fourth degree burn involves underlying tissues like bone, muscle or fascia
macule/macula small, flat discolored area
patch larger flat discolored area
hypomelanosis diminished melanin in the skin
deconstruct the term excoriation by seperating the prefix, root and suffic ex-cori-ation
papules small bumps under one centimeter
deconstruct "hypermelanosis" hyper-melan-osis
plaque a solid mass on the surface of the skin
deconstruct "dematosis" dermat-osis
fissure crack in skin
deconstruct "atopic" a-top-ic
acne vulgaris inflammation to skin follicle
decubitus ulcer bed sore
dermatosis skin condition
dermopathy skin disease
basal cell carcinoma cancerous tumor of basal skin cells
hidradenoma tumor of sweat glands
malignant cutaneous neosplam harmful new formation of skin tissue
actinic dermatitis skin inflammation caused by sun
erosion loss of skin
Ulcer a sore
excoriation a scratch
scale skin flaking off
crust a dried substance
myc fungus
antibiotic drug that destroys or opposes the growth of microorganisms
steatitis inflammation of fat tissue
intradermal inside the skin
hidradenitis inflammation of the sweat glands
ABCDE asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving
antipruritic relieves itching
Created by: jcazares10
Popular Medical sets




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