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Nutrient terms

absorption the process by which nutrients move into the bloodstream
amino acid a molecule that combines with other amino acids molecules to make proteins
basal metabolism the energy you need to maintain automatic processes
cholesterol a fatlike substance in cells that needed for many body processes
calorie the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilo by 1-degree Celsius
carbohydrate the body's main source of energy
digestion the mechanical and chemical process of breaking down food and changing into forms your body can use
fat-soluble vitamins a vitamin that is absorbed and transported by fat
fatty-acid the basic building blocks of fat
glucose blood sugar; body's basic food
hydrogenation a chemical process that turns vegetable oils into solids
metabolism the use of nutrients to provide energy
nutrient a chemical substance such as protein, carbs, fat, or fiber, that your body needs to function, grow, repair itself, and create energy
nutrition the study of nutrients and how the body uses them
peristalsis rhythmic movements of muscles
water-soluble vitamin a vitamin that dissolves in water and passes easily into the bloodstream during digestion
deficiency disease illness that occurs when the body doesn't absorb or get the necessary nutrients
fat nutrient that gives you stored energy and insulation. it has 9 calories per gram
fiber type of carbohydrate that can't be digested
macro-mineral required in amounts of 100mg per day or more. ex. Calcium, Sodium, Potassium
mineral nutrient(element) found on earth and in foods that promotes normal body functions.
protein nutrient made of amino acids that builds and maintains body tissues
saliva watery liquid that is secreted by the salivary glands. aids in chemical digestion
trace element present in small amounts (less that 100mg per day) ex. Iron, Zinc, Copper
vitamin nutrient that triggers many body processes and sets off chemical reactions within the body's cells
Created by: peytonn_
Popular Culinary Arts sets




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