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Respiratory System

Alveoli The very small grapelike clusters found at the end of each bronchiole.
Anoxia The absence of oxygen from the body's tissues and organs even though there is an adequate flow of blood.
antitussive medication administered to prevent or relieve coughing
aphonia loss of the ability of the larynx to produce normal speech sounds
asbestosis The form of pneumoconiosis caused by asbestos particles in the lungs
asphyxia The loss of consciousness that occurs when the body cannot get the oxygen it needs to function
asthma a chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchial tubes, often triggered by an allergic reaction and characterized by episodes of severe breathing difficulty, coughing and wheezing
atelectasis the incomplete expansion of part or all of a lung due to a blockage of the air passages or pneumothorax
bradypnea an abnormally slow rate of respiration, usually of less than 10 breaths per minute
bronchodilator a medication that relaxes and expands the bronchial passages into the lungs.
bronchorrhea An excessive discharge of mucus from the bronchi
bronchoscopy the visual examination of the bronchi through using a bronchoscope
bronchospasm a contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles that tighten and squeeze the airway shut
Cheyne-Stokes respiration an irregular pattern of breathing characterized by alternating rapid or shallow respiration followed by slower respiration or apnea
Croup An acute respiratory syndrome in children and infants characterized by obstruction of the larynx, hoarseness and swelling around the vocal cords , resulting in a barking cough and stridor
Cyanosis A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes caused by a lack of adequate oxygen in the blood
Cystic fibrosis A life-threatening genetic disorder in which the lungs and pancreas are clogged with large quantities of abnormally thick mucus
Diphtheria An acute bacterial infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract
Dysphonia Difficulty in speaking, which may include any impairment in vocal quality, including hoarseness, weakness or the cracking of a boy’s voice during puberty
Dyspnea Difficult or labored breathing, also known as shortness of breath
Emphysema The progressive, long-term loss of lung function, usually due to smoking.
Empyema An accumulation of pus in a body cavity
Endotracheal intubation The passage of a tube through the mouth into the trachea to establish or maintain an open airway
Epistaxis Bleeding from the nose that may be caused by dry air, an injury, medication to prevent blood clotting, or high blood pressure; also known as nosebleed
Hemoptysis The expectoration of blood or bloodstained sputum derived from the lungs or bronchial tubes as the result of pulmonary or bronchial hemorrhage.
Hemothorax A collection of blood in the pleural cavity
Hypercapnia The abnormal buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood
Hyperpnea An increase in the depth and rate of the respiratory movements
Hypopnea Shallow or slow respiration
Hypoxemia The condition of having low oxygen levels in the blood
Hypoxia The condition of having deficient oxygen levels in the body’s tissues and organs; less severe than anoxia
Laryngectomy The surgical removal of the larynx
Laryngitis Inflammation of the larynx; also commonly used to describe voice loss that is caused by this inflammation
Laryngoscopy The visual examination of the larynx using a laryngoscope
Laryngospasm The sudden spasmodic closure of the larynx
Mediastinum The middle section of the chest cavity located between the lungs. This cavity contains the heart and its veins and arteries , the esophagus, trachea, bronchi, the thymus gland, and lymph nodes
Nebulizer An electronic device that pumps air or oxygen through a liquid medicine to turn it into a vapor, which is then inhaled by the patient via a face mask or mouthpiece
Otolaryngologist A physician with specialized training in the diagnosis and training in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the head and neck
Pertussis A contagious bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract that is characterized by recurrent bouts of a paroxysmal cough, followed by breathlessness and a noisy inspiration
Pharyngitis An inflammation of the pharynx
Phlegm Thick mucus secreted by the tissues lining the respiratory passages
Pleurisy An inflammation of the pleura, the membranes that cover the lungs and line the pleural cavity; causes pleurodynia
Pleurodynia A sharp pain that occurs when the inflamed membranes rub against each other with each inhalation
Pneumoconiosis Any fibrosis of the lung tissues caused by dust in the lungs after prolonged environmental or occupational contact
Pneumonectomy The surgical removal of all or part of a lung
Pneumonia A serious inflammation of the lungs in which the alveoli and air passages fill with pus and other liquids
Pneumothorax The accumulation of air in the pleural space, causing a pressure imbalance that causes the lung to fully or partially collapse
Polysomnography The diagnostic measurement of physiological activity during sleep , also known as a sleep study
Pulmonologist A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the respiratory system
Pulse oximeter An external monitor placed on the patient’s fingertip or earlobe to measure the oxygen saturation level in the blood
Pyothorax A collection of pus in the pleural cavity between the layers of the pleural membrane
Sinusitis Inflammation of the sinuses
Sleep apnea A potentially serious disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep for long enough periods to cause measurable decrease in blood oxygen levels
Spirometer A recording device that measures the amount of air inhaled or exhaled and the length of time required for each breath
Tachypnea An abnormally rapid rate of respiration, usaually of more than 20 breaths per minute
Thoracentesis The surgical puncture of the chest wall with a needle to obtain fluid from the pleural cavity
Thoracotomy A surgical incision into the chest walls to open the pleural cavity for biopsy or treatment
Tracheostomy The surgical creation of a stoma into the trachea in order to insert a temporary or permanent tube to facilitate breathing
Tracheotomy An emergency procedure in which an incision is made into the trachea to gain access to the airway below a blockage
Tuberculosis An infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that usually attacks the lungs; also known as TB, it can also affect other parts of the body
Created by: Mmart1018
Popular Medical sets




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