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The Middle Ear

Audiology Exam 1

Anterior Front
Posterior Back
Lateral Side
Medial Middle
Air filled middle ear cavity within the petrous portion of the temporal bone is separated into two regions _______ and _________ recess Tympanic and epitympanic
The Lateral wall of the middle ear space is largely made up of the Tympanic membrane
The anterior wall of the middle ear is comprised of ________ and canal for ________ Eustachian tube and tensor typani muscle
Eustachian tube Links the nasopharynxes to the middle ear space
What is the Eustachian tube responsible for? Regulating air pressure in middle ear cavity
The posterior wall of the middle ear is comprised of _______, ________, and __________ Aditus to mastoid atrium middle ear cavity, and mastoid bone
Aditus to mastoid atrium Area of interest for many middle ear disorders
The medial wall of the middle ear is comprised of _______, ________, and __________ Round window, oval window, and cochlear promontory
What does the oval window do? Allows for connections between middle ear bones (Ossicles) into the inner ear
What does the round window do? “Pressure Relief Valve” for the inner ear
Cochlear promontory Bulge of bony wall that extends into the middle ear cavity
What are the three ossicles? Malleus, incuse, and stapes
What are the three ossicles suspended within the middle ear cavity by? Muscles and tendons
Where is the head of malleus located? Epitympanum, connected to body of incus
What is the manubrium? Long process of malleus attached to the tympanic membrane
What does the manubrium do? Pulls the center of the drum inward forming the cone shape of tympanic membrane
Where is the head of incus located? Next to the head of malleus. The bones are fused together
What is the long crus of incus? Projects downward into tympanum division of cavity
What is the lenticular process of incus? Medial extension of the long crus; attaches to the stapes
What is the smallest bone in the body? Stapes
What are the Anterior and posterior crura of stapes? Struts of stapes
What is the footplate of stapes? Flat portion; plugs into opening in the inner ear that is known as the oval window
What does the annular ligament of stapes do? Holds footplate in oval windows
What are the two muscles in the middle ear? Tensor tympani and stapedius
The tensor tympani muscle is innervated by the ________ nerve Trigeminal (5th cranial nerve)
The tensor tympani muscle attaches to _________ The manubrium of the malleus
What does the tensor tympani muscle do when activated? Attenuates loud sound
When a loud sound is present, the tensor tympani muscle activates where? In both ears
The stapedius muscle is innervated by the ________ nerve Facial (7th cranial nerve)
The stapedius muscle attaches to __________ The struts of the stapes bone and the wall of the middle ear cavity
What does the stapedius muscle do when activated? Attenuates loudness of sounds
When a loud sound is present, the stapedius muscle activates where? In both ears
What are the three functions of the middle ear? Turns traveling sound wave into mechanical energy, overcomes the air-fluid impedance mismatch, and equalizes pressure
Impedance mismatch Fluid in the inner ear is much less compressible than air, it is more difficult to move the particles of fluid to create a change n pressure in the fluid
What are the two ways that the middle ear solves impedance mismatch? 1. The area difference between the tympanic membrane and the foot of the stapes. The tympanic membrane is large, and the foot is small. Area difference between them. 2. Level action of the ossicles.
Created by: RachelJClark
Popular Science sets




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