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Unit 3

Amphi Around, on both sides
Apo from, off, away
Auto self
Cata down, downward
di separate, two, double, two
en inside
eu good, well
exo out outside without
extra outside, more, beyond
haplo single
hetero other differnet
holo whole
inter between among
iso equal
mero a part
mono one single
par beside near
poly many much
pseudo false lying
telo an end, complete
tri three
acetyl the name of a chemical group
acid property of some chemicals
adip/o fat
areo air
alcoh[ol] name of a chemical group
alkali a property of some chemicals
allele on form of a gene(unit of inheriatance)
apex tip: highest point
astro star
bios life
base bottom lowest point
blasto a rapidly dividing cell
body large molecule
bol throw, forward movement
carbo carbon an element found in all living things
cell unit of life
centri centro center
chondrion grain
chrom/at/o color
cilia eyelash
code letters that contain a meaning
Coll glue
column a shape higher than it is wide
crine secretion; release from cells or the body
cub[e] a shape of an equal height and widith
dendr/o tree
diffus pouring out
dominant showing quailty if there's only one copy
dynam power energy
elast[ic] capable of being stretched
ergon energy
erythr/o the color red
ester the name of a chemical group
estrus reproductive cycle in female non-human
ethane the name of a chemical group
expressed beign shown
fibro fiber
filament a thread
fruct fruit
gamete a cell need for reproducution
gen/geno/genet birth (inheritance)
gland gland
gila glue
glob glob, wab
gluco/ glyco sweet sugar
goblet goblet chalice
quano bat poop
hist/o tissue
hydra/hydro water
immuno body defense against micro organisms
insula island
ion particle that carries an electric charge
kalium latin name for the element potassium
keto the name of a chemical gorup
kin/e movement addition
lact milk
lamina thin plate sheet layer
lariat a loop
layer a layer
leuk/o the color white
ligand a molecule that attaches to a receptor
lymph/o vessels taht frain fluid around the cells
lyse/ lyso breakdown
lyte product of a break down
lyze the process of a breakdown
magnet substance which attracts other magnetic substances
an chemical name ending
ase chemical name for an enzyme
ate chemical name ending
cule diminutive suffix
ein chemical name ending
elle diminutive suffix
er word ending that runs a verb into noun
icle diminutive suffix
icul diminutive suffix
id chemical name ending
ide chemical name ending
ified word ending that runs a noun into an adj
il chemical name ending
in chemical name ending for a protien
ine chemical name ending
is process word ending
ism belief process word ending
lysis breakdown process
oid chemical name ending for an alcholol
ole diminutive suffix
one chemical name ending
ose chemical name ending for sugar
ote word ending indication membership in a group
penia low levels of scaracity
sion word ending that turns a verb into a noun
sis process word ending
some body: structure
tic pertainging to t added to make it sound better
type impression made by
ula: ule diminutive suffix
um anatomical structre
stomy word ending
Created by: leviblu2024
Popular Medical sets




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