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Fairmont State Exosphere Exam 1

What is the metric for length? meter
What is the metric for volume? liter
What is the metric for mass? gram
What is the metric for time? second
What is the metric for temperature? Celsius
What is the metric for weight? Newton
When reading a graduated cylinder, what must you use to read? meniscus
What is the metric conversion table? Kilo, Hecto, Deka, unit, Deci, Centi, Milli King Henry Died ugly Drinking Chocolate Milk
What are the historical reasons people believe the earth is round? Pythagoras (shape of moon is sphere so Earth must be too), ship masts appear first on horizon as ships approach, polaris is higher in the sky as you move more north, earth casts a circular shadow during lunar eclipses
What is the position of the earth, sun and moon in a lunar eclipse? earth is between the sun and moon
What did Eratosthenes do? determined the circumference of the earth
What is the true shape of the earth? oblate spheroid
What are some examples of an oblate spheroid? egg, m&m, water balloon, beach ball, grapefruit *choose something 3D that is larger in the middle*
What are the three natural forces? gravitation, electromagnetic, nuclear
Gravitation Natural Force the force of gravity between any two objects with mass
Electromagnetic Natural Force combination of electrical and magnetic forces
Nuclear Natural Force force of attraction between all particles of a nucleus (protons and neutrons)
What happens when a force is applied? motion
T/F: the natural state of things is in motion true
Velocity describing how fast something is going and the direction it moves
We rotate on our ___ axis
We revolve around the ___ sun
Does earth spin clockwise or counterclockwise? counterclockwise
How do we know the earth rotates? star tracks (time elapse photos showing stars moving) and foucalt's pendulum (as earth rotates, the swinging thing knocks into pins)
What is a circle's eccentricity? 0
What is an ellipse's eccentricity? between 0 and 1
The closer an ellipse's eccentricity is to 0, the more ___ it is. circular
The closer an ellipse's eccentricity is to 1, the more ___ it is. straight/flattened
When does Earth experience equinoxes? March and September
When does Earth experience solstices? June and December
Precession Earth's wobble created when forces (gravity) act on a spinning body
Why do we have seasons? Earth is tilted on its axis
Which latitude line experiences the most sunlight during the winter solstice? tropic of capricorn (its south)
Explain longitude lines intersect at poles
What direction do longitude lines measure? east to west
What location does the prime meridian go through? Greenwich, England
Why are time zones to the west an hour ahead? The sun rises in the east
Why do we observe DST? to save energy (have more daylight during work hours)
Created by: haileyjordan
Popular Science sets




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