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pain is a percept Learned association between stimulus and consequence Bringing to conscious awareness the sensation of tissue damage
1. acute pain 2. persistent pain 3. chronic pain 1. Sharp, immediate. Detection of tissue damage 2. Healing, nociceptive (activate nociceptors to alert about damage), neuropathic (how NS interprets pain) 3. Not related to damage, maladaptive
alpha-delta afferents Myelinated fibers, relatively small diameter compared to alpha beta Nociceptors, any noxious stimulus to body (thermal & mechanical) Synapses onto 2 neurons in spinal cord
c-fibers Unmyelinated, small diameter fibers Thermal, mechanical, chemical Noxious stimuli
alpha-beta afferents Specifically related to touch Not painful Large and myelinated Bifurcates onto anterolateral pathways
first vs. second pain Initial sharp pain delivered via alpha delta fibers vs. Aching pain delivered by C fibers. Metabolically cheaper to continue delivering messages with these
1. spinothalamic tract 2. spinoreticular tract 3. spinomesencephalic tract 1. Spine to thalamus, then to cortex. When & where pain is 2. To thalamus & reticular formation. Then cortex. Increases arousal. 3. To limbic system via midbrain, periaqueductal grey area. Suppress pain.
hyperalgesia vs. allodynia Increase pain sensation from damaged tissue (ex. touching a sunburn) vs. Increase perception of pain to non-noxious stimuli (undamaged tissue)
peripheral pain mechanism 1. Damage to tissue, releases inflammation response 2. Produce AP to spinal cord & release SubP 3. Substance P released & activates mast cells to release histamines 4. More inflammation to immobilize tissue, also vasodilation
central pain mechanism 1. Pain neuron goes to dorsal horn 2. Presynaptic neuron releases glutamate into space 3. Glutamate binds to AMPA that allows Na to flow in
wind up- central pain mechanism 1. Multiple AP 2. Releases glutamate & substance P 3. Both bind to AMPA & NMDA 4. Receptors open & allows Na & Ca to enter 5. Ca causes 2nd messenger cascade 6. More AMPA receptors onto post synaptic space
sensory gate theory 1. A beta & C fiber synapses onto projection neuron 2. A beta (+) & C fiber (-) synapse onto interneuron 3. A beta is activated, then activates inhibitory neuron to suppress projection neuron (holding painful area suppresses pain)
opiate system Opiate receptors throughout brain, but high conc in periaqueductal gray region, raphe nuclei, spinal cord Morphine derived from opium & activates receptors Receptors activated by endorphins (like morphine)
opiate system process 1. Endorphins don't synapse directly, are neuromodulators 2. Endorphin binds to Ca channel & decrease Ca influx- less NT release 3. Endorphin binds to post synaptic, change conductance to K- hyperpolarizes the cell
what activates endorphin system Physical & psychological stress
chronic pain Occurs despite no activation of pain receptors Intractable- can't remove May be due to long term adaptation following prolonged period of persistent pain
Created by: craftycats_
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