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name the order of draw for multiple evac tube collection
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when are sterile blood samples taken
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tubes & tests

order of draw, common tests

name the order of draw for multiple evac tube collection blood culture, coagulation (blue), serum (red, gold SST), heparin (green), EDTA (lavender), glycolytic inhibitor (grey)
when are sterile blood samples taken always, first regardless of the method
name the order of draw for multiple syringe collection blood culture, coagulation (blue) EDTA (lavendar), Gel separator (SST, PST) or non additive (red)
what colour tube does Hematology mainly use? EDTA - lavendar
what colour tube does chemistry mainly use? light green - PST (gold SST is acceptable)
what colour tube does coagulation studies mainly use? Light Blue - sodium citrate
Gold tube has gel separator and clot activator. referred to as SST.
Light Blue tube has sodium citrate anticoagulant
Red tube has clot activator and NO anticoagulant
Dark Green tube has sodium heparin anticoagulant
Light Green tube has lithium heparin anticoagulant and Gel separator, referred to as PST.
tubes containing anticoagulants: dark green, light green, light blue, black, royal blue, lavender
tubes containing gel separator: gold-SST, light green-PST
tubes containing clot activator & no anticoagulant: red (plastic)
colour of tube to be used for CBC lavender
colour of tube to be used for lead royal blue (w lavender band)
colour of tube for PT, PTT light blue
colour of tube to be used for K, CREA, GLUF, GLUR, ALP, ALT, CA, CK, LIP, TP, UREA light green (mint) -PST
colour of tube to be used for Acute Hepatitis screen gold - SST
colour of tube to be used for SPE (serum protein electrophonesis) gold - SST
colour of tube to be used for RUBG, TTG, RF, LDL, HDL light green (mint) - PST
colour of tube that must be filled correctly/ in proper ratio of 9:1 light blue
most common hematology tests and colour of tube used: CBC - includes: RBC, WBC< platelet count, Hgb, Hct & diff leukocyte count. Lavender tube with EDTA
RBC test? determines the number of circulating red blood cells
WBC test? determines the number of leukocytes
platelet count? determines the number of platelets in the peripheral blood. Used to diagnose bleeding disorders and monitor anticoagulant therapy.
Hgb (hemoglobin) test? a low value can indicate anemia, high value may occur with sever burns. It is the O2 carrying protein found in rbc's
Hct (hematocrit) test? the ratio of rbc's to whole blood volume. Low value may indicate anemia or hemorrhage, elevated value may indicate dehydration or polycythemia. Also called packed cell volume.
Differential leukocyte count? count of each wbc, neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil, lymphocyte and monocyte.
ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)? measure the rate at which erythrocytes fall to the bottom of a tube under controlled lab conditions. Use the Westergren method.
hemostatsis? the process by which bleeding is stopped
hematopoesis? process by which erythrocytes are formed and developed in bone marrow
plasma? a straw coloured liquid includes : fibrinogen, proteins, Na, K, Cl etc. electrolytes, globulin.
serum? same components as plasma except fibrinogen is removed by allowing clotting to happen then centrifuged to separate cells from serum.
erythrocyte? largest cell, red in colour
leukocyte? second largest cell. there are two types - granulocytes & agranulocytes.
granulocytes? they have granules, 3 types: neutrophils, basophils & eosinophils.
which two granulocytes play a role in allergic reactions? basophil and eosinophil
agranulocytes? hav no granules, 2 types: lymphocytes and monocytes
Phagocytic cells that engulf bacteria and dead tissue cells? neutrophils & monocytes
the cell that produces antibodies against substances the body recognizes as foreign? lymphocytes
thrombocyte? also known as a platelet, not a true cell but a cell fragment. Plays a major role in the clotting process by forming the platelet plug that seals breaks in blood vessels.
Four main tests in the Coagulation section of Hematology department? platelet count, bleeding time test, PT (prothrombin time test or protime) & APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time)
what is a timed specimen? some tests need to be done at a specific time or after a set of criteria is met. Ex. STAT, pre-op, fasting.
criteria for fasting specimens? patient eats or drinks nothing for a period of time (8-12 hours). Draw. Common tests: cholesterol, triglycerides & glucose determinations.
Two hour postprandial glucose test (GLUC2H) Blood drawn 2 hours after eating. Light green tube. Screening test for diabetes.
Glucose tolerance test? Blood drawn on fasting patient, after drinking a standard amount of glucose. Samples taken at periodic intervals. Urine is also collected. Test for: diabetes mellitus & hypoglycemia.
Glucagon tolerance test? tests liver for stored glycogen. Fasting 12 hours, injected with glucagon, another spec is drawn.
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)? measures the amount of a particular drug in a patient's bloodstream. Good for optimal dosing amounts. Performed on serum drawn in a plain red tube, kept upright, time and method of draw must be included.
Created by: spicey
Popular Phlebotomy sets




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