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HSII Chpt 3. MT
Chapter 3: Gastroenterology Medical Terms
abdomin/o- | abdomen |
absorpt/o- | absorb; take in |
aden/o- | gland |
adhes/o- | to stick to |
aliment/o- | food; nourishment |
amyl/o- | starch |
anastom/o- | create an opening between two structures |
an/o- | anus |
aphth/o- | ulcer |
append/o- | appendix |
appendic/o- | appendix |
ascit/o- | ascites |
bili/o- | bile; gall |
bi/o- | life; living organisms; living tissue |
cancer/o- | cancer |
carcin/o- | cancer |
cec/o- | cecum |
celi/o- | abdomen |
cellul/o- | cell |
cheil/o- | lip |
chez/o- | to pass feces |
chlor/o- | chloride |
cholangi/o- | bile duct |
chol/e- | bile; gall |
cholecyst/o- | gallbladder |
choledoch/o- | common bile duct |
cirrh/o- | yellow |
col/o- | colon |
colon/o- | colon |
constip/o- | compacted feces |
contin/o- | hold together |
degluti/o- | swallowing |
digest/o- | break down food; digest |
diverticul/o- | diverticulum |
duoden/o- | duodenum |
emet/o- | to vomit |
emulsific/o- | droplets of fat suspended in a liquid |
enter/o- | intestine |
esophag/o- | esophagus |
fec/a- | feces; stool |
fec/o- | feces; stool |
flatul/o- | flatus (gas) |
gastr/o- | stomach |
gloss/o- | tongue |
gustat/o- | the sense of taste |
hemat/o- | blood |
hemorrh/o- | a flowing of blood |
hemorrhoid/o- | hemorrhoid |
hepat/o- | liver |
herni/o- | hernia |
hiat/o- | gap; opening |
hydr/o- | water; fluid |
incis/o- | to cut into |
infect/o- | disease within |
inguin/o- | groin |
mandibul/o- | mandible (lower jaw) |
ile/o- | ileum |
intestine/o- | intestine |
intussuscep/o- | to receive within |
jaund/o- | yellow |
jejun/o- | jejunum |
kin/o- | movement |
lact/o- | milk |
lapar/o- | abdomen |
lingu/o- | tongue |
lith/o- | stone |
lip/o- | lipid (fat) |
log/o- | word; the study of |
magnet/o- | magnet |
mastic/o- | chewing |
nas/o- | nose |
obstip/o- | severe constipation |
obstruct/o- | blocked by a barrier |
omphal/o- | umbilicus; navel |
operat/o- | perform a procedure; surgery |
orex/o- | appetite |
or/o- | mouth |
ot/o- | ear |
pancreat/o- | pancreas |
pelv/o- | pelvis (hip bone; renal pelvis) |
pepsin/o- | pepsin |
peps/o- | digestion |
pept/o- | digestion |
perfor/o- | to have an opening |
peritone/o- | peritoneum |
periton/o- | peritoneum |
phag/o- | eating; swallowing |
pharyng/o- | pharynx (throat) |
polyp/o- | polyp |
proct/o- | rectum |
pyr/o- | fire; burning |
pylor/o- | pylorus |
rect/o- | rectum |
regurgitat/o- | flow backward |
resect/o- | to cut out; remove |
rotat/o- | rotate |
rub/o- | red |
saliv/o- | saliva |
scop/o- | examine with an instrument |
sial/o- | saliva; salivary gland |
sigmoid/o- | sigmoid colon |
son/o- | sound |
spast/o- | spasm |
splen/o- | spleen |
stal/o- | contraction |
steat/o- | fat |
stomat/o- | mouth |
tom/o- | cut; slice; layer |
transplant/o- | move something to another place |
ulcerat/o- | ulcer |
umbilic/o- | umbilicus; navel |
ventr/o- | front; abdomen |
vir/o- | virus |
-ac, -al, -ar, -ary, -eal, -ic, -ive | pertaining to |
-ase | enzyme |
-ate | composed of; pertaining to |
-ated | pertaining to a condition, composed of |
-ation | a process: being or having |
-cele | hernia |
-centesis | procedure to puncture |
-cyte | cell |
-ectomy | surgical excision |
-emesis | vomiting |
-ence | state of |
-entery | condition of the intestine |
-gen | that which produces |
-grade | pertaining to going |
-gram | a record or picture |
-graphy | process of recording |
-ia | condition; state; thing |
-iasis | state of; process of |
-ice | state; quality |
-id | resembling; source or origin |
-in | a substance |
-ion | action; condition |
-ist | one who specializes in |
-itis | inflammation of; infection of |
-ix | a thing |
-lith | stone |
-megaly | enlargement |
-oid | resembling |
-oma | tumor; mass |
-opsy | process of viewing |
-ory | having the function of |
-osis | condition; abnormal condition; process |
-ous | pertaining to |
-pathy | disease; suffering |
-plasty | process of reshaping by surgery |
-post | after; behind |
-rrhaphy | procedure of suturing |
-rrhea | flow; discharge |
-scope | instrument used to examine |
-scopy | process of using an instrument to examine |
-sis | process; condition; abnormal condition |
-stomy | surgically created opening |
-tion | a process; being or having |
-tomy | process of cutting or making an incision |
an- | without; not |
anti- | against |
de- | reversal of; without |
dia- | complete; completely through |
dys- | painful; difficult; abnormal |
endo- | innermost; within |
hyper- | above; more than normal |
im- | not |
in- | in; within |
intra- | within |
mal- | bad; inadequate |
meso- | middle |
par- | beside |
peri- | around |
poly- | many; much |
retro- | behind; backward |
sub- | below; underneath; less than |
trans- | across; through |
albumin | the major protein molecule in the blood |
anus | the external opening of the rectum |
benign | non-cancerous |
bile | a yellow-green |
bile duct | ducts which transport bile from the liver to the duodenum |
bilirubin | the yellow pigment in bile |
biliverdin | the green pigment in bile |
cardia | small area where the esophagus enters the stomach |
cecum | a short sac-like portion of the large intestine |
crohn | a type of inflammatory bowel disease |
chyme | partially digested food |
colon | the longest part of the large intestine |
delta | the fourth letter of the greek alphabet (Δ |
diverticulum | weakness in the wall of the colon where the mucosa forms a pouch or tube. |
diverticula | plural of diverticulum |
duodenum | a 10-inch C-shaped segment beginning at the stomach and ending after the jejunum |
elimination | undigested materials and water are eliminated from the body in a solid waste form |
emesis | the expelling of food from the stomach through the mouth |
enema | liquid instilled into the rectum and colon |
enzymes | proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body |
esophagus | a flexible |
feces | (also stool) formed |
flatus | gas produced by bacteria that inhabit the large intestine |
fundus | rounded |
gallbladder | a teardrop-shaped |
gluten | a mixture of insoluble plant proteins occurring in cereal grains |
gravidarum | pregnancy |
haustra | pouches in the wall of the large intestine that expand to accommodate the bulk of undigested materials |
hernia | weakness in the muscle of the diaphragm or abdominal wall. The intestine bulges through the defect. |
ileum | a 12-foot segment of the small intestine where absorption of nutrients is completed |
ileus | abnormal absence of peristalsis in the small and large intestines |
incarcer/o- | to imprison |
intestine | the lower part of the alimentary canal |
jejunum | the 8-foot |
liver | a large |
lumen | open channel inside a tubular structure such as the esophagus |
omentum | an extension of the peritoneum which supports the stomach and hangs down as a fatty apron to cover and protect the small intestine |
meconium | a thick |
melena | dark |
mesentery | a thick fan-shaped extension of the peritoneum |
mucosa | mucous membrane that lines the gastrointestinal system and produces mucus |
nausea | an unpleasant |
pancreas | a yellow |
palate | the hard bone and posterior soft tissues that form the roof of the mouth |
patent | open |
pedunculated | having a thin stalk that supports an irregular |
peritoneum | a double-layer serous membrane |
pharynx | the passageway for food as well as inhaled and exhaled air |
polyp | small |
pylorus | one of four regions of the stomach |
rectum | a short, straight segment of colon that connects to the outside of the body |
reflux | a flowing back; regurgitation |
rugae | thick, deep folds of gastric mucosa that expand as the stomach fills with food |
saliva | a lubricant that moistens food as it is chewed and swallowed |
serum | the fluid portion of the blood (without the cells and clotting factors) |
sessile | a mound with a broad base |
sigmoid | the last portion of the colon which bends toward the midline and joins the rectum |
stool | (also feces) a solid waste form of undigested materials and water |
sphincter | a muscular ring |
stoma | an artificial permanent opening especially in the abdominal wall made in surgical procedures |
ulcer | erosion of tissue |
uvula | fleshy hanging part of soft palate |
varix | varices |
villi | small |
vomitus | (also vomit) expelled food or chyme |
a.c. | before meals (Latin, ante cibum) |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GI | gastrointestinal |
HAV | hepatitis A virus |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
HCl | hydrochloric acid |
HCV | hepatitis C virus |
LLQ | left lower quadrant |
LUQ | left upper quadrant |
N&V | nausea and vomiting |
NG | nasogastric |
NPO (n.p.o.) | nothing by mouth (Latin, nil per os) |
p.c. | after meals (Latin, post cibum) |
RLQ | right lower quadrant |
RUQ | right upper quadrant |