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HSII Chpt. 4 MT
Chapter 4: Pulmonology Medical Terms
aden/o- | gland |
alveoli/o- | alveolus (air sac) |
anthrac/o- | coal |
arteri/o- | artery |
asbest/o- | asbestos |
aspir/o- | to breathe in; to suck in |
asthm/o- | asthma |
atel/o- | incomplete |
auscult/o- | listening |
bacteri/o- | bacterium |
bi/o- | life; living organisms; living tissue |
bronch/o-bronchi/o- | bronchus, bronchus |
bronchiol/o- | bronchiole |
capn/o- | carbon dioxide |
carbox/y- | carbon monoxide |
carcin/o- | cancer |
cardi/o- | heart |
cellul/o- | cell |
chron/o- | time |
cocc/o- | spherical bacterium |
coni/o- | dust |
cortic/o- | cortex (outer region) |
cost/o- | rib |
cyan/o- | blue |
cyst/o- | bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst |
diaphragmat/o- | diaphragm |
dilat/o- | dilate; widen |
effuse/o- | a pouring out |
embol/o- | embolus (occluding plug) |
fibr/o- | fiber |
fus/o- | pouring |
gen/o- | arising from; produced by |
glob/o- | shaped like a globe; comprehensive |
glott/o- | glottis (of the larynx) |
hal/o- | breathe |
hem/o- | blood |
hil/o- | hilum (indentation in an organ) |
infect/o- | disease within |
laryng/o- | larynx (voice box) |
kal/i- | potassium |
lingu/o- | tongue |
lob/o- | lobe of an organ |
log/o- | word; the study of |
malign/o- | intentionally causing harm; cancer |
metabol/o- | change; transformation |
muc/o- | mucus |
mucos/o- | mucous membrane |
nas/o- | nose |
obstruct/o- | blocked by a barrier |
or/o- | mouth |
orth/o- | straight |
ox/i- | oxygen |
ox/o- | oxygen |
ox/y- | oxygen; quick |
pariet/o- | wall of a cavity |
paroxysm/o- | sudden, sharp attack |
pector/o- | thorax (chest) |
percuss/o- | tapping |
pharyng/o- | pharynx (throat) |
phil/o- | attraction to; fondness for |
phren/o- | diaphragm; mind |
phys/o- | inflate; distend; grow |
pleur/o- | pleura (lung membrane) |
pne/o- | breathing |
pneum/o- | lung; air |
pneumon/o- | lung; air |
pulmon/o- | lung |
purul/o- | pus |
py/o- | pus |
radi/o- | radius (forearm bone); x-rays; radiation |
resect/o- | to cut out; remove |
resuscit/o- | revive; raise up again |
sensiv/o- | affected by; sensitive to |
sept/o- | septum (dividing wall) |
spir/o- | breathe; a coil |
steth/o- | chest |
therap/o- | treatment |
thorac/o- | thorax (chest) |
trache/o- | trachea (windpipe) |
tract/o- | pulling |
tubercul/o- | nodule; tuberculosis |
tuber/o- | nodule |
tub/o- | tube |
turbin/o- | scroll-like structure; turbinate |
tuss/o- | cough |
ventil/o- | movement of air |
vir/o- | virus |
viscer/o- | large internal organs |
-al, -ant, -ar, -ary, -atic, -ic, -ive | pertaining to |
-ate | composed of; pertaining to |
-ator | person or thing that produces or does |
-ated | pertaining to a condition; composed of |
-ation | a process; being or having |
-atory | pertaining to |
-centesis | procedure to puncture |
-cle | small thing |
-drome | a running |
-eal | pertaining to |
-ectasis | condition of dilation |
-ectomy | surgical excision |
-ema | condition |
-emia | condition of the blood; substance in the blood |
-ent | pertaining to |
-graphy | process of recording |
-ia | condition; state; thing |
-in | a substance |
-ion | action; condition |
-ism | process; disease from a specific cause |
-ist | one who specializes in |
-isy | condition of inflammation or infection |
-itis | inflammation of; infection of |
-ity | state; condition |
-logy | the study of |
-meter | instrument used to measure |
-metry | process of measuring |
-ole | small thing |
-oma | tumor; mass |
-or | person or thing that produces or does |
-osis | condition; abnormal condition; process |
-pharynx | pharynx (throat) |
-pnea | breathing |
-ptysis | abnormal condition of coughing up |
-scope | instrument used to examine |
-scopy | process of using an instrument to examine |
-spasm | sudden, involuntary muscle contraction |
-steroid | steroid |
-stomy | surgically created opening |
-thorax | thorax (chest) |
-tic | pertaining to |
-tomy | process of cutting or making an incision |
a- | away from; without |
an- | without; not |
anti- | against |
brady- | slow |
circum- | around |
dys- | painful; difficult; abnormal |
em- | in |
endo- | innermost; within |
epi- | upon; above |
eu- | normal; good |
ex- | out; away from |
hyper- | above; more than normal |
hypo- | below; deficient |
in- | in; within; not |
inter- | between |
pan- | all |
per- | through; throughout |
re- | again and again; backward; unable to |
syn- | together |
tachy- | fast |
alveolus (pl. alveoli) | a hollow sphere of cells that expands and contracts with each breath |
Ambu bag | a hand-held device that is used to manually breathe for the patient on a temporary basis |
anoxic | a patient with a complete lack of oxygen in the arterial blood and body tissues |
apex (pl. apices) | the rounded top of each lung |
asphyxia | an abnormally high level of carbon dioxide and an abnormally low level of oxygen |
asthma | hyperactivity of the bronchi and bronchioles with bronchospasm |
atelectatic | incomplete expansion of collapse of part or all of a lung due to mucus, tumor, trauma or a foreign body that blocks the bronchus |
bronchus (pl. bronchi) | either of the two primary divisions of the trachea that lead respectively into the lungs |
cancer | any type of malignant growth or tumor, caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division |
cannula | a small tube for insertion into a body cavity, duct, or vessel |
carbon dioxide | a colorless, odorless, incombustible gas formed during respiration and organic decomposition |
cilia | small hairs that flow in coordinated waves to move mucus and trapped particles toward the throat |
concha (pl. conchae) | any of various structures, such as the external ear, that resemble a shell in shape. |
diaphragm | a sheet of skeletal muscle, lies along the inferior border of the thoracic cavity |
edema | fluid collection in tissue |
embolus | a blood clot or fat globule in the circulatory system |
epiglottis | a lid-like structure |
Heimlich maneuver | procedure to assist a choking victim with an airway obstruction |
hilum (pl. hila) | an indentation on the medial surface of the lung where a bronchus enters the lung |
hypoxic | very low level of oxygen in the cells |
influenza | acute viral infection of the upper and lower respiratory system with fever, aches and a cough |
larynx | voice box |
Legionnaire’s disease | severe, sometimes fatal, bacterial infection with flu-like symptoms, aches and fever |
Legionella pneumophilia | bacteria responsible for Legionnaire’s disease |
lobe | large divisions of the lung, whose dividing lines are visible on the outer surface of the lung |
lumen | the cavity of a tubular organ or part, as in lumen of a blood vessel |
Mantoux | test to determine if a patient has been exposed to tuberculosis |
mediastinum | an irregularly shaped area that contains the trachea, heart and esophagus |
mucosa | a mucous membrane that humidifies the air and produces mucus |
oxygen | an element, normally a gas, that makes up about one-fifth of the atmosphere of the Earth |
parenchyma | the functional part of the lung |
pharynx | throat |
pleura | the thin serous membrane that envelops each lung and folds back to make a lining for the chest cavity |
Pneumocystis jiroveci | a fungus causing severe pneumonia |
rales | irregular crackling or bubbling sounds during inspiration |
rhonchi | humming, whistling, or snoring sounds during inspiration or expiration |
Reye’s syndrome | vomiting, seizures, liver failure, sometimes fatal condition from the use of aspirin to treat the flu |
septum | lung membrane (a wall or partition) |
sputum | mucus production |
status asthmaticus | a prolonged, extremely severe, life-threatening asthma attack |
stridor | high-pitched, harsh, crowing sound due to edema or obstruction in the trachea or larynx |
surfactant | a protein-fat compound that reduces surface tension and keeps the walls of the alveolus from collapsing with each exhalation. |
thorax | a bony cage that consists of the sternum, the ribs and spinal column |
trachea | windpipe |
wheezes | high-pitched whistling or squeaking sounds during inspiration or expiration |
A&P | auscultation and percussion |
AP | anterioposterior (view on chest x-ray) |
CO | carbon monoxide |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CPAP | continuous positive airway pressure |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
LLL | left lower lobe (of the lung) |
LUL | left upper lobe (of the lung) |
O2 | oxygen |
PA | posteroanterior (view on chest x-ray) |
RLL | right lower lobe (of the lung) |
RML | right middle lobe (of the lung) |
RRT | registered respiratory therapist |
RUL | right upper lobe (of the lung) |
SARS | severe acute respiratory syndrome |
SIDS | sudden infant death syndrome |
SOB | shortness of breath |
TB | tuberculosis |
TPR | temperature, pulse and respiration |
URI | upper respiratory infection |