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Chapter 38

Foundations of Radiography, Radiographic Equipment, and Radiologic Safety

ALARA Concept Concept of radiation protection that states that all exposures should be kept “as low as reasonably achievable.”
Ampere A unit of electric current.
Anode Positive electrode in the x-ray tube.
Atom Basic unit of matter.
Bremsstrahlung Reaction “Braking radiation”; the sudden deceleration of electrons as they interact with highly positively charged nuclei.
Cathode Negative electrode in the x-ray tube.
Central Ray X-rays at the center of the beam.
Control Panel Portion of the x-ray unit that contains the master switch, the indicator light, the selector buttons, and the exposure button.
Density Overall darkness or blackness of an image.
Dental Radiography Process of recording images of the teeth and adjacent structures by exposure to x-radiation.
Digital Imaging Filmless method of capturing an image and displaying it by using an image receptor, an electronic signal, and a computer to process and store the image.
Distortion Change in the size of an image caused by incorrect vertical angulation.
Dose (Of Radiation) Amount of energy absorbed by tissues.
Dosimeter Device used to detect and measure an accumulated dosage of radiation.
Electron Negatively charged particle in the atom.
Energy Ability to do work.
Extension Arm Flexible arm that is attached to the x-ray tubehead.
Genetic Effects of radiation that are passed on to future generations through genetic cells.
Image Film-based or digitally produced recordings of anatomic structures.
Image Receptor Recording medium for an image, normally film, phosphor storage plate, or a digital sensor.
Intensity Total energy of the x-ray beam.
Ion Electrically charged particle.
Ionization Process by which electrons are removed from atoms, causing the harmful effects of radiation in humans.
Ionizing Radiation that produces ionization, resulting in harmful effects.
Kilovoltage Highest voltage of x-ray tube used during an exposure.
Latent Time between exposure to ionizing radiation and appearance of symptoms.
Lead Apron Device used to protect the reproductive and blood-forming tissues from scatter radiation.
Magnification Proportional enlargement of an image.
Master Switch, Indicator Light, Selector Buttons, Exposure Button Components of control panel.
Matter Anything that occupies space and has form or shape.
Contrast Differences in degrees of blackness on an image.
Milliampere One one-thousandth (1/1000) of an ampere; a unit of measurement used to describe the intensity of an electrical current.
Penumbra Blurred or indistinct area that surrounds an image.
Personal Radiation Monitoring Badge Device that measures exposure of personnel to ionizing radiation by measuring the intensity of visible light emitted from a crystal in the detector when heated; the intensity of light emitted depends on the radiation exposure.
Photon Minute (tiny) bundle of pure energy that has no weight or mass.
Primary Beam Most penetrating beam produced at the target of the anode.
Primary Radiation Same as primary beam.
Quality (Of X-Ray Beam) Mean energy or penetrating ability of the x-ray beam.
Quantity (Of X-Ray Beam) Number of x-rays produced in the dental unit; the quantity of x-rays produced is controlled by milliamperage.
Radiation Forms of waves of energy emission through space or material.
Radiograph Image produced on photosensitive film by exposing the film to radiation and then processing it.
Radiology Science or study of radiation as used in medicine.
X-Radiation High-energy ionizing electromagnetic radiation.
Scatter Radiation Form of secondary radiation that occurs when an x-ray beam has been deflected from its path by interaction with matter.
Secondary Radiation X-radiation that is created when the primary beam interacts with matter.
Sensor Solid-state image receptor that contains a silicon chip with an electric circuit.
Sharpness Measure of how well an image reproduces the fine details or outline of an object.
Somatic Effects of radiation that cause illness and are responsible for poor health (such as cancer, leukemia, and cataracts) but are not passed on to offspring.
Thyroid Collar Flexible lead shield that is placed securely around the neck.
Tubehead Part of the x-ray unit that contains the x-ray tube, the high-voltage and low-voltage transformers, and insulating oil.
Tungsten Target Focal spot in the anode.
Created by: namesniped
Popular Science sets




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