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Atropine, Epi, Furosemide, Lidocaine, Vasopressin

What is the class of atropine sulfate? Anticholinergic agent
What drug's MOA is a parasympatholythic: inhibits action of acetylcholine at postganglionic parasympathetic neuroeffector sites. Inceases heart rate in life-threatening bradyarrhythmias. Atopine Sulfate
What are the indications for administering atropine sulfate? Hemodynamically unstable bradycardia, asystole, bradycardic (<60 beats/min) pusleless electrical activity (PEA), organophosphate poisoning,bronchospastic pulmonary disorders.
Which drug has contraindications of...tachycardia, hypersensitivity, unstable cardiovascular status in acute hemorrhage and myocardial ischemia, narrow-angle glaucoma? Atropine Sulfate
What is the dosage (IV/IO) of atropine for an adult who is experiencing asystole or bradycardia PEA? 1 mg IV/IO push. May repeat every 3-5 minutes (if asystole of PEA persists) to a maximum of 3 doses (3 mg).
What is the dosage (ET) of atropine for an adult experiencing asystole or bradycardia PEA? 2-3 mg diluted in 10 mL of water or normal saline.
What is the adult dosage (IV/IO)of atropine for a patient with unstable bradycardia? 0.5 mg every 3-5 minutes as needed, not to exceed total dose of 3 mg. Use shorter dosing interval (3 min)and higher dose in severe clinical conditions.
What is the adult dosage of atropine for a patient with organophosphate poisoning? Extremely large doses (2-4 mg or higher) may be needed.
What is the pediatric dosage (IV/IO) of atropine? 0.02 mg/kg; may be double this dose for second IV/IO push.
What is the pediatric minimum single dose and maximum single dose of atropine? Minimum single dose: 0.1 mg. Maximum single doses: child single dose: 0.5 mg, child total dose: 1 mg, adolescent single dose: 1 mg, adolescent total dose: 2 mg.
What is the ET adminisration dose of atropine? (Pediatric) 0.03 mg/kg (absorption may be unreliable)
What drug has a class of a sympathomimtic? Epinephrine (Adrenalin)
What is the MOA if epinephrine? Direct-acting alpha and beta agonist. Alpha: vasoconstriction. Beta 1: positive inotropic, chronotropic, and dromotropic effects. Beta 2: bronchial smooth muscle relaxtion and dilation of skeletal vasculature.
Allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, and asthma are all indications for this drug? Epinephrine
Cardiac arrest (V-fib/pulseless V-tach, asystole, PEA), symptomatic bradycardia as an alternative infusion to dopamine, severe hypotension secondary to bradycardia when atropine and tansscutaneous pacing are unsuccessful are indications for this drug? Adrenalin (epinephrine)
What are the contraindications of epinephrine? Hypertension, hypothermia, pulmonary edema, myocardial ischemia, hypovolemic shock.
What is the adult doasge for mild allergic reactions? (Epinephrine) 0.3-0.5 mg (0.3-0.5 mL of 1:1,000) SC.
What is the adult dosage for anaphylaxis? (Epinephrine) 0.1 mg (1 mL of 1:10,000) IV/IO over 5 minutes.
What is the adult dosage for cardiac arrest?(Epi by IV/IO) 1 mg (10 mL of 1:10,000 solution) every 3-5 minutes during resuscitation. Follow each dose with 20 mL flush and elevate arm for 10 to 20 seconds after dose.
When will higher dose of epi be indicated in an adult patient and what is the doasge during cardiac arrest? Beta blocker or calcium over dose. Up to 0.2 mg/kg.
What is the adult dosage for cardiac arrest using continuous infusion? (Epi) Add 1 mg (1 mL of 1:1,000) to 500 mL normal saline or D5W. Initial infusion rate of 1 mcg/min titrated to effect (typical dose: 2-10 mcg/min).
What is the adult dosage for cardiac arrest with with the ET route? (Epi) 2-2.5 mg diluted in 10 mL normal slaine.
What is the adult dosage for profound bradycardia or hypotension? (Epi) 2-20 mcg/min; titrate to patient response.
What is the pediatric dosage for mild allergic reactions and asthma? (Epi) 0.01 mg/kg (0.01 mL/kg) of 1:1,000 solution SC (maximum of 0.3 mL).
What is the pediatric dosage for cardiac arrest? (IV/IO and ET of Epi) IV/IO: 0.01 mg/kg (0.1 mL/kg) of 1:10,000 solution every 3-5 minutes during arrest.ET: 0.1 mg/kg (0.1 mL/kg) of 1:1,000 solution.
What is the pediatric dosage for symptomatic bradycardia? (IV/IO and ET of EPI) IV/IO: 0.01 mg/kg (0.1 mL/kg) 1:10,000 solution.ET: 0.1 mg/kg (0.1 mL/kg) of 1:1,000 solution.
What is the pediatric dosage for a continuous IV/IO infusion? (Epi) Begin with rapid infusion, then titrate to response. Typical initial infusion: 0.1-1 mcg/min. Higher doses may effective.
What drug is a loop diuretic? Furosemide (Lasix)
What is the MOA for furosemide? Inhibits electrolyte reabsorption and promotes excretion of sodium, potassium, chloride.
CHF, pulmonary edema, and hypertensive crisis are indications for use of what drug? Furosemide (Lasix)
Hypovolemia, anuria, hypotension (relative condtraindication); hyersensitivity, and hepatic coma are all contraindications for this drug. Furosemide (Lasix)
What is the adult dosage for furosemide? 0.5-1.0 mg/kg injected IV over 1 to 2 minutes. If no response, double the dose to 2mg/kg over 1 to 2 minutes.
What is the pediatric dosage for furosemide? 1 mg/kg/dose IV/IO.
What is the class of lidocaine hydrochloride (Xylocaine)? Antiarrhythmic
Decreases automaticity by slowing the rate of phase 4 deplorzation is the MOA of this drug... Lidocaine Hydrochloride (Xylocaine)
What are the indications for lidocaine? Alternative to amiodarone in cardiac arrest from V-fib/pulseless V-tach, stable monomorphic V-tach, stable polymorphic V-tach with normal baseline QT interval.
Contraindications for lidocaine are...? Hpyersensitivity, second and third degree AV blocks in the absence of artificial pacemaker, Strokes-Adams syndrome, prophylactic use in AMI, wide-complex ventricular escape beats with bradycardia.
What is the adult IV/IO dosage for lidocaine in cardiac arrest from V-fib/pulseless V-tach? Initial dose: 1-1.5 mg/kg. Repeat dose: 0.5-0.75 mg/kg, repeated in 5-10 minutes to maximum dose of 3 mg/kg.
What is the adult ET dosage for lidocaine in cardiac arrest from V-fib/pulseless V-tach? 2-4 mg/kg
What is the adult dosage for stable V-tach, wide-complex tachycardia of certain type, significant ectopy? (Lido) Doses ranging from 0.5-0.75 mg/kg eery 5-10 minutes. Maximum total dose is 3 mg/kg.
What is the adult maintenance infusion dose of lidocaine? 1-4 mg/min (30-50 mcg/kg/min); can dilute in D5W or normal saline.
What is the pediatric IV/IO dosage of lidocaine? 1 mg/kg rapid IV/IO push. Maximum dose: 100 mg.
What is the pediatric continuous IV/IO infusion for lidocaine? 20-50 mcg/kg/min. Administer bolus dose (1 mg/kg) when infusion is initiated if bolus has not been given within previous 15 minutes.
What is the dosage for pediatrics using ET route? (Lido). 2-3 mg/kg
What class is vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic)? Antidiuretic hormone
What drug has an MOA being stimulation of V1 smooth muscle receptors, potent vasoconstrictor when given in higher doses? Vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic)
Alternate vasopressor to the first or second dose of epinephrine in cardiac arrest, may be useful in cases of vasodilatory shock (i.e. septic shock) are indications for what drug? Vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic)
What are the contraindications for vasopressin? Responsive patients with coronary artery disease.
What is the adult dosage for vasopressin? 10 mg bolus IV over 2 minutes; then 50 mg over 1 hour, then 20 mg over the second hour and 20 mg over the third hour, for a total dose of 100 mg (other doses may be prescribed through medical direction).
Is vasopressin indicated in pediatrics? Saftey not established.
Created by: smgredd
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