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Focus: Hope HCT

Chabner, Med Terms--a short course ch 4 vocab

Abnormal away from the norm, irregular
Adrenal glands two glands, one above each kidney, which produce adrenalin and hydrocortisone
Analysis separating a substance into its component parts
Anemia a blood condition that lacks hemoglobin or erythrocytes
Antepartum before birth
Antibiotic a substance that works against a germ’s life
Antibody a substance produced by leukocytes that fights against germs
Antigen something that provokes the leukocytes to develop antibodies
Aphasia absence or impairment of speech
Apnea not able to breathe, temporary stopping breath
Atrophy decrease in the size of cells within an organ
Benign non cancerous
Bilateral two sided
Bradycardia slow heartbeat
Congenital anomaly an irregularity that is apparent at birth
Dialysis complete separation of wastes from blood when kidneys fail
Diarrhea discharge of watery wastes from colon
Dysphagia difficulty swallowing
Dysplasia abnormality of development or formation of cells
Dyspnea painful or difficult breathing
Dysuria painful or difficult urination
Ectopic pregnancy development of the zygote outside of the uterus
Endocrine glands glands that secrete within the body
Endoscopy process of viewing the inside of organs
Epidural hematoma mass of blood above the dura mater (outermost membranes around brain and spinal cord)
Excision act of cutting out
Extrahepatic pertaining to outside the liver
Hemigastrectomy removal of half the stomach
Hemiplegia paralysis of one side of the body
Hyperglycemia higher than normal levels of sugar in the blood
Hypertension high blood pressure
Hyperthyroidism excessive activity of the thyroid gland
Hypertrophy enlargement of an organ or body part because the cells are bigger
Hypoglycemia blood condition of low blood sugar
Incision cutting into something
Intervertebral pertaining to lying between to backbones
Intrauterine pertaining to within the uterus
Intravenous pertaining to within a vein
Malignant tending to become progressively worse
Metacarpal bones between the wrist bones (carpals) and finger bones (phalanges)
Metastasis ”change of place;” when a tumor spreads to a distant organ
Neonatal pertaining to a new birth
Neoplastic pertaining to a new growth
Paralysis loss or impairment of movement in a body part
Paraplegia loss or impairment of movement in the lower part of the body
Parathyroid glands 4 glands behind the thyroid gland that help with calcium in the blood and bone
Perianal pertaining to surrounding the anus
Periosteum membrane that surrounds the bone
Polydipsia excessive thirst
Polyneuropathy disease of many nerves
Polyuria excessive urination
Postmortem after death
Postpartum after birth
Precancerous pertaining to a condition that tends to become malignant
Prolapse “sliding forward;” falling down or drooping of a body part
Prothesis “to place before;” an artificial substitute for a body part
Quadriplegia paralysis of all 4 extremities
Relapse “sliding back/again;” the return of a disease after its apparent termination
Remission lessening of symptoms of a disease
Resection cutting or trimming back some part of an organ or structure
Retroperitoneal pertaining to behind the peritoneum
Subcostal pertaining to below the ribs
Subcutaneous the lower level of skin made up of fatty tissue
Subdural hematoma mass of blood below the dura mater (the outermost membrane surrounding the brain
Subscapular pertaining to under the shoulder bone
Subtotal less than total; under the total amount
Syndrome set of symptoms that occur together to indicate a disease condition
Tachycardia condition of rapid heartbeat
Tachypnea condition of rapid breathing
Transabdominal pertaining to across the abdomen
Transurethral pertaining to across or through the urethra
Tricuspid valve fold of tissue between the upper and lower chambers on the right side of the heart.
Ultrasonography recording of internal body structures using sound waves
Unilateral pertaining to one side
Urinalysis examination of urine to determine its contents
Created by: cannons
Popular Medical sets




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