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Medical Term. #2
Term | Definition |
COLD | Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
CP | Chest Pain, chemically pure, Cerebral Palsy |
CPR | CardioPulmonary Resuscitation |
CSF | Cerebralspinal Fluid |
CVP | Central Venous Pressure |
CAD | Coronary Artery Disease |
CBC | Complete Blood Count |
cc | cubic centimeter |
CC or C/C | Chief Complaint |
CCU | Coronary Care Unit |
CHF | Congestive Heart Failure |
Cl | Chloride |
cm | Centimeter |
cm3 | Cubic Centimeter |
CNS | Central Nervous System |
c/o | complaining of |
CO | carbon monoxide, cardiac output |
ECG | ElectroCardioGram |
eg. | Example |
ENT | Ears, Nose, Throat |
ETOH | Ethyl Alcohol |
`FBS | Fasting Blood Sugar |
Fe | Iron |
OD | Overdose, right eye, optical density, outside diameter, doctor of Optometry |
OP | OutPatient |
OR | Operating Room |
pH | Hydrogen-Iron Concentration |
ss | half |
SS | Signs and Symptoms |
stat | immediately |
STD | Sexually Transmitted Disease |
Sx, sym | Symptoms |
tab | tablet |
TB | Tuberculosis |
tid | 3xD, 3 times a day |
TPR | Temperature, pulse, respiration |
TX | Treatment |
URI | Upper Respiratory Infection |
UTI | Urinary Tract Infection |
RBC | Red Blood Cell |
Rh | Rhesus blood factor |
Rx | Prescription |
SC | Subcutaneous, secretory component |
vol | volume |
w/ | with |
WBC | White Blood Cells |
WNL | Within Normal Limits |
w/o | without |
wt | weight |
yo | year old |