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MED104 Study Guide 3
Prefix Megalist
Term | Definition |
a-, an- | no |
anti-, contra- | against |
de | down, away from |
ante-, pre- | before |
pro- | before, on behalf of |
brady- | slow |
tachy- | fast |
post- | after |
re- | again |
ab- | away |
ad | toward |
circum-, peri-, par- | around |
dia-, per- | through |
e-, ec-, ex- | out |
ecto-, exo-, extra- | outside |
en-, endo-, intra- | in, inside |
epi- | upon |
sub- | beneath |
inter- | between |
pachy- | thick |
vrypt/o | hidden |
kerat/o | hard, horny |
xer/o | dry |
leuk/o | white |
erythr/o | red |
xanth/o | yellow |
melan/o | black |
cyan/o | blue |
alb/o | albino, white |
auto- | self |
xeno- | foreign |
alkyl/o | stiff, bent |
kinesi/o | movement, motion |
tax/o | order, arrangement |
ton/o | tone |
por- | pore |
rheumat/o | rheumatic fever |
phas/o | speech |
gnos/o | know |
hypno, somn/o | sleep |
esthesi/o | feeling, sensation |
hem/i | half |
caus- | burn |
ambul- | walk |
acr/o | heights |
photo- | light |
marco- | large |
micro- | small |
pseud/o | false |
mono- | one |
astro- | star |
blast/o | sprout |
gluc/o, glyc/o, glucos/o | sugar |
crin/o | to secrete |
ket/o | ketone body |
men/o | menstrual |
gyn/o | woman |
galact/o | milk |
dips/o | thirst |
acid- | acid |
alkal- | alkali |
calci- | calcium |
chlor- | chloride |
kal- | potassium |
natr- | sodium |
hyper- | over |
hypo | under |
poikilo- | various |
oligo- | few |
trans- | through, across |
dys- | bad |
iso- | equal |
hetero- | different |
homo- | same |
viril- | man |
poly- | many, excessive |
eu- | good |
para- | beside |
syn- | together |
phag/o | eat |
rythid/o | wrinkle |
sept- | rotting |
prurit- | itching |
myc- | fungus |
actin- | sun ray |
psor- | itch |
necr/o | death |
bi- | two |
tel- | end |