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MED104 Study Guide 3

Prefix Megalist

a-, an- no
anti-, contra- against
de down, away from
ante-, pre- before
pro- before, on behalf of
brady- slow
tachy- fast
post- after
re- again
ab- away
ad toward
circum-, peri-, par- around
dia-, per- through
e-, ec-, ex- out
ecto-, exo-, extra- outside
en-, endo-, intra- in, inside
epi- upon
sub- beneath
inter- between
pachy- thick
vrypt/o hidden
kerat/o hard, horny
xer/o dry
leuk/o white
erythr/o red
xanth/o yellow
melan/o black
cyan/o blue
alb/o albino, white
auto- self
xeno- foreign
alkyl/o stiff, bent
kinesi/o movement, motion
tax/o order, arrangement
ton/o tone
por- pore
rheumat/o rheumatic fever
phas/o speech
gnos/o know
hypno, somn/o sleep
esthesi/o feeling, sensation
hem/i half
caus- burn
ambul- walk
acr/o heights
photo- light
marco- large
micro- small
pseud/o false
mono- one
astro- star
blast/o sprout
gluc/o, glyc/o, glucos/o sugar
crin/o to secrete
ket/o ketone body
men/o menstrual
gyn/o woman
galact/o milk
dips/o thirst
acid- acid
alkal- alkali
calci- calcium
chlor- chloride
kal- potassium
natr- sodium
hyper- over
hypo under
poikilo- various
oligo- few
trans- through, across
dys- bad
iso- equal
hetero- different
homo- same
viril- man
poly- many, excessive
eu- good
para- beside
syn- together
phag/o eat
rythid/o wrinkle
sept- rotting
prurit- itching
myc- fungus
actin- sun ray
psor- itch
necr/o death
bi- two
tel- end
Created by: tobyeang
Popular Medical sets




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