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AL 101-Abrv. T-Z
Question | Answer |
T | trace, temperature |
TB | tuberculosis |
TBI | traumatic brain injury |
T & A | Tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy |
TD | transdermal |
TENS | transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation |
THER, ther | therapy, therapeutic |
therex | therapeutic exercise |
THA | Total Hip Arthroplasty |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
TID, tid | 3 times a day |
TKA | total knee arthroplasty |
TKE | terminal knee extension |
TMJ | Temperomandibular joint |
T/O | Telephone Order |
tol(.) | Tolerated |
TPR | Temperature, pulse, respiration |
TSR | Total Shoulder Replacement |
TTWB | toe touch weight bearing |
TURP | transurethral resection of prostate |
Tx | treatment |
UA, U/A | Urinalysis |
U/E, UE | Upper Extremity |
UK | unknown |
ULN | upper limits of normal |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
UP | upright posture |
URI | upper respiratory infection |
US | Ultrasound |
UVR | ultraviolet radiation |
VA | Veterans Administration |
vc's | verbal cues |
v/c | vital capacity |
VD | venereal disease |
VHD | Vascular Heart Disease |
V/O | Verbal Order |
V/S | Vital Signs |
WB | weight bearing |
WBAT | weight bearing as tolerated |
WBC | white blood count, white blood cells |
WBQC | wide base quad cane |
w/c | wheelchair |
WFL | Within Functional Limits |
WK,wk | week |
WNL | Within Normal Limits |
w/o | without |
WOP | without pain |
wt | weight |
x | multiplied by, times |
XR | X-ray |
XRT | Radiation Therapy |
yd | Yard(s) |
y/o | Year(s) Old |
YOB | year of birth |
yr, YR, Yr, yrs | Year(s) |