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Medical Language I

A Cell Is.. A Basic Unit of Life
Tissue's are... Groups of cells that perfom a specific task
Organs are... Two or more kinds of tissues that together perform aspecial body functions
Systems are... Groups of organs that work together to perform complex body functions
Cranial Cavity contains... The brain
Spinal Cavity contains... The Spinal Cord
Thorasic Cavity contains... The Heart, Lungs, Esophagus and Trachea
Abdominal Cavity contains... The Stomach, Intestines, Kidneys, Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas, Spleen and Uterus
Pelvis Cavity contains... The Urinary Bladder, Reproductive Organs, Parts of the large intestines and the Rectum
Amyl/o Starch
My/o Muscle
Sarc/o Flesh
Somat/o Body
Psychosomatic Pertaining to the mind over body
Cyan/o Blue
Erythr/o Red
Anter/o Anterior (front)
Leuk/o White
Ventr/o Ventral (front)
Melan/o Black
Proxim/o Proximal (beginning)
Cirrh/o Yellow
Xanth/o Yellow
Super/o Above
Dist/o Distal (end)
Caud/o` Caudal (Tail)
Superior R&L regions of the abdomen are called ... Hypochondriac
Medial R&L regions are called... Lumbar
Inferior R&L regions are called... Inguinal or Iliac
SuperiorMedial region is called... Epigastric
Medial region is called... Umbilical region (Umbilicous)
Inferior Medial region is called... Hypogastric
The AbdominoPelvic Quadrants are ... RUQ, LUQ, RLQ, RLQ`
Pharyng/o Pharynx (throat)
Adnoid/o Adnoids (Lymph tissue)
Tonsill/o Tonsils (Lymph tissue)
What is Lymph Tissue part of? Immune System
Laryng/o Larynx (Vocal Chords)
Epiglott/o Epiglottis
What is the Epiglottis A lid over the Larynx that will open when you breath and close when you swallow
Bronch/o OR Bronch/i and what are they Bronchi - two main airways that branch off of the trachea
Alveol/o - and what are they ? Alveoli -> Microscopic air sacs at the end of the bronchioles
What are Alveoli necessary for? Respiration
Define Respiration... An Exchange of gasses - O2 and CO2
Pleur/o Pleura(e)
Pleura(e) Is/Are... The Membrane(s) surrounding each lung and its purpose is to protect the lungs from the ribs
Pleuritis Inflammation of a pleura (AKA) Pleurisy
Muc/o Mucus or Mucous(for membranes)
Orth/o Straight
Py/o Puss
Spir/o Breath
Inspirate Inhale
Experate Exhale
-Ectasis Dialation
Created by: Cori7
Popular Medical sets




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