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MTC Med Term Final

Study Cards For Final Exam

Atrophy means the weakness or wearing away of body tissue and structures
Cretinism congenital form of hypothyroidism that if not stopped causes arrested physical and mental development
Dystonia a condition of abnormal muscle tone that causes impairment of voluntary muscle movement
Dysuria difficult or painful urination
Laceration torn or jagged wound or an accidental cut wound
Myotonia a neuromuscular disorder characterized by the slow relaxation of the muscle after a voluntary contraction
ostomy surgically creating an opening
Sarcoma malignant tumor that arises from connective tissues, including hard tissues, soft tissues, and liquid tissues
Superior plane uppermost, above, or toward the head
Uremia toxic condition resulting from renal failure in which the kidney function is compromised and urea is retained in the blood
Vitiligo skin condition resulting from the destruction of the melanocytes due to unknown causes
abduction the movement of a limb away from the midline of the body
ACE inhibitor block the action of the enzyme that causes the blood vessels to contract resulting in hypertension
Acute renal failure sudden onset and is characterized by uremia. Fatal if not reversed. Caused by sudden drop in blood volume or blood pressure due to surgery or accident
Acyclovir antiviral medication
Adenoma benign tumor that arises in or resembles glandular tissue
Aldosteronism abnormality of the electrolyte balance caused by the excessive secretion of aldosterone. This is not one of the characteristics of diabetes.
Amenorrhea abnormal absence of menstrual periods for 3 or more months
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Lou Gehrig's Disease. Rapidly progressive neurological disease that attacks the nerve cells responsible for controlling voluntary muscles
Anthracosis Also know as Black Lung, caused by coal dust in the lung
Aphonia loss of the ability of the larynx to produce normal speech sounds
Arachnophobia excessive fear of spiders
Arthrolysis surgical loosening of an ankylosed joint
Arthroplasty surgical repair of a damaged joint
Ascending tract nerves impulses travel towards the brain
Ather/o plaque, fatty substance
Atrial fibrillation also known as A Fib, occurs when the normal rhythmic contractions of the atria are replaced by rapid irregular twitching of the muscular heart wall
Autism group of conditions in which a young child cannot develop normal social relationships, compulsively follows repetitive routines and frequently has poor communication
Bolus mass of food that has been chewed and is ready to be swallowed
Bradycardia abnormally slow resting heart rate
Bulimia eating disorder characterized by bouts of binge eating
Calcitonin works with the parathyroid hormone to regulate calcium levels in the blood and tissues
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the tendon that pass through the carpal tunnel are chronically over used and become inflamed and swollen. Causes pressure on the medial nerve
Causalgia persistent severe burning pain that usually follow an injury to a sensory nerve
Cerebrum the largest and uppermost portion of the brain responsible for all thought, judgment, memory, and emotion
Cholangiography a radiographic examination of the bile ducts with the use of contrasts medium
Choroid opaque middle layer of the eyeball that contains many blood vessels and provides blood supply for the entire eye
Closed reduction also known as manipulation, is the attempted realignment of the bone involve in a fracture or joint dislocation
Colposcopy direct visual examination of the tissues of the cervix and vagina using a binocular magnifier
Comminuted fracture one in which the bone is splintered or crushed
Congestive heart failure Heart failure.chronic condition in which the heart is unable to pump out all of the blood it receives. Decreased pumping action causes congestion.
Convergence simultaneous inward movement of the eyes toward each other. Occurs in an effort to maintain single binocular vision as an object comes nearer
Cortisone also know as hydrocortisone, is the synthetic equivalent of corticosteroids produced by the body. Used to suppress inflammation and as an immunosuppressant
Cryptorchidism also known as undescended testicle, is a developmental defect in which one or both of the testicles fails to descend
Dementia slowly progressive decline in mental abilities, including memory, thinking, and judgment that is often accompanied by personality changes
Dermatoplasty also known as skin graft, is the replacement of damaged skin with healthy tissue taken from a donor site on the patient's body
Dual x-ray absorptiometry low-exposure radiographic measurement of the spin & hips to measure bone density. Best test for osteoporosis
Ductal carcinomas in situ breast cancer in its earliest stage before the cancer has broken through the wall of the milk duct
Dysmenorrhea pain caused by uterine cramps during menstrual period
Dysphagia difficulty swallowing
Dysplasia abnormal development or growth of cells, tissues or organs
Encephalitis inflammation of the brain
Endocervicitis inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the cervix
Ergonomics the study of the human factors that affect the design and operation of tools and the work environment
Factitious disorders condition in which an individual acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when the individual is not really sick
Fascioplasty the surgical repair of the fascia
Fibrocystic breast disease presence of single or multiple benign cysts in the breasts
Fimbriae fringed, finger-like extensions - role is to catch the mature ovum when it leave the ovary
Flexion decreasing the angle between two bones by bending a limb at a joint
Foramen an opening in a bone through which blood vessels, nerves and ligaments pass
Fovea centralis is a pit in the middle of the macula
Frontal plane vertical plane that divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions
Furuncle also know as boils, large, tender, swollen areas caused by staph infection around hair follicles or sebaceous glands
Gastralgia also know as stomach ache, means pain in the stomach
Genome a complete set of genetic information for an individual
Geriatrician a physician who specializes in the care of older people
Halitosis bad breath
Hallucination sensory perception experienced in the absence of external stimulation
Hemoglobin iron-containing pigments of the erythrocytes
Hemorrhagic stroke also known as a bleed, occurs when a blood vessel in the brain leaks.
Hepatorrhagia hemorrhage into or from the liver
Hodgkin’s lymphoma distinguished from other lymphomas by the presence of large, cancerous lymphocytes known as Reed Sternberg cells
Holter Monitor portable electrocardiograph that is worn by ambulatory patients to continuously monitor the heart rate over 24 hours
Homeostasis the process through which the body maintains a constant internal environment
Hypercapnia the abnormal buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood
Hyperhydrosis excessive sweating
Hyperproteinuria presence of abnormally high concentrations of protein in the urine
Hypochondriac regions located on the left and right sides of the body and are covered by the lower ribs
Hypokinesia abnormally decreased muscle function or activity
Influenza is an acute, highly contagious viral respiratory infection occurring mainly during colder months
Insulin Regulates the transport of glucose to body cells and stimulates the conversion of excess glucose to glycogen for storage
Laryngoplegia paralysis of the larynx
Lateral means the direction toward or nearer the side away from the midline
Leuk/o white
Leukopenia describes any situation in which the total number of leukocytes in the circulating blood is LESS than normal
Lupus erythematosus autoimmune disorder characterized by red, scaly rash on the face and upper trunk.
Lymphangioma benign tumor formed by an abnormal collection of lymphatic vessels due to a congenital malformation of the lymphatic system
Macule clearly defined yellow area in the center of the retina. This is the area of sharpest central vision
Medial means the direction toward or nearer the midline
Melanocyte stimulating hormone increases the production of melanin in melanocyts, causing the darkening of the skin
Metastasis a new cancer site that results from the spreading process
Midsagittal plane also know as the midline, divides the body into equal left and right halves
Myc/o fungus
Myleodysplastic syndrome previously known as preleukemia, is a group of bone marrow disorders that are characterized by the insufficient production of one or more types of blood cells due to dysfunction of the bone marrow
Myleopathy any pathologic change or disease in the spinal cord
Myocardial infarction heart attack; the occlusion of one or more arteries caused by plaque buildup
Myocele is the herniation of muscle substance through a tear in the fascia surrounding it.
Nebulizer Also known as an atomizer, pumps air or oxygen through a liquid medicine to turn into vapor which is inhaled by the patient
Nephrolysis freeing of a kidney from adhesions
Nephropyosis suppuration ( formation or discharge of pus) of the kidney
Neuritis inflammation of a nerve or nerves
Neurogenic bladder a urinary problem caused by interference with the normal nerve pathways associated with urination
Neutrophils formed in red bone marrow, are the most common types of WBC
Nocturia excessive urination during the night
Nyctalopia night blindness
Ot/o ear, hearing
Otopyorrhea flow of pus from the ear
Otosclerosis ankylosis of the bones of the middle eat resulting in conduction hearing loss
Patella also known as the kneecap, is the bony anterior portion of the knee
Pediculosis capitis infestation of head lice
Pelvic cavity space formed by the hip bones and it contains primarily the organs of the reproductive and excretory systems
Physiology study of the functions of the structures of the body
Pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin
Pleural effusion abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleural space
Polyphagia excessive hunger
Posterior mean situated in the back Premature menopause
Prostate gland lies under the bladder and surrounds the urethra in the region where the vas deference enter urethra. Secretes a think fluid into the semen that aids the motility of sperm
Pulse oximeter use to continuously asses the patient's levels of oxygenation
Purpura appearance of multiple purple discolorations on the skin caused by bleeding underneath the skin
Pyelonephritis inflammation of both the renal pelvis and of the kidney
Pyloric sphincter the ring
Pylorus narrow passage that connects the stomach with the small intestine
Pyr/o fever, fire
Regurgitation the return of sallow food into the mouth
Rickettsia small bacterium that live in lice, fleas, ticks and mites tat causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
rrhaphy surgical suturing
Sigmoid colon is the S
Spasmodic torticollis also known as wryneck, is a stiff neck due to spasmodic contraction of the neck muscles that the head toward the affected side
Spina bifida congenital defect that occurs during early pregnancy when the spinal canal fails to close completely around the spinal cord
Strawberry hemangioma soft, raised dark
Stress incontinence inability to control the voiding of urine under physical stress such as running, sneezing or laughing
Suffix the word part attached at the beginning of a word
Suprapubic catheterization placement of a catheter into the bladder through a small incision made through the abdominal wall just above the pubic bone
Tenodesis the surgical suturing of the end of a tendon to bone
Thymosin Play an important part in the immune system
Thyroid cartilage largest cartilage protecting the larynx. Also know as the Adams Apple
Torsion testicular torsion is a sharp pain in the scrotum caused by twisting of the vas deferens and blood vessels leading into the testicle
Toxoplasmosis parasite that is commonly transmitted from animals to humans by contact with contaminated feces. Dangerous for pregnant women
Ureterectasis enlargement of a ureter
Ureteroplasty surgical repair of the ureter
Ventricular fibrillation also known as V Fib, is the rapid irregular and useless contraction of the ventricles. May cause sudden cardiac death.
Visceral pleura the inner layer of the pleura that surrounds each lung
Visual field testing also known as perimetry
Western blot blood test for HIV
Wheal also known as a welt, is a small bump that itches
Yellow bone marrow functions as a fat storage area, composed chiefly of fat cells and is located in the medullary cavity
Created by: 1803924752
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