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Clin Lab Proced.04

Homework Packet #4

Inflammation of the renal pelvis is called _______________. Pyelitis
_______________ is the portion of the nephron that receives the glomerular filtrate. Bowman's Capsule
The _______________ is the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder. Ureter
The organ in which urine is formed is called the _______________. Kidney
An organ for the temporary storage of urine is the _______________. Urinary Bladder
The ______________ is the canal through which urine is carried from the urinary bladder to the outside. Urethra
What are the hormones produced by the kidney? A. Erythropoietin B. Renin and C. Active Vitamin D₃
The _______________ is the functional unit of the kidney. Nephron
Vasopressin is another name for _______________ hormone. Antidiuretic
When urine is to be cultured for bacteria a _______________ urine is the required specimen. Clean-catch
Failure of kidney function and suppression of urine production is _______________. Anuria
Testing to assess kidney function requires a _______________ urine specimen. 24-hour
If a urine sample cannot be tested within 1 hour of the collection time, it should be _______________ for up to 4 hours. Refrigerated
A midstream urine sample collected after the urethral opening and surrounding tissues have been cleansed is called a(n) _______________ urine. Clean-catch
A urine sample collected at any time, without regard to diet or time of day is called a _______________ urine specimen. Random
Quantitative urine tests require a _______________ urine sample. 24-hour
_______________ is the excessive production of urine, while the absence of urine production is called _______________. Polyuria/Anuria
The presence of RBC's, hemoglobin, or myoglobin in urine causes the color to be _______________. Red-Brown
__________ to __________ is the reference range for urine specific gravity, while the specific gravity of distilled water is __________. 1.005 to 1.030/ 1.000
Upon standing, a urine sample containing _______________ will turn dark or black in color. Melanin
Urine that has a milky, opalescent appearance could contain _______________. Fats, lipids
_______________ are the product of fat or lipid metabolism. Ketones
In an un-refrigerated urine containing _______________, ammonia will be formed from the break down of urea. Bacteria
Before being analyzed, _______________ urines should be allowed to reach room or ambient temperature. Refrigerated
When tested with a urine reagent strip, a normal urine should have a ___________ or __________ amount of protein. Negative/Trace
Ketonuria occurs when the body burns _______________ for energy. Fat
_______________ is the endpoint of the confirmatory test for urine protein using the sulfosalicylic acid method. Precipitation
If _______________ are present in urine, the leukocyte esterase reagent strip pad should be positive. Leukocytes
The _______________ is a confirmatory test for ketones. Acetest
In urinalysis, a protein matrix formed in the kidney tubules and washed out into the urine is called a _________________. Cast
The _______________ that settle to the bottom of a liquid are known as the sediment. Solids (sediment)
Hematuria is the presence of large numbers of ________________ in the urine. RBC's - Red blood cells
The objective used to identify and classify epithelial cells in the urine sediment is the _______________ objective. High power (40x)
Possible chronic or acute renal disease can be indicated by large numbers of _______________ cells. Renal Tubular/Renal Epithelial
When urine sediment is examined under the microscope, _______________ can be mistaken for red blood cells. Yeasts
The vaginal parasite _______________ that is found in urine moves through the action of slender lash-like appendages known as flagella. Tricamonis Vaginallis
The most common ________________ found in urine is Candida albicans. Yeast
RENAL TUBULE A small tube of the nephron that collects and concentrates urine.
UTI Urinary tract infection
POLYURIA Excessive production of urine.
UROCHROME Yellow pigment that gives urine its color.
UROBILINOGEN Breakdown product of bilirubin formed by the action of intestinal bacteria.
YEAST A small, single-celled eukaryotic fungus that reproduces by fission or budding.
BOWMAN'S CAPSULE The portion of the nephron that receives the Glomerular filtrate.
URETER The tube carrying urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.
ANURIA Ansence of urine production, failure of kidney function and suppression of urine production.
HEMATURIA The presence of blood in the urine.
ALBUMIN The most abundant protein in normal plasma.
AMORPHIS Without definite shape.
RENAL THRESHOLD The blood concentration above which a substance not normally excreted by the kidneys appears in the urine.
URETHRA The canal through which urine is discharged from the urinary bladder.
OLIGURIA Decreased production of urine.
TURBID Having a cloudy appearance.
CHROMOGEN A substance that becomes colored when it undergoes a chemical change.
SUPERNATANT The clear liquid remaining at the top of a solution after centrifugation or settling out of solid substances.
GLOMERULAR FILTRATE The fluid that passes from the blood into the nephron and from which urine is formed.
CLEAN-CATCH A midstream urine sample collected after the urethral opening and surrounding tissues have been cleansed.
SPECIFIC GRAVITY The ratio of the weight of a solution to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water.
KETONES A group of chemical substances produced during increased fat metabolism.
BILIRUBIN A product formed in the liver from the breakdown of hemoglobin.
SEDEMENT Solids that settle to the bottom of a liquid.
KIDNEY The organ in which urine is formed.
MYOGLOBIN A pigmented, oxygen-carrying protein found in muscle tissue.
NEPHRON The structural and functional unit of the kidney composed of a Glomerulus and its associated renal tubule.
REFRACTOMETER An instrument for measuring the refractive index of a substance.
FLAGELLA Slender, lash-like appendage that serves as an organ of locomotion for sperm cells and some protozoa.
Created by: luparl
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