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Growth spirt will end ifchild is not eating well. What are the most important times to eat?
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3 biggest definciencies taht kids will run into- Nutrience
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Human G and D


Growth spirt will end ifchild is not eating well. What are the most important times to eat? Breakfast- is the most important
3 biggest definciencies taht kids will run into- Nutrience Calcium, zink and iron
Primary Prevention to change the overall conditions- ex- law added to have seatbelts, due to the amount of children being killed via auto.
Static Reasing the world is unchanging, wihen it does it suddent and drastic- eg. turn an age expect to grow
Cognitive Development Stages (Jean Paget) Certration, Ego centrism, Static reasong, and focus on appearance
Certration focus on certer, an analysis on one aspect of a problem - eg. if a child kows something, they expect everyone to know it.
egocentrism the inability to see from another point of view
focus on appearance your child ingnores all attributes except appearance
Conservation 2 things that are equal remain so, even if the appearance is altered
lack reversability children can picture going back to the org. stage of things.
Theory theory by Alison G childs attemps to construct a theory to explain everything that they see
Lev Vygotsky Theory ZPD (zone of proximal development)area of can and can't do- scuffolding temporary support for the process.
Imotional regulation kids start to Internalize and Externalize problems - when your child acts diff. from there org. personality there's a problem
Initiative vs Guilt Erick Erickson Positive feed back to positive responses- only give negitive response when your child in involved in negite behaving. Negitive response makes the child not want to do it again.
Chomski--Language - Fast Maping 18 mths rapidly learning words
Chomski--Language - over regularise over use of letters- I runded"
Antisocial behavior behavir that are against society like robbing and rape
Aggression- instrumental agression kids fight over things- ex one ball at playgroud- they will fight, but have no intentions of huring anyone
Reactive Agression a angry form of retaliation to an accident or purposeful act
Hostil agression (sh) angry attact- start a fight for no reason
overt agression physical boys fight done and over with in a matter of hrs then back to being friends
valation agression physical girls fight- girls will stop talking for years and exclude you from the group
bully agression reapeated attacks by a bully who goes out of there way to make you like miserable- boy bully picks on girls and boys girl bully picks on girls only
Parenting style Authoitative American family Control-High Communication-High Matority Demands- High Nutrianc-High
Parenting style Authoritavia Military family Control-High Communication-LOW Matority Demands- High Nutrianc-LOW
Parenting style Permissive Hippy family Control-LOW Communication-HIGH Matority Demands- LOW Nutrianc-LOW
Parenting style Neglect Hippy family Control-LOW Communication-LOW Matority Demands- LOW Nutrianc-LOW
Why are kids Sexist (Sigmond Freud) During Pallic stage 31/2 - 5 1/2 kids go throu the Oedipuus Complex- boys want to marry there mother and girls Electra complex want to marry there father. Kids start to act a cettian way to get the love of the opposite parent-
Gender steriotype characteristics we believe are sypical of each sex. We start teaching sterotype at birth- boys were blue.
Over weight vs obesity 20% more then what you should weigh 30% more then waht you should weigh
Asma chronic inflamation of the airway #1 reason why kids miss so much school
Reaction Time time it takes to catch somehting- at 7 brain reaction time is good and kids palay sports
Intelligent test- Achievement measures current knowledge
Intelligence test - Aptitude test measures potential
Cognative development (Jean Piaget) Gain Identy concepts that certian characteristis of an object remain the same despite change in objects appearance.
Preconventional Moral Reasoning- emphasis is placed on getting rewarded and avoid punishment- self centered level
Conventional Moral Reasoning emphasis is placed on social rules - community centered level
Postconventional Moral reasoning emphasis is now on moral principles- Ideals centered level.
Memory- selective attention can screen out distractins. School age can start to focus, but preschoolers are unable to do this.
Metacognition the way you study- it's knowledge about thinking- eg. using flashcard you know that you will retain information from this process
hidden Curriculums: unofficial lession taught in school kids only like to wear namebrands- the T seating- if you sit in this section you have a very high chance of being called on.
Reading wars code emphasis- phonetic approach- if your stuck on a word you look it up in the dictionary WHOLE Language approach- if your stuck on a word you look at the surrounding words. Americ used a combination of both.
Industry vs inferiority (Erickson) if your bad in certin subjects, you have learned that no matter how hard you try - your no going to get a very good grade.. this is where you just except that bad grad and your happy with it as long as you pass
Self- esteem ages 8-12 Self esteem drops slowly during this time
Self- esteem ages 12-16 fast drop in self-esteem
Self- esteem ages 16+ self-esteem starts to go up
Peer groups and self esteem help self-esteem by hanging around peers- same age and gender and have the same SES
Society of children kids have there own language, rules and dress code
Boys play Rough and tumble play
popular kid people pleaser- every one likes- always nice to people
Controversal kid some kids like and others hate- sometimes they pick on other kids
Average kid NUTRAL- PEOPLE don't like or dislike
Neglected kid no one remembers you
aggressive kid one one likes you- NO REASON why
withdrawn kid no one likes they they are picked on - they are the victoms of bullys
Nucler family mom, dad and kids
Extended family anyone related - most children get adopted by a relative
5 types of childabuse Sexual, neglect, other, physical, emotional
Created by: dhusbands
Popular Psychology sets




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