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Lang. Med. Ch. 18

Language of Medicine Ch. 18

Give accented syllable: glucagon GLOO
Give accented syllable: parathormone THOR
Give accented syllable: exophthalmos THAL
Give meaning for the following abbreviation of hormones: TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Give meaning for the following abbreviation of hormones: T3 Triiodothyronine
Give meaning for the following abbreviation of: T4 Thyroxine
Which is a function of the thyroid gland? secretes thyroxine
Which is an element that is present in thyroxine? Iodine
What is the term of excssive development of mammary tissue in a male? Gynecomastia
Kal/i is a combining gorm for which substance? Potassium
Advanced hypothyroidism in adulthood Myxedema
Post-puberty hypersecretion of grwoth hormone from the anterior pituitary gland Acromegaly
Exophthalmos is a symptom of which endocrine disorder? Graves disease
Which is a description of tetany? Constant muscle contraction
Which of the following is associated with neuropathy, nephropathy, and retinopathy? Secondary complications of diabetes mellitus
Which is a description of achondroplasia? Defective cartilage formationthat affects bone growth.
Which is a description of a thyroid gland? Administration of radioactive compound and visualization with a scanner to detect tumors or nodules.
Constant muscle contraction tetany
State of equilibrium or constancy homeostasis
Excessive thirst polydipsia
Hyposecretion of the thyroid gland in adulthood Myxedema
Correct spelling Cortisol
Correct spelling goiter
Correct spelling estrogen
Correct spelling pituitary gland
Correct spelling pancreas
Advanced hypothyroidism in adulthood myxedema
Deficient productionof parathyroid hormone (tetany results) Hypoparathyroidism
Excessive production of parathormone hyperparathyroidism
Extreme hypothryroidism during infancy and childhood cretinism
Overactivity of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis) hyperthyroidism
Insufficient secretion of antidiuretic hormone produces this condition diabetes insipidus
Malignant tumor of an endocrine gland in the neck thyroid carcinoma
Extreme hypothyroidism during infancy and childhood produces this condition cretinism
Enlargement of the thyroid gland goiter
hypofunctioningof the adrenal cortex addison disease
two glands enclosed in the scrotal sac of a male testes
located behind the stomach, alpha and beta islet cells secrete hormones pancreas
located in the neck on either side of the trachea; secretes thyroxine thyroid gland
outer section of a gland above each kidney; secretes cortisol, aldosterone and sex hormones adrenal cortex
four small glands on the posterior side of the thyroid gland parathyroid gland
region of the brain lying below the thalamus; secretes factors and hormones that affect the pituitary gland hypothalamus
mimicking or copying the effect of the sympathic nervous system; adrenaline is an example sympathomimetic
mineral salt found in the blood and tissues and necessary for proper functioningof cells, potassium is an example electrolyte
thyroxine thyroid gland
estradiol ovaries
growth hormone pituitary anterior gland
Excessive sugar in the blood HYPERGLYcemia
Deficient amount of potassium in the blood hypoKALEMIA
Disease condition of adrenal gland adrenoPATHY
calc/o Calcium
cortic/o cortex; outer region
estr/o female
glyc/o sugar
gonad/o sex glands, gonads
somat/o body
-emia blood condition
hyper- abobe, excessive
Created by: mibc40
Popular Medical sets




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