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Patient Assessment.
advanced pt assessment
Question | Answer |
What type of breathing pattern is periodic in nature, with a gradual increase in depth and respiratory rate followed by a tapering of rate and depth with periods of apnea is? BH | Cheyne-Stokes |
Name 4 indications of increased work of breathing. BH | 1. tripod position 2. use of accessory muscles 3. pursed lip breathing 4. retractions |
An increase in tactile fremitus indicates what? BH | an increase in density of the underlying tissue |
What can digital clubbing indicate? KW | cardio pulmonary disease |
What are you looking for when you inspect and palpate the abdomen? KW | evidence of distention and tenderness |
The patient with heart disease who has an S3 and S4 is said to have a __________________. KW | gallop rythm |
Most accurate method of measuring temperature? AF | rectal |
What pressure is measured at the time the ventricles are contracting? AF | systolic |
What is a normal ventilatory pattern? AF | 1:2 |
What is a barrel chest? AF | the anterior/posterior diameter is greater than normal |
What type of appearance would you have with a kyphotic spine? AF | humpback |
What is a lateral curvature of the spine? AF | scoliosis |
The presence of air beneath the skin in the subcutaneous tissues is called? BH | subcutaneous emphysema |
What causes tracheal deviation toward the affected lung side? BH | atelectasis fibrosis |
What causes tracheal deviation away from the affected lung side? BH | pleural effusion pneumothorax tension pneumothorax |
Shortness of breath in the upright position is called? KW | platypnea |
Coughing up blood-streaked sputum is called _____________. KW | hemoptysis |
Vomiting blood is called _________________. KW | hematemesis |
What are the four steps in doing a physical exam on your patient? KW | inspection palpation percussion asculation |
Waht is the swelling of the lower extremities called? KW | pedal edema |
What is another name for a pigeon chest? AF | pectus carinatum |
What type of percussion sound would you hear in the presence of air trapping or air in a closed cavity? AF | hyperresonance |
What 4 things do you assess sputum for? AF | color quantity viscosity smell |
If your sputum is reddish brown, what does it indicate? AF | blood in the sputum |
If you cough up more than 300ml of blood streaked sputum in 24 hours, what does that indicate? AF | massive hemoptysis |
A flat percussion note is an indication of what? AF | pleural effusion |
Normal breath sounds heard in the lungs and are found in the peripheral lungs is called? BH | vesicular breath sounds |
This occurs when the two pleural layers rub together with more friction than normal? BH | pleural rub |
When a patient awakens only with difficulty and might be able to reply to a few answers is refferred to as _________________________. BH | obtunded |
An audible upper airway noise indicative of upper airway narrowing is called? BH | stridor |
What is another name for crackles? BH | rales |
Yellowish coloration of the skin, mucus membranes or conjunctiva of the eyes is called? BH | jaundice |
An elevated pulse rate over 100 bpm indicates? KW | tachycardia |
A significant decrease in pulse strength during spontanous inhalation is called? KW | pulsus paradoux |
When respiratory disease reduces arterial oxygen content, __________________ may be detected especially around the lips. KW | cyanosis |
To measure the SpO2, one should use a __________. KW | pulse oximeter |
What is the technique called when you ask the patient to say 99?KW | vocal frmitus |