Patient Assessment. Matching
What 4 things do you assess sputum for? AF |
color quantity viscosity smell |
The presence of air beneath the skin in the subcutaneous tissues is called? BH |
What is the technique called when you ask the patient to say 99?KW |
If your sputum is reddish brown, what does it indicate? AF |
An elevated pulse rate over 100 bpm indicates? KW |
What is a normal ventilatory pattern? AF |
When respiratory disease reduces arterial oxygen content, __________________ may be detected especially around the lips. KW |
Name 4 indications of increased work of breathing. BH |
1. tripod position 2. use of accessory muscles 3. pursed lip breathing 4. retractions |
What is another name for crackles? BH |
Yellowish coloration of the skin, mucus membranes or conjunctiva of the eyes is called? BH |
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