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Med Terms Final
Question | Answer |
adenoidectomy | Removal of adenoids. (root) adenoid/o = adenoids (suffix) -ectomy = removal |
bronchiectasis | Dilation of the bronchus. (root) bronchi/o = bronchus (suffix) -ectasis = dilation |
hypercapnia | Excessive carbon dioxide. (prefix) hyper- = excessive (root) capn/o = carbon dioxide (suffix) -ia = condition |
pneumoconiosis | Abnormal condition of dust in the lungs. (root) pneum/o = lungs (root) coni/o = dust (suffix) -osis = abnormal condition |
cyanosis | Abnormal bluish discoloration. (root) cyan/o = blue (suffix) -osis = abnormal condition |
laryngitis | Inflammation of the larynx. (root) laryng/o = throat (suffix) -itis = inflammation |
lobectomy | Removal of a lobe of the lung. (root) lob/o = lobe of the lung (suffix) -ectomy = removal |
orthopnea | Breathing easier upright. (root) orth/o = straight (suffix) -pnea = breathing |
hypoxia | Low oxygen. (prefix) hypo- = low or deficient (root) ox/o = oxygen (suffix) -ia = condition |
dysphonia | Hoarseness. (prefix) dys- = painful (root) phon/o = voice (suffix) -ia = condition |
pleurodynia | Pain in the pleura. (root) pleur/o = pleura (suffix) -dynia = pain |
pneumothorax | Air in the pleural cavity. (root) pneum/o = air (suffix) -thorax = chest, pleural cavity |
pulmonary | Pertaining to the lungs. (root) pulmon/o = lungs (suffix) -ary = pertaining to |
rhinorrhea | Nasal discharge. (root) rhin/o = nose (suffix) -rrhea = discharge |
rhinoplasty | Surgical repair of the nose. (root) rhin/o = nose (suffix) -plasty = repair |
spirometer | Instrument for measuring breathing. (root) spir/o = breathing (suffix) -meter = measure |
atelectasis | Collapsed lung. (prefix) a- = not, without (root) tel/o = complete (suffix) -ectasis = dilation, expansion |
tracheotomy | Incision of the trachea. (root) trache/o = trachea (suffix) -otomy = incision |
empyema | Pus in pleural cavity. (root) em = in (root) py/o = pus (suffix) -ema = condition |
anosmia | No smell. (prefix) an- = no, not, without (suffix) -osmia = smell |
hyperpnea | Excessive deep breathing. (prefix) hyper- = excessive (suffix) -pnea = breathing |
tachypnea | Rapid breathing. (prefix) tachy- = fast, rapid (suffix) -pnea = breathing |
hemothorax | Blood in the pleural cavity. (root) hem/o = blood (suffix) -thorax = chest, pleural cavity |
COPD | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. |
DPT | Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus. |
PFTs | Pulmonary function tests. |
SOB | Shortness of breath. |
TB | Tuberculosis. |
URI | Upper Respiratory Infection. |
basophil | White blood cell with basic dye attraction. (root) bas/o = base (alkaline) (suffix) -phil = attraction to |
hypochromia | Decreased color of red blood cells. |
anticoagulant | Substance against clotting. |
erythrocytopenia | Deficiency of red blood cells. |
granulocyte | White blood cells with granules. |
hematocrit | Separation of red blood cells. |
hemoglobinopathy | Hemoglobin disease. |
anisocytosis | Non-equal sized red blood cells. |
leukocytopenia | White blood cell deficiency. |
morphology | Study of change in shape. |
poikilocytosis | Irregularly shaped red blood cells. |
spherocytosis | Abnormally round red blood cells. |
plasmapheresis | Removal of plasma from rest of blood. |
erytoblast | Immature red blood cell. (root) erythr/o = red (suffix) -blast = immature |
microcytosis | Abnormally small red blood cells |
hemoglobin | Blood protien. |
hematopoiesis | Formation of blood. |
erythropoiesis | Formation of red blood cells. |
myelopoiesis | Formation of bone marrow. |
BMT | Bone marrow transplantation. |
CBC | Complete blood count. |
Hct | Hematocrit. |
Hg, HGB | Hemoglobin. |
PT | Prothrombin time. |
PTT | Partial thromboplastin time. |
immunoglobulin | Protection protein. |
immunosuppression | Compromised immune system. |
lymphopoiesis | Lymph formation. (root) lymph/o = lymph (suffix) -poiesis = formation, growth |
lymphocytopenia | Lymphocyte deficiency. (root) lymph/o = lymph (root) cyt/o = cell (suffix) -penia = deficiency |
lymphadenopathy | Lymph gland disease. (root) lymphaden/o = lymph node, gland (suffix) -pathy = disease |
splenomegaly | Enlarged spleen. (root) splen/o = spleen (suffix) -megaly = enlargement |
splenectomy | Removal of the spleen. (root) splen/o = spleen (suffix) -ectomy = removal |
thymoma | Malignant tumor of thymus gland. (root) thym/o = thymus gland (suffix) -oma = tumor |
thymectomy | Removal of thymus gland. (root) thym/o = thymus gland (suffix) -ectomy = removal |
anaphylaxis | Severe allergic reaction. |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
HIV | Human immunodeficiency virus, causes AIDS. |
HSV | Herpes simplex virus. |
KS | Kaposi sarcoma. |
hypercalcemia | Excessive blood calcium. (prefix) hyper- = excessive (root) calc/o = calcium (suffix) -emia = blood condition |
kyphosis | Abnormal condition of humpback. |
laminectomy | Removal of lamina. |
lordosis | Abnormal condition of swayback. |
osteodystrophy | Abnormal formation of bone. |
scoliosis | Abnormal condition of lateral spine curvature. |
spondylolisthesis | Forward slipping vertabra. |
osteoblast | Immature bone cell. |
epiphysis | Ends of long bones. |
osteoporosis | Abnormal condition of bone pores. |
osteomalacia | Abnormal softening of bone. |
osteotome | Instrument to cut bone. |
acetabular | Pertaining to the hip socket. |
carpal | Pertaining to the wrist. (root) carp/o = wrist (suffix) -al = pertaining to |
supraclavicular | Pertaining to above the clavicle. (prefix) supra- = above (root) clavic/o = clavix (suffix) -ar = pertaining to |
subcostal | Pertaining to below the ribs. |
chondrocostal | Pertaining to rib cartilage. |
craniotomy | Incision of the skull. |
femoral | Pertaining to the femur. |
malleolar | Pertaining to the malleolus. |
mandibular | Pertaining to the mandible. |
olecranal | Pertaining to the elbow. |
pelvimetry | Measurement of the pelvis. |
peroneal | Pertaining to the fibula. |
tarsectomy | Removal of tarsals. |
ankylosis | Abnormal condition of stiff joints. |
arthroplasty | Repair of a joint. |
hemarthrosis | Abnormal condition of blood in a joint. |
hydrarthrosis | Abnormal condition of fluid in a joint. |
bursitis | Inflammation of bursae. |
achondroplasia | Abnormal cartilage development. |
chondroma | Benign tumor of cartilage. |
chondromalacia | Abnormal softening of the cartilage. |
rheumatologist | Specialist in the study of joints. |
tenosynovitis | Inflammation of tendon and sheath. |
polyarthritis | Inflammation of many joints. |
arthrotomy | Incision of a joint. |
arthrodesis | Surgical fusing of a joint. |
fasciectomy | Removal of fascia. |
fibromyalgia | Pain of muscles and fibers. |
leiomyoma | Benign tumor of smooth muscle. |
leiomyosarcoma | Malignant tumor of smooth muscle and connective tissue. |
myalgia | Muscle pain. |
myopathy | Muscle disease. |
rhabdomyoma | Benign tumor of skeletal muscle. |
rhabdomyosarcoma | Malignant tumor of skeletal muscle and connective tissue. |
amyotrophic | Pertaining to lack of muscle development. |
dorsiflexion | Bending foot upward. |
myasthenia gravis | Lack of strength in skeletal muscles. |
polymyalgia | Pain in many muscles. |
C1-C7 | Cervical vertebrae. |
Ca | Calcium |
CTS | Carpal tunnel syndrome. |
EMG | Electromyography. |
L1-L5 | Lumbar vertebrae. |
T1-T12 | Thoracic vertebrae. |
TMJ | Temporomandibular joint. |
albinism | Lack of pigment in skin, hair and eyes. |
electrocautery | Electrical instrument to burn tissue. |
subcutaneous | Pertaining to below the skin. |
dermatoplasty | Repair of the skin. |
dermabrasion | Scraping away of the skin. |
epidermolysis | Loosening of the epidermis. |
diaphoresis | Profuse sweating. |
erythema | Widespread redness of skin. |
anhidrosis | Abnormal condition of no sweat. |
ichthyosis | Abnormal condition of scaly skin. |
keratosis | Abnormal condition of hard skin. |
leukoplakia | White plaques. |
liposuction | Vacuuming of fat. |
melanoma | Malignant tumor of melanocytes. |
onycholysis | Separation of nail. |
onychomycosis | Abnormal condition of nail fungus. |
paronychia | Swelling around the nail. |
rhytidectomy | Removal of wrinkles. |
seborrhea | Discharge of sebum. |
trichomycosis | Abnormal condition of hair fungus. |
subungual | Pertaining to under the nail. |
xeroderma | Dry skin. |
bx | Biopsy. |
Derm. | Dermatology |
PPD | Purified protein derivative. |
SLE | Systemic lupus erythematosus. |
aqueous humor | Anterior eye chamber fluid. |
blepharitis | Inflammation of the eyelid. |
conjunctivitis | Inflammation of the conjunctiva. |
anisocoria | Unequal sized pupils. |
cycloplegic | Paralysis of ciliary muscle. |
dacryoadenitis | Inflammation of the tear duct. (root) dacry/o = tear (root) aden/o = gland (suffix) -itis = inflammation |
iridectomy | Removal of the iris. |
lacrimation | Process of tearing. |
ophthalmologist | Specialist in the study of eyes. |
Ophthalmoplegia | Paralysis of eye muscles. |
optometrist | Non-physician eye specialist. |
palpebral | Pertaining to the eyelid. |
papilledema | Swelling of optic disc. |
phacoemulsification | Ultrasonic cataract extraction. |
aphakia | Without a lens. |
amblyopia | Dullness of vision. |
diplopia | Double vision. |
mydriasis | Enlargement of the pupils. |
nyctalopia | Night blindness. |
photophobia | Sensitivity to light. (root) phot/o = light (suffix) -phobia = fear |
presbyopia | Older age vision. |
scotoma | Blind spot. |
hyperopia | Farsightedness. |
hemianopsia | Half vision. |
esotropia | Inward turning of the eye. |
acoustic | Pertaining to sound. |
audiometer | Instrument to measure hearing. |
postauricular | Pertaining to behind the ear. |
myringotomy | Incision of eardrum. |
otomycosis | Abnormal condition of ear fungus. |
otolaryngologist | Specialist in the study of the ears and larynx. |
tympanoplasty | Repair of the eardrum. |
hyperacusis | Acute sensitivity to sounds. |
presbycusis | Deafness occurring with the process of aging. |
macrotia | Abnormally large ears. |
microtia | Abnormally small ears. |
OD | Right eye. |
OS | Left eye. |
OU | Both eyes. |
PERRLA | Pupils equal, round, reactive to light adn accommodation. |
VA | Visual acuity. |
VF | Visual field. |
AD | Right ear. |
AS | Left ear. |
HEENT | Head, eyes, ear, nose and throat. |
adenectomy | Removal of a gland. (root) aden/o = gland (suffix) -ectomy = removal |
adrenopathy | Disease of adrenal gland. |
gonadotropin | Stimulating sex glands. |
pancreatectomy | Removal of the pancreas. (root) pancreat/o = pancreas (suffix) -ectomy = removal |
parathyroidectomy | Removal of parathyroid gland. |
hypopituitarism | Pituitary gland deficiency. |
hypercalcemia | Excessive blood calcium. |
hypocalcemia | Low blood calcium. |
corticosteroid | Adrenocortex hormone. |
endocrinologist | Specialist in the study of endocrine glands. (root) endocrin/o = endocrine system (root) log/o = study (suffix) -ist = specialist |
glycogen | Animal starch. |
homeostasis | Hormonal balance. |
hypokalemia | Low blood potassium. |
prolactin | Milk producing hormone. |
myxedema | Mucus skin accumulation. |
hyponatremia | Deficient blood sodium. |
somatotropin | Pituitary growth hormone. |
oxytocin | Rapid child birth. |
thyrotoxicosis | Abnormal condition of thyroid poisoning. |
epinephrine | Adrenal medulla hormone. |
euthyroid | Normal thyroid. |
panhypopituitarism | Deficiency of all pituitary hormones. |
ADH | Antidiuretic hormone. |
FBS | Fasting blood sugar. |
TFT | Thyroid function test. |
TSH | Thyroid-stimulating hormone. |
cachexia | General ill health. |
carcinoma in situ | Localized cancer. |
fibrosarcoma | Malignant tumor of fibers and connective tissue. |
follicular | Pertaining to glandular sacs. |
fungating tumor | Mushroom shaped tumor. |
medullary tumor | Soft tumor. |
mutagenic | Pertaining to causing genetic change. |
oncology | Study of tumors. |
papillary | Pertaining to nipple-like cell growth. |
dysplastic | Pertaining to abnormal formation. |
pleomorphic | Variety of tumor cells. |
polypoid tumor | Polyp-resembling tumor. |
scirrhous | Hard tumor. |
xerostomia | Dry mouth. |
retinoblastoma | Immature malignant retinal tumor. |
neuroblastoma | Immature malignant nerve tumor. |
angiogenesis | Vessel formation. |
neoplasm | New growth. |
anaplasia | Backward formation. |
apoptosis | Programmed cell death. |
brachytherapy | Short distance treatment. |
metastasis | 2nd stage cancer. |
BMT | Bone marrow transplantation. |
CA | Cancer. |
mets | Metastases. |
NED | No evidence of disease. |
PSA | Prostate-specific antigen. |
TNM | Tumor, nodes, metastases. |
radioisotope | Radioactive form of an element. |
radiopharmaceutical | Pertaining to radioactive drugs. |
radiography | Process of recording x-ray images. |
roentgenology | Study of x-rays. |
computed tomography | Computerized x-ray slices. |
in vitro | In test tube. |
in vivo | In body. |
hysterosalpingogram | Record of fallopian tubes and uterus. |
radiolucent | Pass through x-rays. |
radiopaque | Obscured x-rays. |
echocardiography | Process of recording heart echo. |
ultrasonography | Process of recording sound waves. |
Angio | Angiography. |
AP | Anteroposterior. |
Ba | Barium. |
MRA | Magnetic resonance angiography. |
PA | Posteroanterior. |
PET | Positron emission tomography. |
UGI | Upper gastrointestinal |
US, U/S | Ultrasound |
analgesic | Pain relieving drug. |
idiosyncrasy | Unexpected effect of a drug. |
synergism | Two drugs working together. |
anesthesia | Without nervous sensation. |
antihistamine | Histamine blocker. |
sublingual | Pertaining to under the tongue. |
narcotic | Stupor-like drug. |
pharmacology | Study of drugs. |
antipruritic | Anti-itching drug. |
antipyretic | Anti-fever drug. |
intrathecal | Pertaining to sheath of brain and spinal cord. |
toxicology | Study of poison. |
anaphylaxis | Severe allergic reaction. |
antidote | Against poison. |
contraindication | Against indication. |
gt, gtt | Drops. |
IM | Intramuscular. |
IV | Intravenous. |
NPO | Nothing by mouth. |
PCA | Patient-controlled analgesia. |
PDR | Physician's Desk Reference. |
p.o. | By mouth. |
p.r.n. | As needed. |
anxiolytic | Anti-anxiety drug. |
hallucinogen | False sensory perception. |
hypnosis | Trance-like state. |
psychiatrist | A physician who specializes in the treatment of the mind. |
schizophrenia | Split mind. |
psychosis | Abnormal condition of the mind. |
psychotherapy | Treatment of the mind. |
schizoid | Resembling schizophrenia. |
psychosomatic | Pertaining to mind and body. |
psychogenic | Pertaining to produced by the mind. |
kleptomania | Obsessed with stealing. |
pyromania | Obsessed with fire. |
agoraphobia | Fear of marketplace. |
xenophobia | Fear of strangers. |
euphoria | Feeling good. |
dysphoria | Unpleasant feeling. |
cyclothymia | Recurring depression. |
dysthymia | Depressed mood. |
apathy | Lack of empathy. |
hypochondriasis | Preoccupation with one's health. |
paranoia | Overly suspicious. |
AD | Alzheimer disease. |
ADHD | Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. |
ADL | Activities of daily living. |
DT | Delirium tremens. |
I.Q. | Intelligence quotient. |
OCD | Obsessive-compulsive disorder. |
SAD | Seasonal affective disorder. |
GTT | Glucose tolerance test. |