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AH-Lewis Ch. 5

What is one of the most challenging parts of a nurses role? pt and family teaching
What may limits the nurse's ability to provide educaiton? Constraints on time and resources
Teaching is frequently a? neglected nursing intervention
Why do nurses provide education to pt's? to maintain health and cope with acute and chronic health problems
Teaching can? help people make informed decisions about health practices and treatment choices
teaching to pt's with acute problems can prevent? complications and promote recovery
For those with chronic illnesses teaching can? promote self care and independence
What is a teaching plan? is includes assessment of the pt's ability, need, and readiness to learn and identification of problems that can be resolved with teaching
When does learning occur? when there is an internal mental change characterized by rearrangement of neural pathways
Learning can also result in? potential or capability to change behavior
What is teaching? a process of deliberately arranging external conditions to promote the internal transformation that results in a change in behavior
A teacher is one who? plans and manages the external condition to promote learning
What is the challenge for the nurse when teaching? to identify and use strategies that promote pt learning that results in behaviors that are beneficial for health
Adult education is different from? child education
Who identified the 7 principles of androgogy (adult learning) malcolm knowles
What should you know when teaching adults? they are independent learners, their readiness to learn arises from life's changes, past experience promote learning, adults learn best when the topic is of immediate value, adults approach learing as prob solving, adults are doers
Charecteristics of the adult learner? likes to have choices, adjusts less easily to distractions, suffers more from being deprived from success, has variety of learning styles, has difficulty in remembering, does best in an enviroment that feels safe, requires longer time
Motivation and readiness to learn depends on? need, attitude, beliefs, stimulation, and reinforcement
When teaching adults? it is important to identify what is valued by the person to enhance motivation
What do pt's search for? to novelty
Motivation to learn is increased when? topics are new and stimulating
What is a strong motivational factor for maintaining behavior? reinforcement
What are the six steps of change? precontemplation (is not considering), contemplation (is considering), preparation, action, maintenance, and termination
People go through the six steps of change? at their own pace
When teaching the nurse should provide? sources with additional information
It is not unusual for the pt to ask? questions that the nurse cannot answer
Medical jargon is? intimidating and frightening to most pt's and their families
Nurses should begin by? defining medical words and terms
The importance of nonverbal communication in the teaching process is? pivotal
To provide positive nonverbal message a nurse should? sit in an open, relaxed position facing the pt with their eyes level
It is important for the nurse to develop? the art of active listening
To show they are listening the nurse should? not interupt and nod in response
What is empathy? having the courage to enter into the would of another in a manner that does not judge, sympathize, or corret, but in a manner where the goal is creative understanding
Empathy means? putting yourself in the pt's shoes
Lack of time is? a major barrier
When time is limited the nurse should? tell the pt before their talk begins
Another barrier to teaching for a nurse is? the nurses insecurity about the nurse's own knowledge and competence
The nurse must understand that some pt's? will not want to talk about their health problems
What results in pt's being uneducated? short hospital stays
Hospitals are coming up with more complex treatment options that result in? pt's needing more education
Support provided by who is important? family
Family members can promote? the pt's self care and prevent complications
It is important for nurses to include who is teaching plans? family members
Pt's and families have? different educational needs
Both pt and family needs are? important
To get a good teaching plan a nurse must? view the pt's needs within the context of the family's needs
The teaching process and the nursing process both involve? development of a plan that includes assessment, diagnosis, setting pt outcomes or objectives, intervention, and evaluation
What does the nurse assess? assesses if the pt has learning needs that teaching can meet
The general nursing assessment also identifies what? variables that affect the teaching learning process
Assessment can also include family members to see if? they can take care of the pt at home
What is an important factor for a teaching plan? age
What are affected by age? the pt's experiences, rate of learning, and ability to retain information
The inexperience of younger pt's can? affect learning
Sensory impairments can? affect learning
People with CNS impairment may require? small amounts of info. and repeated frequetly
Pain, fatigue, and certain medication also influence? learning
Moderate and severe anxiety? limit learning
anxiety and depression can negativly affect? the pt's motivation and readiness to learn
People respond to illness with what defense mechanisms? denial, rationalization or even humor
A nurse must do what about humor? Determine when humor is used to not face reality
What is self efficacy? a person's belief in his or her ability to successfully cope with and manage a situation
Self efficacy increases when? a person gains new skills in managing a threatening situation, but decreases when there is repeated failure
A pt's sociocultural characteristics influence? percption of health, illness, health care, life and death
Social elements include? pt's lifestyle, status within a family, occupation, income, education housing arrangment, and living location
What are cultural elements? dietary, sleep patterns, exercise, sex, langualge, values, and beliefs
Why is knowing about occupation and income important? To know what they can afford and how they understand things
What is literacy? the ability to use printed and written info to function in society
What is the average reading level? 8 or 9
Why is assessment of literacy hard to discover? many people will not say they have difficulty reading
What is health literacy? the degree to which individuals have the papacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions
pt education materials should be written at? fifth and sixth grade reading level
The pt should be asked what about living conditions? their living arrangments
To avoid stereotyping according to cultural groups a nurse should? simply ask if there is a cultural group or practice with which the pt identifies
The nurse must assess the pt's use of? cultural remedies and folk healers
What are the charecteristics that are directly related to the teaching plan? the pt's learning needs, readiness to learn and learning style
What are learning needs? new knowledge and skills that an individual must have to be able to meet and objective or goal
The pt's with long list of health prob. have different learning needs than? those pt's who are newly diagnosed
Sometimes you have to let the pt's pick? their own priority learning needs
Before implementation the nurse should? indicate what level the pt is on the stage of change process
What are the three learning styles? visual, auditory, and physical
Writing clear, specific, attainable, and measurable learning objectives is? important
learning objective are parralel to? pt outcomes in the nursing care plan
What are learning objectives? (planning) written statements that define exactly how pt's domonstrate their mastery of the content
Once objectives are written who should choose the stratagies that are most appropriate? nurse, pt, pt family
What are the 3 facts that a strategy is determined by? 1. pt characteristics, 2. subject matter, 3. avaliable resources
Sometimes teaching stratagies are? used together
What is lecture used? when time is limited
How long is a lecture? 10-20 min
Adult learners can learn how many points at a time? 5-7
What is lecture discussion? The nurse lectures and then the pt and pt's family has chances to ask questions
What is discussion? To exchange points or arrive at a decision or conclusion
What does discussion allow? pt's to actively participate and apply their own experiences and obsevations
How many forms of group teaching are there? 2
What is a facilitator? helper, for group sharing about a common problem
As a facilitator the nurse participates? by keeping info moving amoung all group members
What is peer teaching? support group
What is a support group? self help organization that can provide continuing info, shared experiences, acceptance, understanding, and useful suggestions
What is role play used for? to realize the view of others
Roles playing requires? maturity, confidence, and flexibility
Wat are examples of audiovisual materials? tapes, slides, posters, charts
Printed materials are often used in? combination
To reduce reading level a nurse should? give key info in bold, use short common workds, define medical words, keep sentences under 10 words, use pictures, use an active voice
All written materials should be? reviewed by the nurse
using the info from computers is like? a double edged sword, bacause the computer is incomplete, misleading, or inaccurate
During the implementation stage the nurse must? use the planned stratagies to present information and demonstrations
Reinforment and reward are? important
If goals are not met they must? reassess and alter teaching plans
Evaluation techniques may be? short term or long term
Short term are used for? to quickly evaluate the pt's mastery of a concept, skill, or behavior change
How can short term goals be accomplished? observe the pt directly, Observe verbal and non verbal cues, ask direct questions, use a written measurement tool, talk with a member of the pt's family, seek the pt's self evaluation of progress
Long term evaluation requires what from a nurse? evaluation
What is an essential component of the entire teaching learning transaction? Documentation
Standardized teaching plans are avaliable, but? nurses must always individualize these plans to meet pt's needs
Created by: alicia.rennaker
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