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infections control

infection control for fundamentals

basic principles of surgical asepsis -only sterile touches sterile or sterile field. -if sterile field or supply is out of site it is contaminated. -anything below the waist is contaminated. -one inch edge of sterile field is contaminated.
sterile techniques used in this type of asepsis surgical asepsis
when should hand washing be done? -after skin contact -after body fluid contact -before invasive procedure -after removing gloves
clean technique procedures used to reduce amount of bio organisms medical asepsis
isolation guidelines state a patients room will stay in isolation for how long after patient is no longer in the room 1 hour of room isolation
isolation guidelines: contact precautions -standard precautions -face mask -gown
isolation guidelines: droplet precautions -standard precautions -face mask
isolation guidelines: airborne precautions -standard precautions -fitted face mask
isolation guidelines: standard precautions -wash hands when entering room -use gloves
when are standard precautions used? every patient is handled with this precaution
isolation equipment -gloves -mask -gown -face shield / eyewear
are isolation guidlines -equipment -standard precautions -airborne precautions -droplet precautions -contact precautions
risk factors for nosocomial infection -number of care givers -length of stay -type/number of invasive procedures
nosocomial infections hospital aquired infection
signs and symptoms of infection -local: pain, swelling, redness, heat at sight. -systemic: fever,malaise, leukocytosis,anorexia, n/v and lymph node enlargement.
edema swelling
systemic in blood
malaise general feeling of fatigue and bodily unease
general risk factors of infection -degree of resisrtance -age -multiple medical procedures -stress -disease -medications
host defense support -adequate nutrition -good hygiene -rest and exercise -reduction of stress -immunization
types of body defenses -sneezing -coughing -diarherra
inflammation body's response to injury or infection.
normal flora natural/regular flora/bio organisms inside and outside of the body
modes of transmission -indirect contact -direct contact -air (small particles) -droplet (larger particles)
portals of exit/entry -skin and mucosa -respiratory tract -g.i. tract -urinary tract -reproductive tract -blood
chain of infection: reservoir of growth -o2:aerobic v. anaerobic -water: moist -temp.: warm -pH: alkaline -light: dark
chain of infection: infectious agent infectious agent must: -have sufficiant number of organisms -virulence -must enter and survive in the host -host must be vulnerable to agent
communicable contagious
infection invasion of a host by an infectious agent that replicates and survives in the tissue of the host
virulence ability to produce disease
PPE personal protection equipment
amount of organisms in the gi tract 750 trillion organisms residing
akronym for white blood cells wbc
local infection an infection involving bacteria that invade the body at a specific point and remain there, multiplying, until eliminated.
Created by: partrician
Popular Medical sets




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