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med terms list 17
Question | Answer |
lact(o) | milk |
lapar(o) | abdomen, abdominal wall |
laryng(o) | larynx (voicebox) |
latero | side |
lepsy | seizure, convulsion |
leuco, leuko | white |
lingu(a,o) | tongue |
lip(o) | fat, lipids |
lith(o) | stone, calculus |
logy | study of, science of |
lymph(o) | lymph tissue |
lys (is,o) | destruction, dissolving of |
macro | large |
mal | bad, abnormal, disordered, poor |
malac (ia) | softening of a tissue |
mamm(o) | breast, mammary glands |
mania | insanity, mental disorder |
mast(o) | breast |
med(i) | middle, midline |
magaly, mega | large, enlarged |
melan(o) | black |
mening(o) | membranes covering the brain and spinal cord |
meno | monthly,menstruation |
mes(o) | middle, midline |
meter | measuring instrument, measure |
metry | measurement |
micro | small |
mono | one, single |
mortem | death |
muc(o,us) | mucus, secretion of the mucous membrane |
multi | many, much, a large amount |
my(o) | muscle |
myc(o) | fungus |
myel(o) | bone marrow, spinal cord |
myring(o) | eardrum, tympanic membrane |