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med terms 19
Question | Answer |
ped | child |
penia | lack of, abnormal reduction in number, deficiency |
pent | five |
pepsia, pepsis | digestion |
per | through, by, excessive |
peri | around |
pexy | fixation |
phag | eat, ingest |
pharyng | pharynx, throat |
phas, phasia | speech |
philia, philic | affinity for, attracted to |
phleb | vein |
phobia | fear |
phon | sound, voice |
phylaxis | protection, prevention |
plasty | surgical correction or repair |
plegia | paralysis |
pleuro | side, rib |
pnea | breathing |
pneum | lung, pertaining to the lungs, air |
pod | foot |
poly | many, much |
post | after, behind |
pre | before, in front of |
pro | in front of, forward |
proct | rectum, rectal, anus |
psora | itch |
pseudo | false |
psych | pertaining to the mind |
ptosis | drooping down, sagging, downward displacement |
pulmon | lung |
py | pus |
pyel | renal pelvis of kidney |
pyr | heat, fever |
uad | four |
radi | X-rays, radiation |
re | back, again |
rect | rectum |
ren | kidney |
retro | backward, in back, behind |