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Nursing Acronyms
Abbreviations & Acroynyms For RN Program
Abbreviation | Definition | c |
aa | Repetition of same quanity for each item | |
AAA | abdominal aortic aneurysm | |
AAD | acute aortic dissection | |
AAO | awake, alert, & oriented | |
AB | abortion | |
ABC | apples, bananas, cereal | |
Abd | abdominal | |
ABD | abduction | |
ABG | arterial blood gas | |
ac | before meals | |
AC | acromioclavicular | |
ACBE | air control barium enema | |
Acc | accompanied, or accomodation | |
Acet | acetone, or acetaminophen | |
ACI | aftercare instructions | |
ACLS | advance cardiac life support | |
Accom | accommodation | |
Acid phos | acid phosphate | |
ACTH | adrenocorticotrophic hormone | |
ADA | american diabetic association | |
Add | adduction | |
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder | |
adenoCA | adenocarcinoma | |
ADHC | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | |
ad lib | as desired | |
ADL | activities of daily living | |
Adm | admission | |
A/E | above elbow | |
AFB | acid fast bacilli | |
AFE | aminiotic fluid embolus | |
AFP | alpha feto protein | |
a. fib | atrial fibrillation | |
a. flutter | atrial flutter | |
AGA | average gestational age | |
AgNo3 | silver nitrate | |
A/G ration | albumin/globulin ratio | |
AH | abdominal hysterectomy | |
AHA | american hospital association | |
AHD | acute hemodialysis | |
AI/A. insuf. | aortic insufficiency | |
AIDS | acquired immune deficiency syndrome | |
aka | also known as | |
AKA | above knee amputation | |
Alb | albumin | |
Alk | alkaline | |
Alk. Phos/alk.p'tase | alkaline phosphate | |
ALL | acute lymphoblastic leukemia | |
ALOC | altered level of consciousness | |
ALS | advance life support | |
A.L.S. | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | |
Am | before noon | |
A.M.A | american medical association | |
AMA | against medical advice | |
Amb | ambulation/ambulatory | |
AMI | acute myocardial infarction | |
AML | acute myelocytic leukemia | |
amt | amount | |
Amp | amputation | |
ANA | antinuclear antibody | |
Anes | anesthesia | |
Ant | anterior | |
AR/aort. Regurge | aortic regurgitation | |
AS/aort. Sten | aortic stenosis | |
AODM | adult onset diabetes mellitus | |
A&P | ausculation and percussion | |
appy | appendectomy | |
AP, A/P | anterior and posterior | |
APAP | acetaminophen | |
AP&lat | anterior, posterior, & lateral | |
Approx | approximately | |
APS | Adult Protective Services | |
Aq | water | |
ARDS | adult respiratory distress syndrome | |
ARM/AROM | active range of motion Artificial rupture of membranes | |
ASA/asa | acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) | |
ASAP | as soon as possible | |
ASCVD | arteriosclerotic cerebrovascular disease | |
ASVD | arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease | |
ASHD | arteriosclerotic heart disease | |
asp | aspirate | |
ASPUD | arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular disease | |
assist. | assistance | |
as tol | as rolerated | |
At.wt | atomic weight | |
AV/AF | anteverted/anteflexed | |
AW | anterior wall | |
AV or A/V | artrial/ventricular or arterial/venous | |
Avg. | average | |
Ax | axillary axis | |
AxR or XR ABD | abdominal x-ray | |
A&W | alive and well | |
AZT | zidovudine (retrovir) | |
b | beta | |
B, bil, bilat | bilateral | |
Ba | barium | |
BA | blood alcohol | |
BACOP | Bleomycin, adriomycin, cytoxan, Oncovin, and prednisone | |
Bands | banded neutrophils | |
BB | backward bend | |
BBB | bundle branch block | |
BBS | bilateral breath sounds | |
b.c. | bone conduction | |
BCP | benu, cytoxan, prednisone | |
BE | barium enema | |
B/E | below elbow | |
BF | breast feeding | |
BGDR | background diabetic retinopathy | |
b.i.d. | twice a day | |
bili | bilirubin | |
BIPAP | biphasic positve airway pressure | |
BJME | bones, joints, muscle, extremities | |
BKA | below knee amputation | |
BLS | basic life support | |
BM | bowel movement | |
BMO | bilateral mandibular osteotomy | |
BMR | basal metabolic rate | |
BOA | born out of asepsis | |
BOM | bilateral otitis media | |
BOW | bags of water | |
BP or B/P | blood pressure | |
BPH | benign prostatic hypertrophy | |
BPD | bronchopulmonary displasia or Boderline Personality Disorder | |
BR | bedrest | |
Brady | brady cardia | |
BRBPR | bright red blood per rectum | |
Bronch. | bronchoscopy | |
BRP | bathroom privileges | |
BS | blood sugar or breath sounds | |
BSC | bedside commode | |
BSO | bilateral salpingo oophorectomy | |
BTB | back to bed | |
BTL | bilateral tubal litigation | |
BUN | blood, urea, and nitrogen | |
BVM | bag valve mask | |
Bx | biopsy | |
C | centigrade | |
C1-C7 | cervical vertebrae 1-7 | |
CA | carcinoma/ cancer | |
Ca | calcium | |
Cal. Ca | calculated calcium | |
CAD | coronary artery disease | |
Cal | calorie | |
CAPD | continuous ambulatory perotoneal dialysis | |
CAP | cytoxan, adriamycin, cis-platinum | |
Cap | capsule, capillary | |
Cap. Gas | capillary blood gas | |
CAT | computerized axial tomography | |
Cath | catheter or catheterize | |
CAV | cytoxan, adriamycin, vencristine | |
CBC | complete blood count | |
CBS | chronic brain syndrome | |
CCS | California Children's Services | |
CCU | Cardiac Care Unit | |
CDF | California Department of Forestry | |
CEA | carino embroyonic antigen | |
cgm | centigram | |
CHD | congestive heart disease | |
CHF | congestive heart failure | |
chloe | Cholesysectomy | |
Chr | chronic | |
Cl | chlorine, clear | |
cm | centimeters | |
CMF | cytoxan, methotrexate, 5-fluoracil | |
CML | chronic myelocytic leukemia | |
CMV | cytomegalo virus | |
CNS | central nervous system | |
c/o | complaint of | |
CO2 | carbon dioxide | |
Comp | compound or coplete or compensation | |
Cont | continuous or continued | |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | |
CP | cerebral palsy | |
CPAP | continous positive pressure ventilation | |
CPD | caphalopelvic disproportion | |
CPK | creatinine phosphokinase | |
CPM | continuous passive range of motion | |
CPR | cardio pulmonary resuscitation | |
CPS | Child Protective services | |
Creat | creatinine | |
Crit | critical | |
CRP | C-reactive protein | |
Cs | cesium | |
C/S | culture and sensitivity | |
C/sec or C/S | Cesarean Section | |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid | |
CSM | circulation, sensation, movement | |
C-spine | cervical spine | |
CRS | cardiorespiratory system | |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid | |
CT | computerized tomography | |
CTA | catamenial (menses) | |
CTAP | clear to auscilation and percussion | |
CTR | cardiothoracic ratio | |
CTX | contractions | |
CV | cardiovascular | |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident | |
cva | costovertebral angle | |
CVP | cental venous pressure | |
CWS | Child Welfare Services | |
CX | culture or cross | |
CXP | chest pain | |
CXR | chest x-ray | |
D1-D12 | dorsal vertebrae 1-12 | |
D.A.A.T. | developmental age assessment tool | |
Db | decibels | |
d. bili | direct bilirubin | |
DBP | diastolic bloopdpressure | |
D&C | dilitation and curettage | |
Disch | discharge | |
DD | developmentally disabled | |
DDS | doctor of dental surgery | |
Derm | dermatology | |
dk | dark | |
Diag/dx | diagnosis | |
DIE | died in emergency room | |
DIT | died in transit (ambulance) | |
Diff | differential blood count | |
Dil | dilute | |
DIP | distal interphalangeal joint | |
DI | deciliter | |
DM | diabetes mellitus | |
DME | durable medical equipment | |
DNR | do not resuscitate | |
DNS | deviated nasal septum | |
D.O. | Doctor of Osteopathy | |
DOA | dead on arrival | |
DOB | date of birth | |
DOC, DOOC | diabetes out of control | |
DPT | diptheria, pertussis, tetanus | |
Dr. | doctor | |
dr | dram | |
DRMC | Dealano Regional Medical Center | |
Dsg | dressing | |
DT's | delirium tremens | |
DTR | deep tendon reflexes | |
DU | duodenal ulcer | |
DUB | dysfunctional uterine bleeding | |
D5W | 5% dextrose in water | |
E | enema | |
Ea, ea. | each | |
EBL | estimated blood loss | |
ECF | extended care faciltiy | |
E. coli | escherichia coli | |
Echo virus | enterocryptopathogenic human orphan virus | |
Echo | echocardiogram | |
EDC | estimated date of confinment | |
EFOB | elevate foot of bed | |
EEG | electroencephalogram | |
EFM | Electronic Fetal Monitor | |
e.g. | for example | |
EGD | Esophagogastroduodenoscopy | |
EKG/ECG | electrocardiogram | |
Elix | elixer | |
EMG | electromyelogram | |
EMT (I or II) | emergency medical technician | |
EMTALA | Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act | |
ENT | ear, nose and throat | |
EOA | esophageal oral airway | |
EOM | extraocular movements | |
Eos | eosinophils | |
Epi | epinephrine | |
Epith | epithelium or epithelial | |
ER | external rotation | |
ER/ED | emergency room/ department | |
ESRD | end stage renal disease | |
ESP | extrasensory perception | |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate | |
EST | electroshock therapy | |
est. | estimated | |
ESWL | extracorporeal shockwave lithrotripsy | |
ET | endotracheal tube | |
ETA | estimated time of arrival | |
ETOH | alcohol | |
Et al | and others | |
Etiol | etiology | |
etiol. unk. | Etiology unknown | |
EUA | examination under anesthesia | |
EV | eversion | |
Ex | exercise | |
Exc | excsion | |
Exp | expiration | |
Exp. Lap | exploratory laparotomy | |
Ext | extension or extremity | |
Extr | extract | |
c | with | (blank) |
CVC | central venous catheter | (blank) |
DAT | diet as tolerated | (blank) |
DOE | dyspnea on exertion | (blank) |
Dx | Diagnosis | (blank) |
F | Fahrenheit | |
FA | Forearm | |
F/A | Fluorescein Angiography | |
FA | Fetus Active | |
FACP | Fellow of the American College of Physicians | |
FACS | Fellow of the American College of Surgeons | |
FBS | Fasting Blood Sugar | |
FBP | Fetal Biophysical Profile | |
Fe | Iron | |
FESO4 | ferrous Sulfate | |
FF | force fluids | |
FFD | Focal film distance | |
FH | Family History | |
FHR | fetal heart rate | |
Fl | Fluid | |
Fl dm | fluid dram | |
Flex | Flexion | |
Fluoro | Fluoroscopy | |
Fl oz | Fluid Ounce | |
FLK | Funny looking kid | |
FNP | Family Nurse Practitioner | |
FOB | father of baby |