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Peds Exam 3

What is head lag? head falls back when lifted
What is also known as the startle reflex? Moro reflex
What is rooting? Touch cheek, turns head, in anticipation of feeding
What is the tonic neck reflex? fencing position, head to one side, arm and leg extended on same side, opposite side flexed
When does the tonic neck reflex disappear? 7 months
What is molding? Head is out of shape after delivery due to bones not ossified
How much weight does a baby lose in the first 3-4 days after birth? 5-10%
How many wet diapers should a newborn have a day? 6
What is turgor? Tenting, should return in less than 3 seconds, if not newborn is dehydrated
What is lanugo? fine hair that covers newborns body
What is vernix caseosa? cheese-like substance that covers babys skin to protect baby in utero
What is milia? white pin-point pimples caused by obstructed subaceous glands
What are stork bites? Birthmarks caused by broken blood vessels
What are mongolian spots? bluish discoloration of skin, most common in african americans/native americans/mediterranean and usually appear on back/buttocks
What is desquamation? peeling of skin in first week of life
What is ieterus neonatorum? Yellow skin due to rapid destruction of RBC's not needed extrauterine
What is meconium? black tarry stools which are a mixture of amniotic fluid and secretions
What color is breast fed baby's stool? bright yellow, soft, pasty
What color is bottle fed baby's stool? more solid yellow, brown
When after birth should a baby be breastfed? one hour
How soon after birth should a baby be bottle fed? 4-5 hours
How much can a newborn's stomach hold? 90cc's
How often does a newborn's stomach empty? 2-3 hours
How long should you count for an apical pulse on a newborn? one full minute
What is the target for newborn's respirations? 40
When does an infant hold their chin up? one month
When does an infant hold their chest up? two months
When does an infant roll over? 4 months
When does an infant sit up? 5-6 months
When does an infant pull themselves up to a standing position? 8 months
When does an infant creep? 9 months
When does an infant walk with help? 10 months
When does an infant stand alone? 11 months
When does an infant walk independently? 12 months
What is the grasp reflex? when you touch palm of hand flexion occurs
When does the grasp reflex disappear? 3 months
What is prehension? the ability to grasp objects between fingers and thumb
When does a child start prehension? 5-6 months
What is the parachute reflex? When child is thrown up in air in prone position arms fly out to sides
What is pincer? grasp, coordination of index finger and thumb
When does a child start pincer? 1 year
What is the definition of colic? paroxysmal abdominal pain
What is the colic hold? infant face down in palm of hand with body laid across forearm
What is a normal newborn's sleep pattern? 4 hour intervals with up to 8 hour intervals by age 6 months
How should an infant be placed to sleep? on their back
What is the family bed? Baby sleeps in bed with parents
How many physical exams does an infant have in their first year of life and what are they called? 5 and called well baby visits
How much formula should an infant have each feeding? 4-7oz
How do you determine if an infants diet is adequate? are they gaining weight? failure to thrive?
How long is an infants digestive system immature? until 6 months old
What is the stomach capacity of an infant at 12 months? 200mL
How often should an infant be breastfed? every 2-3 hours
How often should an infant be bottle fed? every 3-4 hours
Can you put rice cereal in an infants bottle? NO
What position should you feed an infant in? semi upright in a cradle hold
How often should you burp an infant while feeding? every 1/2 to 1 oz
What is the first food that should be introduced? rice cereal
How many new foods should you introduce at a time? one
How many days should you wait until you introduce a new food? 4 days
How much of a new food should be given at a time? 1 teaspoon
When does amaylase and lipase mature in the digestive tract to digest fats? 6 months
When should you begin to wean an infant off the bottle? 5-6 months and usually complete by age 2
What is CHI? closed head injury
What can an enlarged hypothalmus blocking the airway cause? SIDS
What is the leading cause of death in babies after one month of age? SIDS
When do most SIDS deaths occur? 2-4 months
What is the Erikson stage of infants 1-12 months old? trust/mistrust
What is the Erikson stage of toddlers 1-3 years? autonomy vs shame and doubt
When is the mylination of the spinal cord nearly complete? 2 years
When should a child be potty trained? 2 1/2 to 3 years
What happens to a toddlers respirations? shift from abdominal to chest
When are the deciduous teeth complete? 2 1/2 years
How many words should a child be able to speak by age 3? 90
How much food should a toddler be fed at each meal? 1 tablespoon per year of solid food
What are some examples of nutritious snack food? cheese, crackers, fruit
What is the leading cause of disability and death in children? accidents
What kind of play do toddlers exhibit? parallel play
Created by: Melissa823
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